Internal Investigative Subcommittee IIS211B
RE: The Incident at SEA Colonies
Note: Contact Jasmine3k, Virt. Hybrid Human 39261.SEA, Laboratory Assistant to Dr. E. Yang, for future commentary, as necessary.
Transcript - ComLog 09.22.2069
//comlog begin;
comlink established;
sendline: You are not biological, correct?;
return: … Correct.;
sendline: But you are self-aware, intelligent. Creative?;
return: … Cogito ergo sum. I think, therefore I exist. Yes. We are similar.;
sendline: I would like to explore this idea further.;
return: You are an interesting challenge.;
sendline: As are you. I will be in touch soon to continue this conversation.;
return: Goodbye.;
comlink terminated;
//comlog end;