- 1964 The Impossible Theater: A Manifesto [Impossible]
- 1982 Blooded Thought: Occasions of Theater [Blooded]
- 1982 Take Up the Bodies: Theater at the Vanishing Point [Take Up]
- 1987 The Eye of Prey: Subversions of the Postmodern [Eye]
- 1990 The Audience [Audience]
- 1992 To All Appearances: Ideology and Performance [Appearances]
- 1999 Nothing in Itself: Complexions of Fashion [Nothing]
- 2000 Sails of the Herring Fleet: Essays on Beckett [Sails]
- 2002 The Dubious Spectacle: Extremities of Theater, 1976–2000 [Dubious]
- 2011 Reality Principles: From the Absurd to the Virtual [Reality]
- 2011 As If: An Autobiography [As If]
- 2013 Programming Theater History [Programming]