Chapter 22


Selene spent most of the second day tossing and turning in the hotel bed while Sherman slept in the other room. The blackout curtains and roll-down steel window covers were enough that not a peep of light shown through. Even so, her dream had left her shaken.

The feelings she’d been fighting before were now something she could no longer deny. The dream had proven it. She cared about Neeman. A lot. More than she should. More than she had for another man in her long life. Keeping him safe from Lorcan was no longer something she could be wishy-washy about. It was what she would do, no matter the cost. After all, wasn’t that what Mason had told her he’d do for Danika?

She ran her fingers over her collarbone where the runes sat silently awaiting the opportunity to awaken.

“He loves us. Loves us both.”

He’d proven he wanted to be with her. No matter what. He knew what she was and who she was and he hadn’t run. He’d tried to bring her closer, to let her in, to care for her. Maybe when it was all over they could be together. When she’d done what Lorcan wanted her to… Probably not. Neeman was loyal and, more likely than not, when he realized what she was doing, he’d want nothing to do with her. The thought made nausea grip her and she rolled over in bed. She’d just have to cross that bridge when she got to it.

* * * *

Around two in the afternoon, she took her phone from her purse. The battery was low so she plugged it in like Neeman had told her to. She moved from screen to screen and landed on his phone number.

Her finger hovered over the call button and minutes ticked by as she contemplated whether or not she should phone him. The desire to hear his voice and know he was safe from Lorcan threatened to overwhelm her. Finally as her phone dimmed she pushed the button, bringing it back to life.

The phone rang and her heart galloped.

“Don’t be stupid.”

After the third ring, she hung up. What had she been planning to say?

Her phone buzzed, making her jump. She looked down to see Neeman’s name spread across the screen of her phone. Dang.

She pushed the on button. “Hello?”

“You called?”

Just the sound of his voice was like a cool wave of water over her fevered mind.

“How did you know?”

“Your name popped up on my phone when it rang.”

“I didn’t know phones could do that.”

“So, did you need something?”

He didn’t sound mad, but his tone wasn’t inviting either. She swallowed, wanting to tell him she missed him. To tell him she was sorry and she wished she hadn’t told him she didn’t care.

“Don’t go soft now.”

She squeezed her eyes shut, searching for something to say.


“Yeah, I’m here. I just wanted to check to make sure the phone still worked. You know, in case I have a problem. I didn’t think you’d be awake. Did I wake you?”

“I’m usually not awake, but I’m preparing for a memorial service for my fallen trackers from the attack.”

“Oh. I’m sorry about that.”

“Sorry about the attack?”

“Well, yes. And I’m sorry for your fallen comrades.” She wanted to keep him on the phone. It was selfish to take him away from what he needed to be doing, but she’d been cooped up in the room for so long… “Were you able to retrieve all of the bodies?”

“There are still a couple unaccounted for.”

“Well, I know one is in the hallway by the elevator on the floor I stayed on. He died before I could help.”

He was silent for a moment. “Thank you. When we’re able to get down there and start digging things out, we’ll take a look.”

Why was this hard?

“Are you going to rebuild?”

“Probably not there. I went by and it’s pretty much demolished,” he said.

“I’m sorry.”

He snapped his gum. “You keep saying that.”

“Well, I feel bad. The demons were there because of me and Mason.”

“When are you coming back?”

His question caught her off guard. She opened her mouth to speak but couldn’t think of anything to say.

“Selene, I know you’re trying to push me away but you need help. What happens if your other self gets out of control? Who are you going to get chi from, Sherman?”

“Is that what you’re afraid of? That I’m going to sleep with someone else?”

He sighed and his voice somber. “No. I’m afraid for you. When they find out what you are—”

“I lived in this world for a very, very long time before Vampires came out of the closet and started ruling things. I’ve had interactions with your kind before. I think I can handle myself.”

“You’re right. You have my number if you need anything.”

Her heart sank. This wasn’t how she wanted it. She didn’t want to leave it like this with him.

“Why did you let me leave?” she blurted.

“Excuse me?”

“You let me go. You didn’t say anything to Sherman about marking me. He said it’s significant. Yet, you didn’t try to stop me.”

“I did try. Look, Selene, I’m not sure what you want from me. You made it clear you had no feelings for me. I’m not the kind of guy who goes chasing after a woman who doesn’t want him. If you wanted to stay, I assumed you’d stay.”

She swallowed. “You’re right. I’ll let you go so you can get back to your planning.”


“I don’t want to wake Sherman.”


“I’ll see you, Neeman.” She hung up fast enough that she didn’t have to hear him backpedal. He was right of course. It had been her choice to leave. She dropped the phone and threw her hands over her face. She had to keep it together.

“And you need to remember why we left,” her inner demon said.

It was strange to hear her demon refer to them as “we”. They’d never been “we” before, but everything had changed, and not just between the two of them. She’d changed.

Neeman had opened her up and now she couldn’t figure out how to stuff all her feelings and emotions back behind the walls she’d built around herself for years. She needed to keep it together. At least until her mission was finished. Then she could deal with everything else.

* * * *

Selene drifted in and out of sleep for most of the remaining afternoon. By seven, Sherman arose and took a shower. She sat in the bed, unsure of what she was supposed to do and still weighted down by her conversation with Neeman. Sherman had guessed she wasn’t human, but he’d called her an angel. That was something she wasn’t even close to being, but she let him believe it nonetheless.

“I need to get my messages and make a few calls and then I’ll need to meet with the other kings again and see if the High Council has arrived. Why don’t you shower and I’ll have some clothes brought up for you to choose from?”

She’d obtained more clothing since she’d been back than even she’d thought possible. Sad thing was, she kept losing it all.

“I can do that.”

“Wonderful.” He smiled and closed the double doors, leaving her to herself.

The shutters opened for the evening and she got out of bed and opened the blackout curtains revealing the city. It was a cornucopia of life. There were several tall buildings standing black and vacant against the skyline, but many other smaller buildings were lit up and bustling with vamps working. She looked north and wondered where Neeman was and what he was doing at that moment. Was he thinking about her?

“Stop being stupid. You made a choice. Now suck it up, princess.”

“Shut up,” she whispered. Turning from the window, she walked to the bathroom. Her gut told her it wouldn’t be long now. Whatever Lorcan had planned, it would happen soon. If only she could find a way out of the mission.

* * * *

Neeman worked on his remarks for the funerals, but couldn’t concentrate. All night he’d hoped she’d call and now that she had, he wished she hadn’t. She was so exasperating he couldn’t think of anything else but her. She’d pushed him away and what? Expected him to chase her? How messed up was that?

Truth be told, he wished he had stood up to Sherman. Told him she was his and he wasn’t letting her go. But he’d been a coward, afraid of his own feelings. And now it was too late.

There was a knock on his door. He set down the pad of paper he’d been writing on and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Come in.”

Mason opened the door and crossed, sitting in a large arm chair. “Sherman called. The High Council has arrived. Danika told him about the ceremony tonight for the fallen trackers.”

Neeman nodded.

“The bodies have been prepared and are ready to be laid to rest. The families of the four trackers have arrived. Danika would like to start about ten.”

“I’ll go tell the rest of my men and get everyone prepared.”

Mason waited and stared at the table where Neeman’s wooden box sat.

“Have you heard from her?” he asked.

Neeman licked his lips. “She called a couple of hours ago.”

Mason met his eye. “Is she okay?”

“She seems fine.”

Mason cracked his knuckles.

“Selene knows how to take care of herself,” said Neeman.

Mason snorted. “That’s what I’m afraid of. She always thinks she can handle herself and she doesn’t need anyone’s help.”

“Do you know why she’s here?”

Mason stared at him for a moment. “I know she isn’t telling me why she’s here.”

“So you don’t believe they just let her go?”

“I’ve dealt with the fae in the past. They are meticulous if anything. They never would’ve left her a way to get out without their knowing. Frankly, they shut up all the entrances to the fae plane when they left and so I’m not entirely sure how they opened a portal up to begin with. Probably had to do with me though, I’m sure.”

“Do you think you’re the reason she’s back?”

Mason nodded. “It’s very well possible, which is why I’ve kept my distance.”

“They tortured her. She hides the scars with magick, but I saw them.”

Mason’s expression sagged and a rumble escaped his chest. “The fae aren’t too different from the demons in that regard. They’ll do anything to protect their way of life. I’ve thought about it a lot since she’s been back and I’m surprised her mother took her there. Fae prize purity of their race above all else. Her mother had to have known what would happen to Selene if she took her there.”

“What kind of mother would take her daughter to a place where they wouldn’t accept her but actually want to hurt her?”

“My Aunt Yelena was never one to think much of Selene. She always put herself first.”

Neeman shook his head. That explained a lot. When you grew up with a selfish mother, it stood to reason you’d turn out the same. But Selene wasn’t the same. He’d seen her kindness. She’d let him in and he’d seen behind her superficial wall and she was a passionate woman, strong and utterly amazing,

“So we agree there’s something she’s hiding. The real question is, what are they holding over her? What do they have that’s forcing her to do their bidding?” said Mason.

“Her mother?”

“That’s possible. For as selfish as Yelena was, Selene always relied on her mother for everything.”

“If only she’d tell us, we could protect her.”

“Possibly not,” said Mason. “Fae have powers beyond the security measures that even we have in place.”

“Like what?”

Mason shrugged. “Opening locks. Spells that can be cast on people without even touching them. Influencing people. The elders can even cloak themselves.”


“Diminish their appearances to the point they seem to disappear, which is what I supposed Selene did so she could sneak onto Coven House grounds the night the Russians were here. I didn’t mention it before because I didn’t want to freak anyone out,” said Mason.

Neeman’s stomach soured and his brain worked overtime.


“The movie theater,” said Neeman. “I left for a few minutes and when I got back Selene was white as milk and her whole demeanor had changed. As if someone had gotten to her. She’s been pushing me away since then.”

Mason steepled his fingers and sat back in his chair. “If she was sent here for a reason it makes sense she wouldn’t have come alone. They would have someone to make sure she fulfilled her duty.”

“Another fae?”

“Undoubtedly. And not just anyone. Someone who could handle her. Someone she’d be afraid of. She’s strong.”

“As strong as you?”

“Not quite. She’s only half demon and half fae. But we do share the same father. I haven’t seen her, Seraphine, in ages. But Seraphine was no kitten when we lived in the demon realm.”

Neeman stared at the table in silence. More than ever, he was worried about Selene being out there with Sherman. Hell, with anyone but him. Not that anything qualified him to take care of her, but for some reason knowing she was out there and possibly a fae was after her…

“You care for her,” said Mason.

Neeman looked up. He couldn’t deny it. His feelings for her were a surprise to even himself.

“I don’t like her being out there with Sherman.”

“Me neither,” said Mason. “But there was no way to say no without him thinking something was up.”

“How do we get her back?”

“I assume she will come home when Sherman leaves.”

Neeman’s heart squeezed. “And if she doesn’t?”

Mason’s brows furrowed. “Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.”

Neeman nodded.

“You’d be good for her,” said Mason. “She needs a strong hand. Someone who can keep her focused.”

It was weird talking to Mason like this. He and Mason had barely said anything to each other since Mason had mated Danika. Not that they’d been bros before, but they’d at least had a mutual respect.

“I’ve never apologized for what happened with Danika,” Mason continued.

“There’s no need. She’s a big girl. She made her choice.”

“Still. I knew you had feelings for her and I didn’t respect that.”

“Things turned out the way fate designed. I see now that Danika and I were never right for each other. I never gave her what you do.”

“Maybe you could be what Selene needs,” said Mason. “Heaven knows you could give Seraphine a workout if the two of you ever sparred.”


Mason chuckled. “Well, I think we’ve done enough touchy-feely stuff for one year.”

“Absolutely.” Neeman stood. Mason followed suit.

“I’ll let you get ready for the ceremony.” Mason headed for the door and stopped. He turned and met Neeman’s gaze. “You haven’t known Selene long, but you should know that I’d be proud to call you brother.”

Neeman’s chest tightened. “You, too.”

Mason left without another word.

Neeman stared at the door for a long time. He needed to get Selene back. Not just for her safety but for his sanity as well.

* * * *

Selene decided to not go overboard this time. She picked out a black dress, a nice pair of slacks and blouse, a pair of jeans and a couple t-shirts, half a dozen pairs of underwear, a pair of pajamas, some sensible pumps and a pair of pantyhose. She then asked for a small suitcase. She was sick of having to leave everything behind because she didn’t have something to keep them in.

She slipped into the black crepe dress, which hugged her curves and ended conservatively below her knee. She wanted to throw on her jeans and t-shirt but she and Sherman were going somewhere important.

Sherman had been nothing but a gentleman to her since she’d arrived. His cultured air and extensive knowledge of art and history made him easy to be with. He was the kind of man her mother would’ve thrown her at and insisted she pursue him for his security. But for all the niceties that Sherman possessed, her heart ached for Neeman.

Even her inner demon missed Neeman’s hard body and icy stare.

“Are you about ready?” Sherman entered the room.

“I think so.”

“Here.” He handed over a red velvet box.

She opened the lid with a crack. Inside lay a beautiful emerald necklace and matching earrings.

“I…I can’t accept these.” She snapped the lid shut and held it out to him.

“No. I insist. You’re helping me out of a tight spot and you deserve to have something for it.”

“You’ve already given me clothes, food, an amazing hotel room.”

“And now these. Take them, really. They match your eyes so nicely. Besides, I have one more favor to ask of you.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m having a meeting later tonight and I need you to stay here while I attend.”

“The meeting with Lord Danika?”

He paused. “It is, and you going would be more than a bad idea. The High Council members are even older than I am. They’d figure out what you are in a heartbeat and there is nothing anyone could do to protect you from them.”

A shiver of dread raced like icicles through her veins. The High Council was legendary. In all of her time on the Earth, she’d never seen one, nor did she know anyone who had.

“Why don’t I help you put on your necklace and then we can go.”

“Sure.” Selene turned and lifted her hair. Sherman removed the necklace and placed it around her throat.

His cool fingers lingered on the side of her neck, making her swallow.

“Let me just get these earrings on.” She slipped from his grasp and walked into the bathroom.

* * * *

Selene sat next to Sherman in his executive sedan, her hands clutched in her lap. They pulled behind the long line of limousines, executive cars, and SUV’s.

Sherman’s driver opened the door and helped Selene out. She waited for Sherman, her eyes on the large crowd that had gathered at the gravesite north of the demolished tracker compound.

“Wow,” said Sherman. “It really is destroyed. Such a waste.”

“Be glad you weren’t in there when it started coming down.”

He looked at her. “You were?”

“Caught under a piece of the ceiling in the arena, to be exact.”

His brows furrowed. “How did you get out?”


Sherman smirked and nodded.

They walked toward the ceremony, and she hung a step behind to keep up the appearance of being his slave. All eyes were on her and Sherman. For the first time, she didn’t like being the object of people’s attention.

Sherman moved to the front of the crowd and Selene waited in the rear. These weren’t her people.

Danika stood before the gathered crowd, speaking of the bravery of the Tracking Squad. After several minutes, she turned the lectern over to Neeman.

Selene sucked in a breath at the sight of him. She’d not seen him in anything but his tracker outfit, but tonight he wore a dark three-piece suit that hugged his chest and arms and tailored nicely to his waist. He flipped through several notecards, looked up, and scanned the crowd. His gaze landed on her and his shoulders relaxed. She smiled. She couldn’t concentrate on any of his words as their eyes stayed locked on each other.

“He’s doing well.” Lorcan’s voice sent a chill down her limbs.

She refused to turn, continuing to stare at Neeman. “It’s a solemn ceremony, I’m not sure ‘doing well’ is the way to describe what he is doing.”

“True. He isn’t the reason I came anyway. Well, not entirely. The opportunity I spoke of is tonight. There will be a meeting. Maelstrom will be distracted. When he is, grab Danika and bring her to your old apartment, I’ll take it from there.”

“Are you going to hurt her?”

“Not that it is any of your concern, but no. And we won’t hurt Maelstrom either, once you tell him where she’s been taken. Then you and I will bring them back triumphantly and you will sit at my side as my wife.”

Anger bloomed in her stomach and she clenched her fists. “I’m never going back with you.”

“Let me have him,” said her inner demon.

“That’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that. I really had hoped that we could let bygones be bygones.” He stroked her hair from her neck.

She shrugged his hand off and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from unleashing her disgust on him. “Not bloody likely.”

“Well that is disappointing. Then, think of it this way,” said Lorcan. “You and Neeman will be free.”

“Free to what? Defend against the demons alone?”

“When Mason’s gone, the demons will return to their own plane.”

“How can you be so sure?”

He patted her shoulder. “I can’t. And frankly, I don’t care either way. If they destroy this plane it means nothing to me. I can find more planes to visit. The only thing I care about is keeping my home safe and with Mason under control it will be. You can’t open a rift from this side, you aren’t strong enough.”

An idea shot through her mind like a bullet.

“So, I bring her to the apartment and you’ll go home and shut the rift for good?”


She turned to face him. His piercing eyes bore into her, but she refused to lose her nerve.

“Do I have your word as High Elder of the fae? If I bring Danika to the apartment, you will leave the Earth realm and ensure no harm will come to us either now, or in the future?”

His eyes narrowed and he tensed. “You think I would give you my word so easily?”

“Fine. Don’t. I’ll tell Mason what you plan to do and he’ll rip a hole in the universe so big that every demon my father has will flood into your precious sanctuary and tear it apart.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Wouldn’t I? You beat me and tortured me. I’ve lost just about everything I am because of you. I have nothing left. So you can either promise me now, or suffer the wrath of my brother and father.”

It was a thin line she walked. If he wanted he could grab her and pull her through a rift before anyone knew what had happened to her. And that was a fate worse than anything. She couldn’t spend another hour tied to that stone altar.

“How dare you threaten me.”

She clasped her hands behind her back in an effort to keep him from seeing her shake. “What will it be?”

As High Elder, his word was law. “Let it be recorded. You have my word.” A wisp of light flew from his mouth and snaked into the sky. A whisper echoed on the wind, carrying his word into the record books.

She nodded and faced forward again, hugging herself. She had to hold it together.

“Do your job well, Selene.” Lorcan’s fingers brushed her cheek. “Your family is counting on you.”

“Not my family.”

He inhaled and then his lips grazed her neck. “Gods above, how I’ve missed you in my bed,” he whispered. He ran his palm down her arm.

Selene swallowed hard and stared straight ahead. “I suggest you remove that hand before I break it,” she said through clenched teeth.

Lorcan chuckled. “Willful as always. I miss that most about having you tied to the altar. Our session always left me so…pent up.”

Selene whipped around, but he was gone. She clamped her lips together refusing to cry. Her blood pumped hard, making her head throb.

“You’re weak. You should have let me kill him.”

“Right, because what we really need is to be hunted by fae and demons.”

She scanned the area, but Lorcan had vanished. Her sights stopped on two identical men standing with a dark-haired, vulture-like man, wearing a long dark coat, behind a cluster of trees, apart from the group.

The Russians she’d overheard at Coven House days before. They’d said they were going to Las Vegas, but they obviously hadn’t. A chill ran through her. She glanced at Neeman. She didn’t want to cause a scene, but her gut told her something wasn’t right.

The three men walked away toward the street.

“Follow them,” said her inner demon.

Neeman stopped speaking and stepped down. She was torn. She should tell Neeman about the men, but this wasn’t the place.

He walked to the first coffin with Danika. Together, they threw dirt on top and the first coffin lowered into the earth. A woman followed them, clutching tightly onto a man.

Selene watched the men get farther away. She didn’t want to leave Neeman and she’d accompanied Sherman. She couldn’t just leave.

The men disappeared around the corner of the crumbling compound.

The families gathered in a group to cry, hug, and lend support to each other. Selene turned from the scene and walked toward the compound where the men were getting into their car. She hurried as fast as her heels and tight dress allowed, but she was unable to catch up. The sedan disappeared out of sight.

“I could follow them. I’m fast enough.”

“Shut up.” Her hand rested on the wall of the compound. Memories of being trapped under the falling stone caused her gut to clench. “This is what you did the last time I let you out.”

“I saved your life.”

“You almost got us killed.”

She stared at the spot where the car had been. She might still be able to catch up if she ran now, but doing so would cause even more problems. Lorcan had told her that tonight was the night. She needed to stick close to Danika, not follow the Russians. Whatever they were up to wasn’t her problem.

She ran her fingers over the compound, following the wall around the side to a hole in the cinder blocks.

“Hey!” A strong hand wrapped around her arm. “What are you doing?” Neeman’s icy gaze met hers.

Her body tingled being near him.

“Keep him safe.”

“I wanted to see what was left,” she said.

“The rest of that place could crumble at any minute.” His eyes held concern.

“True.” She hadn’t thought about that. “Your speech was nice.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Nice?”

“Okay. It was… I don’t know. What you do want me to say? It was nice. You did great. You look amazing in that suit. You really seemed to help those families.”

The corner of his mouth curved up. “I look amazing?”

She blinked.

“Typical male,” said her demon.

“Well… you always look good, but in a suit you look…”

“Amazing?” He stepped closer and she backed into the cold stone.

She swallowed.

He lifted a finger and ran it under the edge of her necklace. His expression hardened. “Nice.”

“Thank you.” Why couldn’t her voice and her head work together? She needed to tell him something, but she suddenly couldn’t remember what.

“Sherman must have spent a pretty penny on it. Earrings too.” His stare bore into her.


“What did you give him in return?”

She clutched her purse. “Are you accusing me of something?”

“I’m simply asking.”

“Would you be upset if I did give him something in return?”

Neeman stepped so that he was almost touching her. His eyes were bright under the street lamps.

“You know I would.”

Words failed her. The nearness of his body made her inner demon purr with delight.



“I told you—”

“That you have no feelings for me? Yes, I remember. But I’ve been thinking.”

“That’s not good.” He was smart. If he’d figured out what she planned to do…

“Let me out. I can take care of loverboy. You’re too weak. You’ll tell him. But I won’t. I’ll keep him safe from Lorcan.”

“I think you’re scared. I think someone here is manipulating you and you aren’t planning on staying in this plane. You’re going to have to go back with the fae. Maybe they threatened you. Maybe they have your mom. I don’t know. What I know is I won’t let anything happen to you. I won’t let them hurt you. I’ll protect you.”

Selene bit her lip as her knees shook. He couldn’t protect her. She was the one who had to protect him.

“Not you. Me. I can protect him.”

He reached out, wrapped his large hand around her neck, and squeezed, massaging it with his fingers. He pressed into her and his musky scent enveloped her. She’d never had someone so willing to help her. She’d been fending for herself for so long just hearing him say those words made her want to say yes. Fear and excitement swirled in her veins.

“Kiss me,” he demanded.


Her desires collided with Seraphine’s. For the first time, Seraphine was the level-headed one and she was the one being ruled by her emotions. “We can’t be together,” she said, more for herself than for him. She couldn’t give in.

“Why?” His eyes probed her for the truth as his hand caressed her neck, reminding her of the pleasure he’d brought her previously.

“I don’t care about you.” The lies clung to her mouth.

“You’re lying.”

“Let me out.”

“What do you want from me?” she cried. A headache clustered and stormed her mind.

He leaned in closer, his lips an inch from hers. His tight body swathed in the designer suit rubbed up against her, making the chiffon of her dress brush against her nipples.

“I want you.” He looked her dead in the eye and her resolve almost broke.

“I can’t.” A tear leaked from her eye.

“Why? Tell me the truth.”

The headache doubled as Seraphine clawed her way toward the surface. Selene fought to keep control of herself, to the point that her limbs shook.

“Why can’t you tell me? Why are you here? Who is your contact?”

The pain multiplied till she couldn’t concentrate. “He’s watching me. He’ll hurt you.”


“Don’t tell him.”

“Lorcan,” she blurted. Tears streamed down her cheeks, itching her skin. “He’s here. He’s everywhere. He saw me with you and he figured it out. He told me if I don’t do what he sent me here to do, he’ll take you and torture you the way he did me.”

Neeman blinked several times. “This Lorcan is the one who hurt you?”

She nodded and let out a shuddered breath. Seraphine was right; she was weak.

“I have to do what he wants. You’re strong, but no one should have to endure what I endured. You should go, Neeman. Leave me to my fate. I’m nothing but trouble, just like you’ve said before.”

“I don’t care what he said. Let him come for me.” He swooped in and kissed her hard. His arm snaked around her waist and he pulled her close.

Her mind fuzzed over and she kissed him, giving him all that she had. She couldn’t stand it if anything happened to him. Despite what she said, she loved him. He’d seen her at her worst and she’d done her worst to him, and he still stayed. Her demon roared to life within her. She broke the kiss and pushed away, clutching her chest.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

She bent at the waist and sucked in large breaths. “It’s Seraphine. She wants out.”

Selene stared at her pumps, trying to keep from blacking out. Now was not the time. This couldn’t be happening.

“You’ve ruined it all by telling him. Lorcan will see. I am the only one who can save us all now.”

“What can I do?” Neeman pleaded.

“I need Mason,” she gasped. “Get him!”

She tried to concentrate on the sound of Neeman’s shoes hitting the pavement.

“Not now. Not your turn,” she said.

Her nails lengthened and her fangs filled her mouth.

“No. No. No.” She turned and dug her nails into the cement wall.


She turned her head. Mason walked quickly toward her, with Neeman in tow. “You need to stop her.”

A wave of pain rippled through her. “I can’t. I don’t have my amulet. You do it. You can command her not to rise. I know you can.”

“You’re strong enough,” said Mason.

The skin on her forehead split at her hairline. It wasn’t possible. Seraphine wasn’t allowed to manifest fully without her permission.

Seraphine cackled. “Move on over.”

“Mason. Do something,” she cried.

Mason locked eyes on Neeman and then looked back at her. “No. You are the daughter of a god. You need to do this yourself.”

“What?” She shuddered and small horns pressed out of her skull through the split skin.

“Do it,” he commanded in the ancient tongue. “Control her. Contain her.”

“I can’t!” she screamed.

Neeman stepped up to her and grabbed her wrists, twisting her so she faced him. His eyes met hers.

A wave of desire coursed through her so strong she almost climaxed. What the hell?

“Let her out.” His voice was gentle, yet firm.

“No, Neeman.”

“I want her. I want to see her.”

Panic overtook Selene and then, everything began to dim.

* * * *

Neeman grabbed Selene as she went limp. He could do this. He knew he could. No matter what happened.

“We need to get her out of here,” said Mason.

“I’ll get her to the car.” Neeman slipped his arm under her legs and lifted her. The touch of her supple body in his arms once more made his soul feel complete.

“You can take me wherever you want, loverboy.” It was Selene’s voice, but the husky, silky tone was someone altogether different.

The same amethyst gaze he’d seen the first time he met her stared back at him. Fangs protruded from her mouth. It was a sight that both excited and terrified him.

“So where are we going?” she asked. “Or do you just want to take me here against the wall, in front of everyone?”


She turned and looked at Mason.

“Awww… It’s the human non-equivalent of my brother. You should let Mael out. We could have so much fun.” She giggled.

Mason took a step closer and his eyes glowed like embers. “You need to sleep now and let Selene out.”

“You can’t order me around, Mason. I’ve been caged for too long. And I have no intention of going to sleep so soon. I have a job to do. One that my lesser half is too weak to do herself.” She ran a long fingernail down Neeman’s cheek. “Besides. I want to spend some time with my loverboy.”

“Why don’t we get you to Coven House and we can spend time together there?” Neeman asked.

Her features were accentuated. Her cheekbones more prominent, her lips a darker shade of ruby. Her eyes shone like faceted jewels. She exuded sexuality in a primal way that called to him.

Her eyes narrowed and she snickered. “Oh sweetie, it’s not going to be that easy. I need to go out. Not back to the one place where you can tie me down and shove a needle in my arm till I fall asleep and my lesser half wakes up in my place.”

“Actually, I want to spend time with you.” He wished it wasn’t the truth, but he did. He wanted to take her anywhere he could and bend her over and—

A sly smile spread over her face, making her fangs even more prominent. She leaned in and sniffed his neck before snaking out her tongue and licking up the side. She purred.

“I see that you do. I promise you, loverboy, one night with me, and you’d never want her again.”

Neeman bent his head close to her, every inch of his body anticipated the pleasure that could be experienced at her hands. “Prove it.” He kissed her hard.

She licked across his teeth, then ran her tongue over the roof of his mouth. Her scent intensified and he ached to bite her. He set her on her feet and her hand cupped him between his legs, making him groan.

“Seraphine, stop behaving like that in public.” Mason rushed forward and grabbed her by the arm.

Neeman tried to control his mounting lust but the effect she had on him was too strong for him to deny. Seraphine spun and planted her palm in Mason’s chest, shoving him.

Mason sailed through the air and landed hard on the ground several feet away.

“Seraphine!” Neeman reached for her, but she rounded on him and held out her palm. The gleam in her eyes made him stop in his tracks.

“I like you, Neeman, but I’m not her and I’m not above hurting you.” Seraphine’s smile fell and the purple color to her eyes diminished. She looked around, bewildered. “Mason! Help me,” she yelled. Then she convulsed and when her eyes opened, they were purple again.

“Oh, that was new. She doesn’t like me threatening you. But it doesn’t matter. After I fully transform, she won’t be able to get out again until I say so.”

Mason was back on his feet. He advanced on Seraphine, speaking in the ancient language Neeman didn’t understand. His eyes were golden and his voice was deep as a resonating bass drum.

Mason’s fangs descended. Seraphine’s eyes widened and she backed up.

Just as Mason reached out to grab her she said, “Obscuro.” And disappeared.

Mason roared in anger and rushed forward, swinging wildly, but she was gone.

“What’s going on?” Danika came running around the building. Mason turned to her and his shoulders slumped. “Are there more demons?”

“No.” Neeman stepped forward. “Yes and no.”

“What does that mean?” She stepped up to Mason and he enveloped her in his arms.

“It’s Selene,” he said. “She’s lost control and her demon, Seraphine, has taken over.”

“What’s she going to do? Where did she go?” Danika looked between the two men.

“I don’t know,” said Mason. “It depends on whether Selene can regain control. If she can’t…”

“If she can’t, what?” asked Danika.

“Then the chaos that will ensue in the next twenty-four hours could be catastrophic.”

“We need to find her.”

“She disappeared,” Neeman answered. “She could be anywhere.”

“Lord Danika?” At the sound of Sherman’s voice, they all turned. “The High Council is awaiting us.”

“We’re coming.” She straightened her skirt.

Sherman turned to Neeman. “Have you seen Selene, by chance?”

“I think I saw her get in a car.” Neeman wasn’t sure why he was lying, other than to protect Selene’s identity.

Sherman nodded. “Very well. We should go as well.”

Neeman nodded and followed the group to the cars. He had no interest in going anywhere but to find Selene, but right now, he had a job to do.