*1 AIIM is a pioneer in the field of developing harmonic and energy healing instruments that are based upon the Hermetic axiom “as above so below, as within so without.” Founded in 1997 in Seattle, Washington, by Donna Carey, L.Ac, and musician Marjorie de Muynck, AIIM (formerly Kairos Institute of Sound Healing) remains a leader in the field of planetary sound healing. Instruments calibrated to the orbital frequencies of the planets, including that of Sedna, were inspired by Carey's near-death experience, during which she heard the cosmic symphonies. Her inspiration catalyzed a unique system of sound healing with tuning forks that could be applied to the acupuncture points and meridian system.

*2 “Fixed cross” refers to all of the fixed signs (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius) forming a “grand cross” or “fixed cross.” Refer to chapter 3 for information on the modes.

*3 From 1995 to 2000, Donna Carey served as clinical dean at Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NIAOM). At the time, she had been seeking noninvasive methods for acupuncturists to use on the critically ill. With the assistance of Marjorie de Muynck, and Paul and Jude Ponton, who were also clinical faculty at NIAOM, Acutonics was taught to students in the clinic and introduced into fourteen communities. Since then it has evolved into a full certification program through the efforts of Carey, CEO Ellen F. Franklin, Ph.D., and instructors around the world.

*4 The metal element in Chinese medicine includes the lungs (air) and large intestine, both involving the expulsion of waste; carbon dioxide is exhaled by the lungs and fecal matter excreted by the large intestine. Although all metabolic processes require circulation to function, the lungs are the only organ that inhale/exhale air.

*5 Clockwise for chakras on the front of the body; counterclockwise for chakras on the back of the body.