I am grateful to many people who helped bring Scandalous Passions to life. My CP, Sherilee Gray, for her longstanding support and encouragement in writing the erotic books of my heart, especially the queer ones. Those in the Wicked Wallflowers Coven and on social media, whose cheerleading and many kindnesses keep me going. My readers—you are the very best. Those excited emails, messages, and tweets mean the world. And my editor, Lydia Sharp: thank you for championing this book and offering constructive guidance plus all the smiley faces an author could want.
I consulted the following in my research:
Scotland: A Concise History by Fitzroy Maclean
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Royal Britain by Charles Phillips
Corsets and Codpieces: A Social History of Outrageous Fashion by Karen Bowman
A History of Scotland by Neil Oliver
Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots: The Life of King Henry VIII’s Sister by Sarah-Beth Watkins
“In all gudly haste”: The Formation of Marriage in Scotland, c. 1350-1600 by Heather Parker
‘Origins and Development of St. Andrews’ in St. Andrews Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan by Fife Council
The Online Etymology Dictionary
Mister Slang’s Timelines of Slang (Jonathon Green)