Week 11


The first word on the apostle Paul’s meditation list is true. One wonders if that single word would have been enough. How much energy is wasted on counterfeit concerns? Equip yourself with sleuthlike skills to sniff out the truth.

          Gather the facts. How many planes actually fall out of the sky? How many bridges actually collapse? How many people die from the disease you dread? Examine the record. What are the odds that the thing you are worrying about will ever occur?

          Control what you can control. Once you know precisely the challenge that faces you, make a list of what you can do about it. Do not indulge a drop of dread over matters beyond your control. Weather? You can’t control it. (But you can watch the forecast.) The economy? You can’t control it. (But you can keep a budget and live within your means.) Your boss’s opinion of you? You can’t control it. (But you can influence it by doing your work and not worrying about everyone else’s.)

          Don’t second-guess yourself. It does no good to do so. Make the best decision you can with the facts at hand, and live with it. Pray and take the next step.


Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths. (Prov. 3:5–6)



May my mind be so filled with truth that there is no longer any room for counterfeit concerns! May I both trust and listen as your Spirit guides me to what is true, good, and beautiful. Help me resist indulging in dread that is beyond my control. Teach me to rely on your guidance as I seek to be vigilant about my thought life.

In your precious name, amen.