‘He’s dead!’ she shouted, her shaking hand clenched tightly around the knife. Her face was crumpled with extreme grief. ‘He’s dead,’ she repeated, her voice now soft and broken.

Cullen looked on, feeling constrained as he was still holding onto a handcuffed Jack Morton. ‘Tabitha, please, put the knife down.’

She shook her head lamentedly. ‘It’s too late. Everything is ruined.’

Natalie stepped forwards, beyond Cullen, towards Tabitha. ‘It’s okay, Tabitha.’

Another shake of the head before she looked up with drowning eyes. ‘It’s all his fault. It’s all his fault.’

At first Natalie thought she was referring to Jack, but she wasn’t.

‘I told them to be careful,’ she continued. ‘They knew what my uncle was like. They knew he’d done it before.’

‘You’re Kenneth New’s niece?’

She nodded.

‘We tried to protect you, Natalie. We tried to put in safeguards. He wasn’t even meant to be there. He was meant to already be in Australia. That was the plan. But the old fool just couldn’t help himself. He never can.’

Natalie took a small step forward, with more than half an eye on the knife. ‘Tabitha…’

‘Even after it happened, we tried to protect him, to limit the damage. We were loyal to the company and to him. We must be idiots.’

Natalie edged closer. ‘It will be okay.’

‘And now my fiancé is dead!’ Tabitha shouted. ‘Guy is dead…’

Without warning, she launched the knife with force. It spun at speed through the air, lodging straight in Jack Morton’s head.

He was dead before he hit the floor.