Heidi Champa
There is nothing like a good fuck first thing in the morning. I stretched my arms up over my head, enjoying the tired and sore feeling in the muscles of my back and legs. The deep rush of satisfaction that filled my body made me want to stay in bed, but work was calling. I knew as soon as that shower turned off, it would be time for me to get out of bed and start my day. The door to the bathroom was wide open, and I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the pounding water, knowing it was covering his naked body.
God, we had just finished, but the thought of him soapy and wet got me going again. It was like my body had already reset, already forgotten how hard he had just made me come. I rubbed my hands over my naked skin as I listened to the water falling onto the tile of the shower floor. We had shared that small space more than a few times, and it always ended the same way, with me pressed against the cool wall and him fucking me while surrounded by the steamy spray. My fingers reached my cunt, which was already growing wet again, my desire clearly still unquenched.
All too soon, the room went silent as the pounding water came to a stop and I groaned at the prospect of leaving my warm bed. I heard him moving around inside the bathroom, but his voice surprised me nonetheless.
“You bit me.”
I turned and looked at him, his torso still damp from his shower, his face fixed on the fogged bathroom mirror.
“I did what?”
“You bit me. Really hard, too. I’m going to have a bruise on my chest from where you fucking bit me.”
I shook my head as I walked into the bathroom, ready to call his bluff. He turned to face me when I entered the room, his skin still slightly red from his long shower. There, right above his nipple, was a purple-red mark, a few teeth impressions visible along the edge. Damn, he was right. I had bit him. Scrolling through memories of the morning’s activities, I couldn’t remember sinking my teeth into his chest. I looked up at him, trying my best for innocence, but his expression told me I was failing miserably. I reached my hand up and ran my finger along the small oval mark I’d left on his chest. Watching his face, I waited for him to wince in pain as I pressed down on the spot, but his face didn’t change one bit. His hand closed over mine, caressing my fingers with his own.
“You did it when you were coming. Right after you wrapped your legs around my back, you bit me. Pretty hard, too.”
“I’m sorry, Ben. I really didn’t mean to. I guess I just got caught up in all the excitement. You know I can’t be held responsible for what I do when I’m coming.”
“Just watch it next time, okay?”
I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him, gently sucking his bottom lip as I finished, just the way he likes. Just for fun I added a quick nibble, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he turned the tables on me and grabbed my bottom lip between his teeth just for a second before pulling away.
“I promise, Ben. The next time you’re fucking me senseless, I won’t bite you. But, come on. Is it really that big of a deal? It’s just a little bruise.”
“Really? Well, how would you like it if I bit you?”
“It wouldn’t bother me at all. Besides, you’ve left bruises on me before.”
“Those were just accidents. This is different. And I don’t think you’d like it at all. You’ve never been into that kind of thing.”
“What kind of thing?”
“Things that hurt. That time I slapped your ass, you didn’t speak to me for damn near three hours.”
“Maybe I would like it. I know I wouldn’t be a big baby about it, like you.”
He smirked at me while grabbing one of my hands and pulling it toward his mouth. He turned my arm so the sensitive underside was exposed. At first, he just kissed and licked the skin above my wrist gently, teasing me enough to make my eyes close. His other hand slipped between my legs, surprised at finding me wet.
“Well, well. Does all this biting talk have you excited?”
As soon as he started rubbing his fingers over my hard clit and was clearly thinking about round two, I felt it. Ben sunk his teeth into my skin. The power of his bite took my breath away.
My free hand instinctively rose to my chest as I gasped, the shot of pain flowing through my whole body. His fingers kept swirling over my clit, but even with the deep stab of pleasure, the pain started to border on unbearable. All too soon, it felt like too much. It was at that moment that Ben released my skin, kissing the spot lightly before pulling away. He reluctantly removed his hand from between my legs and brought the moist digits up to his mouth and tasted them. He searched my face, but I didn’t know what he saw.
“I guess you’re right. I guess you do like it, Celia.”
Without another word, he turned to the sink to finish his morning routine. I walked to the shower, still holding my injured arm close to my body. I caught his gaze in the mirror, before letting my eyes fall to the spot on his chest, which was starting to turn a little blue. Looking at my own bruise, I couldn’t help but touch it. As I did, my pussy clenched, and another rush of moisture made me shudder. With one last look toward Ben, I closed the shower door harder than I needed to.
For the next several days, the little bruise on my arm consumed my thoughts. Ben was away on business, and for the forty-eight hours that he was gone, I masturbated several times, picturing his face as he sank his teeth into my skin, all the while playing with my pussy. It was shocking how much it had affected me, how such a tiny thing had taken over my mind. Upon his return, I tried to jump Ben, to get him to put his mouth on me again. But he put me off, telling me he was tired and jet-lagged. I lay awake half the night, trying to quiet the desires that were running through my head.
The next morning when I got up, Ben was already gone, leaving a note saying he had to head to the office earlier. I was officially pissed, agitated and horny as hell. I had no choice but to go to work and try and forget about that scarlet mark that was still staring up from my wrist.
All day while I was at work, all I could think about was that mark on my arm, and the throb of need that beat between my legs. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the feel of his teeth on my arm, the concentrated sensation of the pain it produced. But, most of all, I thought about how much I liked it. I stared at the little patch of broken blood vessels and smoothed my finger over it. Resisting as long as I could, I pressed the tender little mark, shooting a dull pain through my body. It was not nearly as good as the real thing, but it was enough to get me through the day until I could get home and let Ben have his way with me, and maybe even oblige me by taking another small bite of me.
My mobile phone buzzed late in the morning, and I knew it had to be Ben. I pressed the button to pick up his call, even though I knew I should try and get some work done. As I pressed the phone to my ear, I tried to control my breathing and sound cool and collected.
“Hey, Celia. How’s your day going?”
“Fine. How about you?”
“You sound a little on edge; is everything okay?”
I took another deep breath, trying to think of something sane and rational to tell Ben about why I sounded so frazzled on the phone. But I guess I hesitated too long, so he kept talking.
“I know what it is. You’re still thinking about that bite mark on your arm, aren’t you?”
“How did you know that?”
“I just had a feeling, after seeing your reaction last night when I said I was too tired to have sex. I can’t believe that all this time, I had no idea you were into pain.”
“I’m not ‘into’ pain. I mean, I don’t think I am. All I know is I can’t stop thinking about it. But it’s not just about the pain. It’s something else, too. Something more than that.”
Ben didn’t respond and I stared at the stack of work on my desk and the message light blinking on my office phone. I hadn’t done one thing since I’d come in to work. I knew I would never be able to concentrate until I satisfied the curiosity that had been gnawing at me since that moment in the bathroom. I made a rash decision, talking quickly before I could change my mind.
“You know the Montclair, around the corner from my office?”
“That cheesy motel we always laugh at?”
“Yeah, that’s the one. Meet me there in one hour.”
I hung up before he could agree—or disagree—suddenly feeling lighter. The phone call allowed me to get through a stack of work before I had to meet Ben, so I didn’t feel so guilty about taking an extra-long lunch break. Ignoring the questioning looks from my coworkers, I practically ran out of the building, not even bothering to take my car, choosing instead to walk the two blocks to the motel.
I arrived before he did, sitting in the tiny armchair that was the only other piece of furniture in the room. Taking off my blazer, I tried to remain calm as I waited for the door to open, for Ben to join me, but I was jumpy, the confluence of need and anticipation making my body nearly shake. It didn’t take Ben long to arrive, his demeanor the complete opposite of mine. He couldn’t have been more tranquil, and seeing him that way only made me more antsy. He had to know what I wanted, but he seemed completely unaffected by it all. He began taking off his suit, undressing without me even asking. As he slid his tie off, he gazed at the bed and its tacky floral covering. He yanked it from the bed, throwing it and the extra blanket underneath it to the floor. Looking at me, he hooked his finger and motioned for me to come closer.
“Well, what are you waiting for? This was your idea, after all.”
I didn’t answer him, just walked the short distance to him, shedding my blouse and skirt along the way. I had spent the whole morning thinking about this forbidden hour, visions of it pushing away all other thoughts. Pulling my panties to the floor, I stood in front of him naked, not sure exactly what to do next.
He walked over to me, pausing just a moment to set his glasses on the dresser next to him. From outside, I could hear the noontime traffic. The window was open a bit, and a light warm breeze was flowing in, making the room seem less sterile.
“So, Celia. What exactly is it you want?”
“You know what I want.”
“Do I? I don’t think you ever said, at least not really.”
I stared at him, noticing the curl of his smirk as he finished removing his pants, leaving his hula-girl boxers in place. I loved that he wore such outlandish things under his conservative suits. His hands slid down my arms and back again, resting lightly on my shoulders. I took one last look at the mark on my arm, which was now a full-fledged bruise, and I knew I had to say it.
“I want you to bite me.”
“Is that all? I mean, I already did that two days ago. And I could do that just as well at home.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I want you to say it, Celia. Say the words and I’ll do it.”
“Ben, I want you to bite me. I want to feel it while you’re fucking me. I want to feel it while I’m coming. I can’t wait another minute; I need it now.”
The last words came out as a whisper, my eyes falling from Ben’s gaze. He took my face in his hands, forcing my eyes back up.
“Get on the bed, Celia. Now.”
I didn’t move right away, but Ben helped me along with a playful shove, and I landed facedown. He pulled me up to my knees, his hands running over my asscheeks, raising goose bumps despite the warm air blowing from outside. I waited for the sharp blow of pain his teeth would provide, but he had more in store for me than I realized. He parted the cheeks of my ass and pressed his tongue to my puckered hole. He made one spiral and then another. The tip of his finger teased my wet cunt, entering me easily as his tongue continued to work. It all felt so good, but it wasn’t what I wanted. As another finger entered me, his tongue dove into my ass, nothing teasing or gentle about it. The tip went right for my center, pushing my asshole open little by little. I couldn’t stop myself from rocking back into him, trying to get more of his fat tongue in me.
But he stayed firmly in control, his tongue easing away, going back to feather-light licks around my rim. I groaned at the torture, but loved every second of it. He was groaning too, pushing his tongue back into my ass, wiggling and squirming his way deeper inside. His fingers kept up their steady rhythm, joined by his thumb strumming my clit. His mouth left my ass, his voice breaking as he spoke to me.
“Tell me again. Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to bite me, Ben. Please.”
His mouth grazed over my asscheek, down to the sensitive skin of my thigh. I held my breath; his fingers stopped moving inside me for just a moment as I felt it. My gasp filled the room as his teeth sank slowly into my flesh, the pain searing and direct. My pussy clenched around Ben’s fingers, the slow pull and push of them starting again. He moved up my body, this time his teeth gnashing on my ass, a series of light nips mixed in with hard bites as he moved all over my asscheek with his mouth. I felt like I was going to come right there around his fingers but Ben moved again, taking down his boxers and entering me with little fanfare, sliding his cock inside me slowly.
I couldn’t speak. His tongue slid over my shoulder blade, and then his teeth closed around a tender section of my skin. He kept repeating this action, a soft lick followed by a sharp snap of pain as he bit down upon me. I gasped and sighed every time he bit me, a deep thrust of his cock joining each moment of sensational pain. My body and brain were overloaded, like I was experiencing a tiny short circuit each time I felt his mouth leaving its mark on my body. He stopped long enough to whisper in my ear, his cock still moving inside me as he spoke.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
His voice was rough as he asked; my voice had nearly left me altogether, but somehow I managed a response.
“Yes. Oh, god, yes. This is what I wanted.”
He gripped my brown, silky curls and pulled my head back hard. A shudder ran through me and his mouth approached my neck, his lips sliding up and down the curve from my ear to my shoulder.
“Do you want more?”
“Yes. More.”
I couldn’t say any more; the only things leaving my lips were sighs and moans. I felt his pelvis hit my ass, his cock inside me as deep as it would go. He held us both still, his mouth hovering close to me, his breath hot and moist on my skin. The stillness was overwhelming, but I just waited for him to do it. After I took two more deep, shaky inhales, I felt it. The pain was so pointed, so focused, it took several moments for it to radiate down and all around my body. As the pain spread out in waves, he began fucking me again, adding thick pleasure on top of the ache. When his teeth released, the endorphins they left behind went straight to my pussy, pushing me so close to the edge. His mouth moved down a few inches on my neck and repeated the process, the second bite slightly harder than the first. I rode back against him, delight and agony warring inside me, so much sensation I could barely stand it. My moans were getting louder and I knew I couldn’t last much longer. Ben’s voice was muffled, his lips vibrating against my skin.
“I want you to come, baby. Come all over my cock.”
I opened my mouth to answer, but I was cut off, not by words but by another sucking bite from Ben. I screamed—in joy, in pain, in ecstasy I never thought was possible. My body couldn’t take any more stimulation; my pussy was contracting hard around his cock. My head flew back, my orgasmic moans and screams bouncing off the cheaply plastered walls. He was pounding me with more fury and force than even my recent fantasies had allowed. I felt his sweat dripping onto my back, my own body hot and sticky. His heavy chest collapsed against me and my knees gave way, leaving only my elbows to hold us both up on the bed. His teeth sank into my shoulder gently as the last quakes rumbled through both of us.
We lay in the bed, staring up at the water-stained ceiling, our cooling bodies covered by the rough hotel sheet. The clock next to us indicated that we would soon be late, but neither of us seemed eager to move. His hand reached out and turned me toward him, his lips covering mine before I could say a thing. When he pulled back, I looked into his smiling eyes and winced a bit as he ran a thumb along the line of bite marks he had just left on me. I didn’t mean to say it, but my mouth opened before I could stop it.
Ben laughed, and I knew exactly what he was going to say.
“What do you mean, ‘ouch’? I thought you said you weren’t going to be a baby about it, like I was. Remember?”
Getting out of bed, I looked around for my clothes, reluctantly leaving the comfort of his arms. I met his eyes and couldn’t help but smile as the words came to my lips.
“Bite me, Ben.”