
‘This is an extraordinary work of scholarly engagement on the life and death of one of South Africa’s greatest idealists. It is also a story of discovery by the author, as she reveals the complex layers of her shared family history with Neil Aggett. It is a vital contribution to a rediscovery of a generation that foresaw what a truly liberated South Africa could become – and, in the case of Neil Aggett, paid the ultimate sacrifice in trying to realize it.’

– Professor Edward Webster

‘This is the story of a young doctor’s death in custody. But it is more than that. In the sensitive hands of the acclaimed writer, Beverley Naidoo, it is the unmasking of a system where torture was allowed to operate with impunity, where national security was invoked to prevent public scrutiny, where the legal system colluded in injustice and where the Rule of Law was corrupted. There are powerful and universal lessons for all time in the telling of this story. Our collective memories require a regular jolt to remind us of the need for human rights protections the world over. We have to keep the call for justice forever on our lips.’

– Helena Kennedy QC