


April was excited beyond words. This would be the very first time she had come to The Club, Boston’s popular dungeon, to actually play. The few times she’d been before had been on beginner’s night, she’d just ogled and fantasized. Now that Nat was keeping his promise to bring her, she didn’t know what she wanted to try.

They’d agreed to do their own shopping for clothing for tonight. Marsha Tremaine and Chessy Huntington had gone with her to the exclusive boutique of designer clothing in downtown Boston.

That shop had everything!

The girls had spent a couple of hours giggling and trying on different sexy outfits. She still thought Marsha and Chessy should come with her on a beginner’s night as a girls night out, but they were both hesitant because of Oliver and Ty. It didn’t stop them from buying some of the decadent clothing though.

She and Nat had brought their clothes with them to change in the club locker rooms. After hanging her street clothes in the locker, she checked herself in the mirror to make sure she looked good. She eyed herself critically, hoping Nat would like it.

The dress was more modest than a lot of the clothing she’d seen the girls dressed in, but she wasn’t too sure about how much to actually expose. She’d swept her hair up into a glittering faux diamond comb that left dark tendrils loose around her face. Her mask was black and hooked into the comb behind her head.

The mini red dress just barely covered her buttocks. No straps, no bra, it clung to her natural young curves like a second skin and left her shoulders and arms bare. There was a diamond cut-out in the front and one in back to match.

Black fishnet, thigh-hi stockings made her legs seem long and slender, especially with the killer red heels she was wearing. And then there were the gloves that came to her elbows, leaving her fingers bare and clear except for her red nail polish. She wondered how long it would take him to recognize her?

Taking a deep breath, she left the locker room with three other women at the same time, just to throw him off.

Coming back into the lobby, there were several handsome men standing there, each eyeing the women appreciatively. Her eyes roamed their bodies, looking for signs that would tell her which one was Nat. Too short, too tall, etc. Quickly she eliminated the ones she knew wasn’t him and studied the rest.

The other women were quickly claimed by their partners, which left a few that looked like dungeon masters, and then some others.

One of the men started towards her, a gleam in his eye as his gaze raked up and down her body. She didn’t have a good feeling about him, but just before he reached her, another man appeared beside her and held out his arm to her.

“This one’s taken,” stated a familiar sexy voice.

The other man flushed and stared angrily. “I saw her first,” he snapped. “Go find another one.”

“She already belongs to me,” Nat replied in cold steel tones that brooked no interference with his woman. His dark blue gaze raked across her face. “You ready, sweetheart?”

“Ready,” she replied breathlessly, her entire body tingling with awareness.

Nat led her towards the dungeon doors. He spoke a few words to the guard at the door, a man with a massive build wearing a black ribbon bowtie around his neck and black shiny trousers. His dark brown eyes were impassive as he nodded and opened the door to the inner sanctum. Once inside, there was a bar with lowlights and a general seating area that boasted couples in all sorts of dress. Some were eating, some drinking, some just chatting. Women were on laps, kneeling at their master’s feet or even being fed by their master’s hand.

The whole atmosphere was class, not crass, and it was one thing that had attracted April the first time she’d been here. And beneath it all, there was a throbbing beat that could have been the blood pulsing in her veins, or the low music, or even the muted sounds of painful enjoyment as people pursued different pleasures.

Best of all, everyone seemed to be friendly, yet minded their own business. She liked that.

“You want a drink?” Nat asked in her ear as he guided her to a table.

“Yes, please,” she said breathlessly as he sat on the bench seat by the table and pulled her into his lap. Her fingers traced the scar on his side, knowing it was from the gunshot wound he’d received. It made him look even tougher though, if that was possible.

Nat was no body builder, but he was well built with impressive muscles, a six-pack abdomen, and thick muscular thighs. He wore an open black vest that just reached the top of his fitted black pants.

The red mask covered half his face and made him seem mysterious. She brushed back his Don Johnson hair that always wanted to fall slightly forward. He grabbed her wrist.

“No touching without permission,” he warned her. “That’s the second time.”

She was delighted that he was willing to play. He almost made it sound real. “Who have you been taking lessons from?” she cooed in his ear. “That was really authentic.”

“It is authentic, young lady, and you’d best heed me. This isn’t my first time in The Club.”

Her heart rate tripled at this announcement, sending a delicious shiver through her body. He’d never called her young lady before. What would he do if she defied him?

Her attention was suddenly caught when a young sub at another table was bent over the table, her shorts yanked down and her master’s hand applied liberally to her bouncing buttocks. Her gaze flashed back to Nat, who was grinning from ear to ear. “See what happens when you don’t obey?”

Just then the waitress approached their table and Nat ordered a couple of drinks and some cheese and fruit. His hand was in the diamond cut out and sliding down towards her buttocks while he was talking to the waitress. April could barely sit still, knowing he was going to discover she was bare underneath. She could tell the instant he realized it.

His fingers pinched her buttock and she jumped. “Someone’s decided to be naughty tonight, haven’t they?”

“Just for you, sir.” A grin played around her lips.

“Remember your safe word?” he asked.


“Stand up, face my left thigh, and lift your dress just above your buttocks.”

April’s breath caught in her throat and she quickly glanced around to see who was watching. Did she dare? The blood thundered in her ears. No one appeared to be paying any attention so she slowly obeyed.

Nat’s left hand splayed across her belly, holding her in place, and then his right hand smacked her bare buttocks several times, stinging and punishing. Then he pulled her dress down and sat her back on his thigh.

“What was that for?” she asked ruefully, her butt stinging.

His eyes gleamed down at her. “I don’t let a challenge go unanswered. You did that deliberately just to see what I’d do. Now you have your answer.”

April flushed as the sub who had been bent over the table shot her a grin of sympathy. Red creeped up her neck as she realized probably other men had seen her punishment as well. Just knowing that somehow made it all the more tantalizing. Her thighs were slick with her moisture and she clamped them together in embarrassment. Nat noticed. He noticed everything, drat him.

“What do we have here?” he asked in her ear, running his palm up her inner thigh. “You enjoyed that public display, didn’t you?” His fingers found her channel and he pushed her thighs slightly apart. “So hot and wet, just waiting for me,” he whispered as his thumb found her little button and rubbed circles around it.

The waitress brought their food and drink and April’s thighs clamped around his hand, trying to deny entrance. The waitress gave her  a knowing smile and then left the table.

“You have one chance to open your thighs or you’re going over my lap right here, right now, with everyone watching,” he said sternly. His left hand smacked her thigh sharply. “Open!”

April obeyed, his command causing her to gush even more and her face flooded with embarrassment. She closed her eyes, wanting to sink through the floor.

“Open your eyes, young lady,” Nat ordered. “I want to see every bit of enjoyment you might be having. Don’t hide from me.”

Her eyes popped open immediately, as if her body was already getting used to instant obedience. “It’s embarrassing,” she whispered, keeping her gaze fixed just on him.”

“You have your safe words. Green for good, yellow for slow down, and red for stop,” he said sternly. “Unless I hear one of those, I’ll do as I see fit.”

She hesitated, wondering how far he would go if she didn’t stop him? She didn’t want to stop him—she wanted to test him. But she also didn’t want to be suddenly embarrassed.

“It’s okay to test me, angel.” His gaze softened. “Ultimately, your pleasure is my only agenda. You just have to let me know if I cross that threshold of what you can accept.”

“Are you into public display?” April asked curiously.

“It’s not really my thing,” he replied honestly. “To be fair, I can allow a certain amount of public nudity, but I’ve ordered us a private room to play in. Why? Are you wanting that?”

“I don’t think I want much more public stuff,” she confessed, her cheeks pink. “So I guess I’m calling yellow on that. Meaning it’s up for discussion, which we are doing, but I could go to red if I need to.”

“Good girl, that’s exactly what you need to do,” Nat praised. He withdrew his hand. “Our room should be ready in a few minutes, so let’s grab a snack. I’ve ordered dinner for us in there when we are finished playing.”

Relieved, April allowed him to feed her pieces of fruit while she sipped a light wine. Just enough to make her feel mellow and more relaxed.

One of the waiters appeared at Nat’s elbow. “The room is ready now,” he told Nat. “If you are ready, I’ll lead the way.”

They followed the man down a hallway with creamy carpeting and lighted sconces on the walls. There were no sounds coming from the doors they passed, so April assumed the rooms must be sound proofed. At the junction of two hallways, April stopped at the sound of light musical laughter that could only belong to one person.

“Mom?” she squeaked as a masked woman and man came out of one of the doors ahead of them. The man had to be Jason, she could tell from his commanding swagger.

Nat put his finger on her lips. “Not a word.”

The waiter opened the next door on the right but April’s gaze was frozen on the couple down the hallway. She was startled when Nat pulled her inside the room and shut the door. “That was my mother and Jason,” she hissed, feeling outraged.

“You’re surprised that your mother might have had a life before you and your dad?” he teased. “They were dating when she met your dad, although I don’t know if you knew that. Who knows what some of her private interests might be?”

“But with Jason? He’s”

“Dominant? Demanding? Certainly a spanker, You already know that. Don’t tell her you saw her, you might embarrass her. If she wants to tell you, that’s her business.”


Nat cut her off. “Drop it, April,” he ordered firmly, his lips thinning. “We aren’t here to talk about your mother and her love life. And if I find out you’ve brought it up and embarrassed her, I’ll spank you right in front of her.”

Realizing he was serious, April finally clamped down her outrage at Jason. Seeing her mother here, at a dungeon of all places, had just been TMI for her to process. It’s not like it was too soon after what had happened with Simon. Her mother felt nothing but hatred and disgust for Simon Trask. Before that she’d felt kindly towards him, but she’d confessed to April that her deepest emotion had been loneliness. Simon had been very attentive and helped her pass the lonely days without her father, so when he’d proposed, she’d accepted. “I wonder who else is here,” she muttered.

Nat pulled her towards him and held her in his arms. “Were you expecting someone?”

“It’s just that Marsha and Chessy went shopping with me to pick out my outfit for tonight,” she replied. “Except for the killer red heels.” She held up her foot. “I matched it to these.” She grinned at him, her good humor returning.

“Those heels saved your life, I almost went for the girl in the Valkyrie outfit.”

She slapped his chest in outrage. “What? That girl was a foot taller than me!”

“With those heels you were just as tall,” he said, laughing. “And a Valkyrie would have suited your personality to my way of thinking. But I’m just teasing, your butterfly tattoo gave you away.”

His eyes slid to April’s ankle and her blood heated as his gaze slowly crawled appreciatively back to her face. “Well, they did both pick out some outfits. I told them we needed to have a girl’s night out and come here if their husbands won’t bring them.”

His eyes narrowed. “You better not come here on your own. Besides, Oliver and Ty would have their butts, and yours too if you instigated something like that.”

“I’ve been here on my own before,” she taunted. She knew he was right though. Her friend’s husbands wouldn’t approve, but it would be fun.

“Not anymore you won’t,” he warned.

She peeped up at him. “I can always call red.”

He shook his head and crossed his bare arms, resembling that stone-faced buddha again. “When you’re in trouble with me, there is no safe word. You’ll get your little butt blistered and that’s the end of it.”

April’s stomach did that flippy thing it always did when he took control. To him it wasn’t just a fun game then; it was who he was and you’d darned well better listen. Why was that so attractive to her? It made her insides melt and feel all gooey, She must be nuts, she reflected. “I was just teasing.”

“You mean you were just testing,” he corrected. “That’s okay, I can take it.”

April decided to let that slide. Just because they were together didn’t mean he had the right to tell her what to do. She wasn’t used to answering to anyone. Deciding to let it go for now, she grinned at him. “So, what do we do now?”

His eyebrow arched. “I would have thought that was obvious. I owe you a spanking.”

“You d-do?” she stuttered.

“Did you think I was going to let the fact that you ran headlong into danger and almost got yourself killed slide by?” 

She had thought so since he hadn’t done anything about it so far. “You already switched me,” she protested.

“That was for your bad attitude,” he responded stalking towards her slowly with a grin. “Oh no, my hot little mess. “You deserve a paddling for putting yourself in danger unnecessarily.”

April started backing up, literally and figuratively. “B-but what about my injuries?”

“Your injuries are healing quite nicely according to the doctor. You should be able to resume normal activities, short of roller derby or mud wrestling.”

April held up her hand. “No, Nat.”

“Yes, April,” he mocked reaching out and grabbing her wrist. He pulled her into his strong arms and wrapped one hand in her hair, his fingers sliding beneath the clip and holding her head still. “Every infraction has a price,” he breathed against her mouth just before he kissed her senseless.

She melted against him, the will to fight having long been conquered with the liquid fire running through her extremities. Her hands were under his vest, her fingers sliding across the corded muscles of his back. She marveled at the smoothness of the skin and solid steel beneath it.

The little red dress was easy to slide off her body, leaving her in fishnet stockings, killer red heels, gloves and mask. “So beautiful,” he crooned, nipping her cherry buds and making them stand up. “I love these faucets, how they beg me to suckle them.”

April glanced behind her at their reflection in the floor length wall mirrors behind them. Every angle of her body was on display and they truly looked like something off the cover of an erotic romance book. Nat’s large hands were now cupping the curve of her buttocks and kneading them as he popped her nipples in and out of his hungry mouth. He resembled a marauding pirate intent on his lady love with his mask and vest. She totally loved it. If this was punishment, bring it on.

Finally he lifted his head with a knowing grin. Taking her hand, he led her over to what she knew was a spanking bench. She’d been shown everything she was curious about and knew exactly what it was. Her heart beat faster. Was he really going to punish her? Or was he just teasing to make the evening more intense?

“Over you go, little mess,” he said in her ear as he pulled her body down on the bench and adjusted the handcuffs at the end until she was laying comfortably. Then he slid his hands down her long legs, exploring the curve behind her knees until he got to the ankle shackles at the bottom. Once she was secure, she pulled against both sets of manacles and realized she had very little room to move. Her excitement level went through the roof and her breathing increased.

Nat’s hand came back up her thigh and over her buttocks, pausing to caress them, and then up the curve of her back to her shoulder. “Comfortable? Your side doesn’t hurt or twinge?” he asked.

“No, no pain,” she gasped.

“Good.” He walked to the wall holding an impressive stable of paddles, all different kinds. April watched with apprehension. What would a paddle feel like? Worse than his hand, she was sure.

Finally he made his selection and came back to her, holding it in front of her face. “Light, thin, should be fairly stingy without added weight,” he explained smugly.

As if she cared about the dumb paddle. She knew he was trying to be careful of her side so she tried to smile up at him. To be perfectly honest, she hadn’t had any pain in her side after the first 3-4 days, but she hadn’t told him that.

She was practically salivating at the masterful figure he cut. All muscles and black clothing except for the red mask. She knew he was turned on as well because the bulge in the tight pants was impossible to miss.

When he moved behind her, the blood raced in her veins. Her body began to tremble with fear, excitement, desire; a heady cocktail of emotions raging through her.

“I’m going to warm you up first,” he said from behind her. “Get you pinkened up nicely.”

April closed her eyes and melded with the feelings that were coursing through her, enjoying the feel of his hand smacking and caressing her bouncing globes. The feel of fingers pausing and checking the wetness between her thighs. And she was wet all right. His little forays beneath her hood and into her channel were driving her crazy and building her to a crescendo pitch. Her body ached with desire and need.

“That should do it. Now for the punishment,” he said firmly.

April was floating, tense, her body wanting only one thing. The need to come, to feel him inside her was overwhelming.

“April, are you listening?”

A sharp swat landed on her backside, startling her back to reality. “W-what?” she squeaked

He walked in front of her and bent over to hold the paddle near her face. “I’m going to paddle you now. What’s your color?”

“G-green. It’s green,” she gasped.

His smile was wicked knowing then and he chuckled. “You’re enjoying this so far, I know, but the hard part is yet to come. I was serious when I said punishment, and you’re not going to like this paddle by the time I’m finished with it.”

“I said I was sorry,” she replied mulishly. “I even said I should have listened to you.”

“True, but if the circumstances were the same, you’d do it all over again, wouldn’t you?” he asked knowingly.

He had her there. She clamped her lips tightly and looked away from him.

“That’s the part we are working on,” he said sternly. “I won’t allow you to put yourself in danger and run away from me like that. If I have to bust your ass for it every time, I will—until you finally get it.”

When he returned to her backside, April braced for that first hard spank, but was totally unprepared for the shock when it landed on her buttocks. Only the restraints on her ankles and wrists kept her in place. She literally howled as he placed one methodical fiery swat after another on her shrinking buttocks.

“You win, I’ll never do it again,” she screeched, wiggling her bottom as much as she could in a useless effort to avoid that now hated paddle.

He paused for a moment to caress her heated mounds. “You’re right, you won’t do it again,” he replied firmly. Then he resumed the paddling.

All resistance fled from April’s mind. She begged, she pleaded, she apologized, and offered everything she could think of including daily fellatio. Nothing deterred the man. She was a total mess when he finally laid that damned paddle down beside her and caressed the volcano that had replaced her rump area. Then he released her restraints and helped her to stand. Picking her up when she sagged against him, he took her to the bed in the room and laid her gently on it, then laid down beside her. She hissed when her bottom hit the bed and she rolled over to her side.

He spooned against her and rubbed her cheeks tenderly. “I love you, little mess,” he murmured huskily in her ear. “I don’t ever want to lose you. Those seven months you were gone were pure hell and that’s not a life I want to live. Promise me you won’t do anything like that again.”

April was sobbing, the tears still running down her face, but she felt a drop of wetness fall on her neck. When she looked behind her, Nat was on his elbow, looking down at her. There were a few tears in his eyes making them glisten like dark blue marbles. “You’re c-crying,” she replied in wonder. She turned in his arms and lifted a finger to his cheek to gently wipe away a lone tear.

He took her finger and kissed it, then nibbled it. “I will do anything to keep you safe, even if it means blistering your bottom, but I don’t enjoy making you cry,” he returned hoarsely. “Pain for the pleasure I can do all day long, but punishment is just a necessary evil.”

“I am sorry, Nat,” she apologized, and this time she truly meant it. This dynamic they had going wasn’t all one-sided, she realized. He really meant what he said and he wasn’t playing around, which meant she had as much power to hurt him, as he did her.

For him it was mental pain caused by the fear and helplessness he felt when he couldn’t protect her. To protect and serve was who he was. Not only his personal life, but in his job as well. She needed to value that and not unthinkingly cause him pain to serve her own one-sided desires. She was no longer just one, she was one half of two, and they needed to rely on each other.

“I can’t promise to always be perfect,” she responded slowly, her eyes glowing, “but I do love you with all my heart, and I promise to try to do better.”

“That’s all I ask,” he replied tenderly, leaning down to kiss her slowly and thoroughly. Then he pulled her up to a sitting position on the side of the bed and slid down on one knee. He reached into his pocket and took out an exquisite diamond ring and held it up. “Will you marry me, little mess?” he asked.

April teared up again. “I thought we were already engaged, you crazy man.”

He chuckled. “We are, but I thought it only fair to do my share since it’s my job to provide the ring. Besides, I want to hear you say yes. So, will you marry me?”

April laughed with joy, the tears running down her cheeks. “Of course, I’ll marry you. I love you, Nathaniel Murphy.”

“Even though I blistered your bottom?” He seemed a bit anxious.

“Well, I didn’t like it, but it’s not a deal breaker,” she replied honestly.

“Good to know,” he replied, relaxing. “Give me your hand.”

“Oh, Nat, it’s so beautiful,” she breathed as he slid the diamond on the third finger of her left hand. It sparkled when she moved her hand, it’s facets catching the lights.

“Not near as beautiful as you,” he replied pulling her back on the bed with him. “Finally I get the chance to make love to you. It’s been a long time coming.”

“Too long,” she agreed, enjoying the fire he was stoking in the rest of her body. Her bottom throbbed and burned, but it was an added heat that blended with her desires. By the time he entered her, she was at a fevered pitch. When he impaled her in one swift movement and broke through that barrier with his hard length, there was sharp pain. She gasped, stilling for a moment to absorb the pain and his fullness within her body. Trembling beneath him, she watched his eyes go wide.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were still a virgin?” he demanded, his eyes narrowing. “I could have made it so much easier for you.”

“I didn’t want it easy,” she replied in a throbbing whisper. “I just wanted you. Besides, virginity is over rated.”

“I love you so much,” he vowed fiercely. “You’re mine now.”

April nodded, her eyes glowing. “I love you too, darling.”

Nat began stroking slowly, kissing her breasts, rebuilding their momentum until his little mess was writhing and begging in his arms.

Right where he wanted her.

When they finally reached the pinnacle together, they flew into the tornado of release and rode down the funnel of sated desires. A wild and fulfilling ride that that was all he’d thought it could be—and more.

Taming the wind wasn’t easy, he reflected as he rolled them to their sides, but it would always be worth it. He gathered her tenderly into his arms and they fell asleep together, secure in their love for each other.

The End


A few weeks later, Henry Miller was released from the hospital and resumed his job with Rebecca. He explained that when Simon Trask had bought the property next door to Rebecca and ask him to work for him, the man had seemed familiar. It took a while but he soon realized that some of Trask’s mannerisms reminded him slightly of his stepsister’s ex-husband, James Denton. He began to get suspicious and started watching him.

As for James Denton, now that they were tracing his trail backwards, more bodies were beginning to emerge. After Jason spoke with the fake Simon’s family and explained to them what had happened, they started looking for the real Simon’s body. They finally found it buried beneath one of the homes his brother had been building. The home the fake Simon had argued with him over the type of foundation. The fake Simon hadn’t wanted the concrete foundation because he was afraid digging the ground up to put in concrete would bring the real Simon’s body to light.

Jason had been right about the fingerprints. Simon had had them surgically removed, so they never appeared in Shatemuc’s office. Although they couldn’t be sure, they were positive that Denton had also killed Bryan McMann. Since Bryan practically lived at the office, they suspected that he’d caught Denton trying to get into Shatemuc’s office. He’d given some trumped up excuse that Bryan had accepted at first. Once Denton was in Bryan’s office, he was able to maneuver behind him and kill him with the vase off the cabinet.

The reason Denton had married and killed the two rich women, (they believed he killed both of them), was because he’d needed money to afford plastic surgeries to take on new personalities.

When he met Simon Trask and his wife Analise, Simon became a target. As Simon Trask, Denton would have enough money to buy the property next to Rebecca and Shatemuc, and finally put his revenge plans into action. Plus, he wouldn’t have to have plastic surgery ever again, he would remain Simon Trask. Before he could feel safe, he needed to get that DNA evidence Shatemuc was hiding. He couldn’t risk it coming out.

Jason believed that when Shatemuc had shared that he was investigating two cold cases with his two friends, Denton had panicked and killed him sooner than planned. The murder had been too sloppy to think otherwise.

Investigators had found a body up at the cabin Simon had been headed to with Rebecca. It was a woman’s body, but they hadn’t identified it yet. They had to conclude that he’d panicked and would have eventually killed Rebecca when she realized he was separating her from her family and friends. They all wondered what the final body count would be once the investigation was over?

April tried not to think about it, it still gave her nightmares. To think that Denton had almost succeeded in fooling them all and becoming a part of her family had destroyed some of her trust in humanity. She would never take anyone at face value again.

She finally declared a truce with Jason since it seemed he was becoming a permanent fixture in Rebecca’s home, but she still didn’t trust him.

Taking her dad at his word, April sold the building for a nice tidy sum once the insurance paid for the renovations, and she and Nat decided to go into the security business together. Nat wasn’t interested in being tagged a “gumshoe”, but he was very interested in being an ethical hacker, just not employed for the FBI. As such, their business would also do jobs for the FBI when they were needed, but they weren’t answering to anyone but themselves.

They hired Ray Wills to help with pro bono detective work and physical security set-ups, and moved him and his family to Revere.

Since the fake Simon Trask had named Rebecca as his beneficiary, she inherited the property next door, which she sold and gave the proceeds to charities for victims of abuse. She donated his other wealth to charities for sick children who needed medical care their families couldn’t afford. No one wanted to touch a penny of what April considered blood money.

It was no surprise when Rebecca moved in with Jason in his suburban brick home in Boston. April gave her mother plenty of flack about not allowing her and Nat to sleep together, and then moving in with a man she wasn’t married to.

Rebecca simply smiled mysteriously and remarked that age had its privileges. In return for Henry Miller saving her life, and his devotion to Shatemuc, she turned their family home into a bed and breakfast and put Henry in charge of it. It seemed he had graduated from culinary school at one time and was an amazing chef with leadership skills. He ran the motorcycle club he was a member of, and together, they proudly kept security tight at the bed and breakfast simply called The Wind.

It might be said he exaggerated Shatemuc’s exploits a tad bit, but it appeared Henry was a competent business man as well. Who knew a simple groundskeeper had such talents? Of course, the door was always open for anyone in Rebecca’s circle for a weekend getaway.

Nat’s father had remarried and deeded 10 acres to Nat and April as a wedding present to build their home and business.

Marsha and Chessy were delighted to be bridesmaids at the fall wedding the next year, and Oliver’s sister, Emma, caught the bouquet. People were already speculating on the next bride.

After a two-week honeymoon in Scotland, Nat carried his hot little mess over the threshold of their new home.

“Och, and I’ve got ye now, mi sweet lassie, tis no more running for ye,” Nat growled as he set April down in the living room of their new home. He nibbled voraciously on her ear and neck while she fought him off with giggles.

“Give over, ye big oaf,” she replied, pushing against his broad chest until she could reach his mouth where she received a mind-blowing kiss for her efforts.

When they came up for air, he cupped her face in his big hands. “You have to be the only bride I’ve ever heard of that didn’t want a tropical honeymoon with sun and sand, but I’ll be darned if I didn’t have a wicked time poking through old castles and looking up Scottish banshee legends with you.”

April laughed. “I’ve always enjoyed Lenape Indian folklore, so I knew I would love Scotland’s fascinating history and Celtic culture. Besides, I much prefer being active than laying in the sun.”

“Just like the wind, always moving. Sometimes a soft and gentle breeze, and sometimes a kickass tornado on the move,” he murmured, loving the way her eyes appeared so mysterious, like the bluish purple of Scottish heather on the moors.

They kissed their way up the beautiful stairway that Nat had insisted on having built. He’d done a lot of the work himself designing the historic style home he’d always loved. All the modern conveniences but with old world, romantic touches, like this sweeping stairwell that curved to the top floor. The master bedroom was upstairs, which was his all-encompassing destination at the moment.

Clothing was shed at every step, discarded and left lying on the gleaming wooden surfaces of the stairway and upper hallway until they reached the bedroom fully naked. Then Nat picked her up again and carried his bride through the thresh hold once more.

Suddenly, the doorbell downstairs pealed in the late afternoon air. “Are you kidding me?” he asked, setting April down again. He stalked to the home security monitor and pushed a few buttons to reveal a grinning Oliver Tremaine and his wife Marsha standing at their front door. Leaning over the microphone, he boomed into it as loudly as possible. “Unless you want to see me in my birthday suit, I suggest you leave these premises and come back at a reasonable hour! Preferably another two weeks from now!”

April giggled as Marsha put her hands over her mouth to snicker at Oliver’s beleaguered look. Then she held up a huge basket to the camera, and set it down on the front step. “Peace offering,” she mouthed to the camera and then tugged on Oliver’s arm to drag him away.

Oliver pushed buttons furiously on his phone and held up the screen to the camera.

Call me asap, you can play house later!

Grudgingly Nat barked, “Can it wait until dinnertime?”

Oliver grinned and gave a thumbs up.

Nat turned back to April with a lascivious look. “Now, where were we? Ah, yes, some faucets need turning on.” He reached out and tweaked her cherry nipples, hardening them almost instantly as she caught her breath.

“They aren’t the only thing turned on,” April panted, wrapping her legs around his waist as he picked her up and headed towards the huge bed in the middle of the room. She nipped the curve between his neck and shoulder and raked her nails up his back.

“She cat,” he accused, following her down to the bed and impaling her in one stroke with his hard length. Then he turned them both over. “Ride me,” he demanded, slapping her buttocks with both hands. “Do it now.”

Nat watched her slender body undulating above him. Her arms were flung out at her sides, her hair flying around her bouncing breasts with every thrust of her body. He alternating between spanking her hot cheeks and pinching her little cherries between his thumb and forefingers. Higher and higher they rode until once more they leaped into the tornado of ecstasy, their bodies shivering and depleted when they collapsed together on the soft quilts beneath them. “I love you, little mess,” he whispered in her delicate ear.

“Even when you’re exasperated with me?” she asked, tracing her slender finger around the rough shadow on his mouth.

“Especially when I’m exasperated with you,” he replied with a chuckle. “It means I get to warm your bottom.”

“I do have a mind of my own,” she reminded him. “Just because you may not like something I do doesn’t mean I won’t do it if I think it’s necessary.”

“You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t,” he replied honestly. “Just remember that there are consequences if you go too far, and I will spank you when you need reminding of that.”

She gazed up at him without a reply, her stare considering. “What’s going through your little head now?” he asked sternly.

“Oh, nothing,” she replied innocently, her eyes gleaming with mischief.

Nat groaned. “I can see already that I need to get a head start.” He sat up and pulled her across his thighs.

“Hey, I haven’t done anything,” she protested, her arms and legs flailing.

“Call this a reminder to behave,” he replied cheerfully as he began smacking her bouncing buttocks.

“Nathaniel Murphy, you stop that,” she demanded, although the giggles were quickly overcoming her.

”Never,” he vowed. “A hot little mess needs a hot little butt.”


He pulled her up and into his arms, her warm cheeks sitting on his thighs, and proceeded to kiss her senseless once again. Taming the wind was going to be a lifelong pursuit, he feared, but one he was more than willing to do.

“I love you,” she gasped when he finally released her. Her eyes shimmered like silky, lavender pools.

“Come here, you,” he ordered gruffly, pulling her back into the bed with him. Whatever Oliver wanted would just have to wait.

His hot little mess needed his complete attention.

The End



I HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING the East Coast Spitfires series. I’m planning another one with Emma and Sawyer for this year! If you are, please leave me a review! I’d love to hear from you!

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