Official PSSC Internal Correspondence

From: PSSC Control

To: Captain Botran Adriano and all officers, PCCS Feris

Terra-Sol date 3814.243 at 2820

Attention, crew of the PCCS Feris: this is contact attempt number seventy-three. Respond immediately. The captain and all command crew officers have been held in dereliction of duty pending an investigation into the circumstances of the ship’s continued lack of contact.

Message Status: Receiver Error; please check receiver ID and try again


Official Internal Correspondence

From: PSSC Control

To: Captain John Litico and all officers, PCCS Amitis

Terra-Sol date 3814.243 at 2820

Attention, crew of the PCCS Amitis: this is contact attempt number seven. Respond immediately. The captain and all command crew officers will soon be held in dereliction of duty pending an investigation into the circumstances of the ship’s continued lack of contact.

Message Status: Receiver Found; Receipt Unverified