This book came into being solely because I can’t say ‘no’ to a challenge. After Doctor Sharon Pajka, PhD, of Gadaullet University read and reviewed the first two books in the Invisible series, she said, “Now you have to give Jazmine some deaf peers.” I am so grateful for her help in giving me access to deaf students to ask research questions of, and for commenting on the final draft. Sharon’s blog is a review of literature that features deaf characters, and is worth a read.
It’s my hope that readers will not only relate to Jazmine and her difficulty in finding her place in the world, but that they’ll also begin to become more aware of Deaf culture and the challenges people who are deaf and hard of hearing have as they make their way through a largely hearing world.
I’m grateful to Rodney Adams and his team for inviting me to be part of a Deaf conference for teenagers. I learned and experienced so much, and those lessons played into this story.
I appreciate my reader and writer friends who comment, correct and challenge me to think more about the writing, as well as the story and how it works: Kristen Young, Laura Tharion, Anna Krebs, Natalie McNee, Selena and Colleen in my writer’s group.
Of course, my thanks go to my husband who always encourages my writing, and to you readers, who ask for more.