Art Credits

The Alchemist in His Laboratory: Woodcut in Johann Daniel Mylius, Opus medico-chymicum ..., Vol. 1 (Francofurti, 1618–1620)

The Tree of Life: Llewellyn Art Department

Alchemical Mercury: from Tripus aureus (The Golden Tripod) by Michael Maier, c. 1618

Hermes Trismegistus: a woodcut of the title page of Zadith Ben Hamuel’s De chemica Senioris..., Strassburg, 1566

The Four Elements: engraving from, J. D. Mylius Philosophia reformata, Frankfurt, 1622

An Athanor, or Alchemical Furnace: Johann Conrad Barchusen, Elementa Chemiae, c. 1718

The Elements on the Tree: Llewellyn Art Department

The Dragon: Michael Maier, Tripus aureus (The Golden Tripod) c. 1618

Lady Alchimia: Christopher Love Morley and Theodorus Muykens, Collectanea chymica, c. 1693

The Black Crow with the Body and Twin Birds of Soul and Spirit
(Basilius Valentinus, Azoth, Paris, 1659)
: (Basilius Valentinus, Azoth, Paris, 1659)

Mesmer Projecting Magnetism: Ebenezer Sibly, A Key to Psychic and the Occult Sciences, c. 1792

The Hermetic Triumph: Christopher Love Morley and Theodorus Muykens, Collectanea chymica, c. 1693

“Two Fishes” from The Book of Lambspring: published Musaeum Hermeticum in 1625 by Lucas Jennis in Frankfurt

The Pelican: Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Propriétaire des Choses, c. 1486

Cup Symbolism: Llewellyn Art Department

Caduceus Symbolism: Llewellyn Art Department

The Alchemist at Labor and at Prayer: Heinrich Khunrath, Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae, c. 1602

Cabala and Alchemy: Steffan Michelspacher, Cabala, c. 1616

The Altar Setup for Alchemy: Llewellyn Art Department

A Simple Alchemical Laboratory Setup: Llewellyn Art Department

Alchemical Hexagram: Llewellyn Art Department

Temple Setup: Llewellyn Art Department

The Elemental Pentagrams: Llewellyn Art Department

The Elemental Pentagrams: Llewellyn Art Department

Walking the Hexagram: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Earth: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Water: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Air: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Fire: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Spirit Active/Invoking Spirit Passive: Llewellyn Art Department

Invoking Sol/Invoking Luna: Llewellyn Art Department

Banishing Hexagrams: Llewellyn Art Department
