Al-Hayat Video Database
Video #1. June 9, 2014 There is no life without al-jihad: British fighters describe why they left to go fight in Syria in this first video from al-Hayat.
Video #2. June 29, 2014 End of Sykes-Picot: Chilean foreign fighter Bastian Alexis Vasquez appeared in “End of Sykes-Picot.”
Video #3. July 12, 2014 al-Ghurabaa: The Chosen Few of Different Lands—Abu Muslim from Canada: Canadian “Abu Muslim,” a.k.a. Andrea Poulin, discusses his hijra and the glorious deaths of ISI fighters in Syria.
Video #4. July 16, 2014 Those Who Were Truthful with Allah.
Video #5. July 22, 2014 Join the Ranks: Abu Muhammad al-Indonesi pushes Muslims to act on hijra.
Video #6. August 2, 2014 Eid Greetings: Eid al-Fitr celebration with foreign fighters who have traveled to the Islamic State.
Video #7. September 16, 2014 Flames of War trailer.
Video #8. October 16, 2014 We Are Also Waiting: Abu Abdullah from Britain, Abdul Wadoud from France, Abu Dauoud from Germany.
Video #9. November 2, 2014: A Message from Brother Abu Muhammad ar-Rousi.
Video #10. November 19, 2014: What Are You Waiting For: French-language video that features Abu Osama al-Faranci and Abu Maryam al-Faranci, who demanded, “why haven’t you made hijra, aren’t you embarrassed yet? If you can’t make hijra, kill kufar where you find them.” What Are You Waiting For” also includes Abu Salman al-Faranci.
Video #11. November 21, 2014 Race Towards The Good: Kazakh-language film with Russian subtitles. Abdalluh, a child soldier, was asked what he wanted to do when he grows up: “I will be the one who slaughters you, O kuffar.”
Video #12. November 28, 2014 A Visit to al-Mosul: An ISIS view on how Mosul was captured in 2014 and how the people enjoy Islamic justice under ISIS.
Video #13. January 4, 2015 From Inside Mosul: John Cantilie, a hostage, is forced to tour the city in the role of a supposedly ISIS-friendly “journalist.”
Video #14. January 6, 2015 A Message from Brother Abdullah al-Moldouvi.
Video #15. January 13, 2015 Uncovering an Enemy Within: A terrorist hostage, Mamayev Jambulat Yesenjanovich, from Jambul, Kazakhstan, is accused of being a spy. He confesses on video to being a Russian intelligence (FSB) agent and sticking a USB stick into the laptop of an ISIS operative in Turkey. A second hostage, Ashimov Sergey Nikolayavich, was also accused of being an FSB agent. Video ends with a young Kazakh boy, previously identified in video #9 as Abdalluh, shooting both captives through the head.
Video #16. February 9, 2015 From Inside Halab (Aleppo): John Cantilie, a hostage, is again forced to tour Aleppo in the role of a supposedly ISIS-friendly “journalist.”
Video #17. February 15, 2015 A Message Signed With Blood to the Nation of the Cross: A long-format hostage video where twenty-one Egyptian Coptic Christians are executed by beheading on the Libya seafront (coast of Wilayat Tarabulus).
Video #18. March 7, 2015 Story from the Land of Life: Abu Suhayb al-Faransi.
Video #19. March 23, 2015 A Message to the People of Kurdistan: Short videos featuring deceased fighters (including Kattib, Abu Ishaq, Osama Bin Ladin, Abu Hammam) and ending with execution.
Video #20. April 21, 2015 Stories from the Land of the Living: Features Australian Neil Prakash, a.k.a. Abu Khaled al-Cambodi.
Video #21. June 4, 2015 Honor is in Jihad: Features a propaganda message to the people of the Balkans.
Video #22. August 29, 2015 The Rise of al-Khilafa and Return of the Gold Dinar.
Video #23. October 11, 2015 The Dark Rise of Banknotes and the Turn of the Gold Dinar.
Video #24. November 21, 2015 Turkey and the Fire of Nationalism.
Video #25. November 24, 2015 No Respite: Released in English, French, German, Russian, and Turkish.
Video #26. January 24, 2016 Et Tuez-Les où que vous les rencontriez (French: Kill Them Where You Find Them): Features training segments with the terrorists responsible for the Paris attacks in November 2015.
Video #27. March 6, 2016 Al Qauqaz: Aliment and Cure (Russian with Arabic Subtitles).
Video #28. May 30, 2016 The Religion of Kufr is One.