What do we do with oil? In Belgium there was great concern about the lack of oil. The government organise car-free Sundays to save energy.
In 1973, war broke out between Israel and the neighbouring Arab oil-producing countries. The price of oil rapidly increased. This raw material is essential to the economy. This was an oil crisis!
Belgians are worried about the future and protests increase.
Many companies are forced to close their doors. Unemployment returns. Differences increase in the country as Flanders becomes more prosperous while Wallonia is hurt by a decline in the steel and coal industries.
The nation needed to improve in how it functioned as one country. Therefore, in 1970, reforms were implemented. To do this, politicians compromised in order to get along. Because of this, in 1993, Belgium became a federal state.
Do you know what a compromise is? Think of an example.