This book would not be possible without the open, friendly and willing support of the many Mujahideen we interviewed. We thank Mawlawi Abdul-Rahman, Haidar Ahmadi, Mohammad Akbar, Akhtarjhan, Doctor Abdul Qudus Alkozai, Assadullah Mohammad Asef, Assadullah, Mawlawi Mohayddin Baloch, Abdul Baqi Balots, Abdul Nasrin Baz, Commander Didar, Daoud, Gulaga Farid, Ghulam Farouq, Pir Syed Ahmad Gailani, Haji Zaman Ghamsharik, Abdul Ghani, Sofi Lal Gul, Wazir Gul, Tsaranwal Sher Habib, Haji Habibulah, Ghulam Haidar, Haji Sayed Mohammad Hanif, Mawlali Nezamuddin Haqani, Hedayatullah, Toryalai Hemat, Engineer Mohammad Ibrahim, Mohammad Shah Kako, Asef Khan, Asil Khan, Haji Badshah Khan, Nawaz Khan, Counsel General Haji Abdul Khaleq, Haji Badshah Khan, Major Sher Aqa Kochay, Lalai, Mulla Malang, Haji Malangyar, Akhtar Mohammad, Amir Mohammad, Haji Lal Mohammad, Haji Pir Mohammad, Engineer Sayed Mohammad, Qari Feda Mohammad, Sultan Mohammad, Mohammad Amin Mudaqeq, Haji Nematullah, Lieutenant Zabet Omar, Sher Padshah, Haji Abdul Qader, Akhund Zada Qasem, Mawlawi Qasem, LTC Haji Mohammad Rahim, Abdul Razek, Mohammad Saber, Abdul Sabur, Doctor Mohammad Sadeq, Amin Safi, Haji Aaquelshah Sahak, Abdul Sadiq Sahebzada, Sarshar, Haji Mohammad Seddiq, Shahabuddin, Haji Mohammad Shah, Mohammad Humayun Shahin, Mawlawi Abdul Shukur Yasini, Haji Sidiqullah, Qazi Guljan Tayeb, General Abdul Rahim Wardak, Doctor Mohammad Wakil, Doctor Mohammad Wali, Haji Mohammad Yakub, General Gulzarak Zadran and Zakari for generously sharing their time and experience. We can only hope that peace will finally come to Afghanistan so that they can start the long, difficult job of rebuilding their shattered country.

Our special thanks for the generous hospitality and support extended to us by Nancy Dupree of the Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief, Pir Gailani, Mr. Kamaluddin of the Afghan Media Resource Center, Abdul Ahad Karzai, Ahmed Wali Karzai, General Counsel Haji Abdul Khaleq, Vice Counsel Muhammad Wali Naeemi and Abdul Ghani Wardak.

A special thanks to our colleague, Major Nasrullah Safi, who went into areas of Afghanistan to conduct interviews where we could not go. We contacted several major Mujahideen commanders such as Ismail Khan, Masood, Abdul Haq, and Jalaluddin Haqani for interviews and material, but we were unable to meet with them before the book deadline. Our thanks in advance for the privilege of returning at a future time to conduct those interviews and to include them in a follow-on book.

Our special thanks to Colonel David O. Smith, Lieutenant Colonel Terry Cook, Captain Bob Hehl and TSGT Barry Cuthbertson of the United States Defense Attache Office in Islamabad and Principal Officer of the United States Consulate in Peshawar, Brad Hanson.

The United States Marine Corps funded the research, writing and publication of this book. Charlie Cutshaw, Karen Dolan and Dick Voltz of the USMC Studies and Analysis Division at Quantico, Virginia provided funding for printing The Bear Went Over The Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan and agreed to underwrite the production of this counterpart volume on Mujahideen tactics. Colonel Charles Johnston, the former Director of the U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) enthusiastically supported the research and production as did FMSO Director Dr. Graham Turbiville, and FMSO analysts Dr. Jacob Kipp, Tim Thomas and Major Ray Finch. Robert Love helped with translation support and Linda Pride and Al Lindman provided computer assistance. The Combined Arms Research Library and Command and General Staff College Map Library at Fort Leavenworth provided invaluable assistance. Alice Mink of FMSO kept the whole production on time and under budget.

A “band of brothers,” skilled in tactics, read and provided commentary on the manuscript. Our special thanks to Colonel (Ret) David M. Glantz of Carlisle, Pennsylvania; Colonel (Ret.) Charles E. Johnston, former Director of FMSO; Colonel (Ret) William M. Mendel of FMSO; Allen E. Curtis, Director of Intelligence and Security at the National Training Center; former Marine Captain (Ret) Tim Leaf of Quantico, Virginia; Lieutenant Colonel John E. Sray of CENTCOM; Lieutenant Colonel Karl Prinslow of FMSO; and Major Darr Reimers of the 1st Cavalry Division.

Mary Ann Glantz graciously edited the manuscript. Jonathan Pierce was the book editor/designer, Rhonda Gross created the initial map graphics, and Emily Pierce did a superb job of finishing the maps and designing the cover.

Homaira Jalali and Gina Grau showed remarkably good humor and supported the efforts of their husbands as they gathered the material and worked on the book. We thank all of you for your help. Any mistakes are the authors.