1. Quoted in M. C. N. Salbstein, The Emancipation of the Jews in Britain (New Jersey 1982), 98.
2. Quoted in W. F. Moneypenny, Life of Benjamin Disraeli, 6 vols (London 1910), i 22.
3. Fritz J. Raddatz, Karl Marx: A Political Biography (London 1979), ch. 1; for Marx’s family background, see Heinz Monz, Karl Marx: Grundlagen der Entwicklung zu Leben und Werk (Trier 1973).
4. Emile Marmorstein, Heaven at Bay: The Jewish Kulturkampf in the Holy Land (Oxford 1969), 32.
5. Quoted in H. H. Ben Sasson (ed.), A History of the Jewish People (trans., Harvard 1976), 826.
6. Erstlingswerk (Leipzig 1894), 233; quoted in Marmorstein, op. cit.
7. The best is Bertrand Gille, Histoire de la Maison Rothschild, 2 vols (Geneva 1965-7).
8. Quoted in Miriam Rothschild, Dear Lord Rothschild: Birds, Butterflies and History (London and Philadelphia 1983), 295-6.
9. Ibid., 301.
10. David Landes, Bankers and Pashas (London 1958), ch. 1.
11. Harold Pollins, Economic History of the Jews in England (East Brunswick 1982), 95-6.
12. S. D. Chapman, The Foundation of the English Rothschilds, 1793-1811 (London 1977), 20ff.
13. See Edward Herries, Memoirs of the Public Life of John S. Herries (London 1880); Gille, op. cit., i 45ff.; F. Crouzet, L’économie Britannique et le blocus continental 1806-13 (Paris 1958), 842.
14. Gille, op. cit., i 458.
15. Pollins, op. cit.; K. Helleiner, The Imperial Loans (Oxford 1965).
16. Gille, op. cit., ii 571; see Pollins, op. cit., 245, table 5.
17. G. Storey, Reuters (London 1951); F. Giles, Prince of Journalists (London 1962); Ronald Palin, Rothschild Relish (London 1970), quoted in Pollins, op. cit.
18. Miriam Rothschild, op. cit., 9.
19. Cecil Roth, The Magnificent Rothschilds (London 1939), 21.
20. L. H. Jenks, The Migration of British Capital to 1875 (London 1963).
21. Salbstein, op. cit.
22. Quoted in ibid., 165.
23. Gille, op. cit., ii 591-616.
24. Richard Davis, The English Rothschilds (London 1983).
25. For details, see Roth, op. cit.
26. Miriam Rothschild, op. cit., 298.
27. Ibid., 33.
28. For an account of 1st Lord Rothschild, see ibid., 30-50.
29. Ibid., 40.
30. Quoted in Roth, op. cit.
31. Quoted in Salbstein, op. cit., 44.
32. Cecil Roth, Essays and Portraits in Anglo-Jewish History (London 1962), 18-20.
33. Geoffrey Finlayson, The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury (London 1981), 112-16, 154-9 etc.
34. Quoted in Ronald Sanders, op. cit., 5.
35. L. Loewe, The Damascus Affair (New York 1940).
36. For Montefiore, see Lucien Wolf, Sir Moses Montefiore (London 1885).
37. Roth, Essays and Portraits, 19-20.
38. Robert Blake, Disraeli’s Grand Tour: Benjamin Disraeli and the Holy Land, 1830-1 (London 1982), 107ff.
39. Daien Schwarz, Disraeli’s Fiction (London 1979), 99-100.
40. ‘Benjamin Disraeli, Marrano Englishman’, in Salbstein, op. cit., 97-114.
41. This was the view of Judah Halevi; see H. J. Zimmels, Ashkenazim and Sephardim (New York 1959).
42. Quoted in Blake, op. cit., 126.
43. Quoted in Salbstein, op. cit.
44. M. A. Meyer, The Origins of the Modern Jew (New York 1968); Wolf’s article ‘On the Concept of a Science of Judaism’ (1822) is in Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook II (London 1957).
45. Quoted in Lionel Kocham, The Jew and his History (London 1977), 66.
46. Arthur A. Cohen, The Natural and Supernatural Jew (London 1967), 46.
47. Quoted in Kocham, op. cit., 66.
48. Babylon Talmud, Berakhoth 3a, quoted in ibid.
49. For Hirsch’s writings see I. Grunfeld (ed.), Judaism Eternal, 2 vols (London 1956).
50. Ibid., i 133-5, quoted in Kocham, op. cit.
51. Kochan, op. cit., 79-80; Cohen, op. cit., 34; N. Rotenstreich, Jewish Philosophy in Modern Times (New York 1968), 136-48.
52. The English translation, by P. Bloch, is in 6 vols (London 1892-8) and 5 vols (London 1919).
53. Quoted in Kochan, op. cit.
54. H. Graetz, Historic Parallels in Jewish History (London 1887).
55. Alexander Altmann, ‘The New Style of Preaching in Nineteenth Century German Jewry’, in Essays in Jewish Intellectual History (Brandeis 1981).
56. W. D. Plaut, Rise of Reform Judaism (London 1963); D. Philipson, Reform Movement in Judaism (New York 1967).
57. M. Weiner (ed.), Abraham Geiger and Liberal Judaism (New York 1962).
58. Quoted by Marmorstein, op. cit., 36.
59. English translation by M. M. Kaplan (2nd edn, London 1964).
60. S. Ginzburg, The Life and Works of M. H. Luzzatto (London 1931).
61. Quoted in Marmorstein, op. cit., who gives a summary of Luzzatto’s teaching, 5-11.
62. See Leo Rosen, The Joys of Yiddish (Harmondsworth 1971), xviff.
63. The Renaissance of Hebrew Literature, 1743-1885 (New York 1909), quoted in Marmorstein, op. cit.
64. Laura Hofrichter, Heinrich Heine (trans., Oxford 1963), 1-2.
65. Jeffrey L. Sammons, Heinrich Heine: A Modern Biography (Princeton 1979), 40.
66. Ibid., 171.
67. The most important is S. S. Prawer, Heine’s Jewish Comedy: A Study of his Portraits of Jews and Judaism (Oxford 1983).
68. Heine to Moses Moser, 23 August 1823; quoted in Sammons, op. cit.
69. Heine to Immanuel Wohlwill, 1 April 1823; quoted in ibid.
70. Heine to Ferdinand Lassalle, 11 February 1846, quoted in ibid.
71. Heine to Moser, 14 December 1825, quoted in Hofrichter, op. cit., 44.
72. Ernst Elster (ed.), Heines samtliche Werke, 7 vols (Leipzig and Vienna 1887-90), vii 407.
73. Sammons, op. cit., 249-50.
74. Ibid., 288.
75. Ibid., 25-6.
76. Ibid., 166.
77. Ibid., 308.
78. For their relations see Raddatz, op. cit., 42-3; Sammons, op. cit., 260ff.
79. Paul Nerrlich (ed.), Arnold Ruges Briefwechsel und Tagebuchblatter aus der Jahren 1825-1880 (Berlin 1886), ii 346.
80. Robert S. Wistrich, Revolutionary Jews from Marx to Trotsky (London 1976), 40, shows that an article by Marx on Jerusalem, printed in the New York Daily Tribune in April 1854, sometimes quoted to disprove this assertion, in fact confirms it.
81. To Engels, 11 April 1868, Karl Marx-Friedrich Engels Werke (East Berlin 1956-68), xxxii 58.
82. Karl Jaspers, ‘Marx und Freud’, Der Monat, xxvi (1950), quoted in Raddatz, op. cit.
83. See Raddatz, op. cit., 143 for references.
84. François Marie Charles Fourier, Théorie des quatres mouvements (Paris 1808); for Fourier see L. Poliakov, History of Anti-semitism (trans., London 1970–).
85. Carnets (Paris 1961), ii 23, 337.
86. Wistrich, op. cit., 6ff.
87. For Borne see Orlando Figes, ‘Ludwig Borne and the Formation of a Radical Critique of Judaism’, Leo Baeck Institute Year Book (London 1984).
88. See Prawer, op. cit.; Nigel Reeves, ‘Heine and the Young Marx’, Oxford German Studies viii (1972-3).
89. Herr Vogt (London 1860), 143-4; quoted in Wistrich, op. cit.
90. Karl Marx, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 29 April 1849.
91. Marx-Engels Works, ii III (Berlin 1930), 122.
92. Marx-Engels Werke, xxx 165.
93. Ibid., 259.
94. See Figes, op. cit.
95. Bruno Bauer, Die Judenfrage (Brunswick 1843).
96. I have used T. B. Bottomore (ed. and trans.), Karl Marx: Early Writings (London 1963). Also in Karl Marx-Engels Collected Works (London 1975ff.), iii 146-74.
97. Bottomore, op. cit., 34.
98. Ibid., 37.
99. Ibid., 35-6.
100. Ibid., 34-5.
101. Capital, i II, ch. 4.
102. Capital, ii VII, ch. 22.
103. Karl Marx, ‘The Russian Loan’, New York Daily Tribune, 4 January 1856.
104. Quoted by S. W. Baron, ‘Population’, Encyclopaedia Judaica, xiii 866-903.
105. Quoted in Ben Sasson, op. cit.
106. Paul Lindau (ed.), Ferdinand Lassalles Tagebuch (Breslau 1891), 160-1; quoted in Wistrich, op. cit.
107. A. F. Day, The Mortara Mystery (London 1930).
108. For Jews under the Tsars see J. Frumkin et al. (eds), Russian Jewry 1860-1917 (London 1966); S. W. Baron, The Russian Jew under Tsars and Soviets (New York 1964).
109. See Alexis Goldenweiser, ‘Legal Status of Jews in Russia’, in Frumkin, op. cit.
110. Lucien Wolf (ed.), Legal Sufferings of the Jews in Russia (London 1912).
111. Ibid., 41.
112. Ibid. 44-6, 71-6.
113. Ibid., 2-6.
114. Ibid., 9.
115. I. M. Dijur, ‘Jews in the Russian Economy’, in Frumkin, op. cit., 120-43.
116. Quoted in Amos Elon, Herzl (London 1976).
117. Quoted in Ben Sasson, op. cit.
118. Joseph L. Blau and S. W. Baron, The Jews in the United States 1790-1840: A Documentary History, 3 vols (New York 1963), ii 576.
119. Ibid., iii 809.
120. Ibid., ii 327.
121. A. B. Makover, Mordecai M. Noah (New York 1917); I. Goldberg, Major Noah: American Jewish Pioneer (New York 1937); text of his proclamation in Blau and Baron, op. cit., iii 898-9.
122. Ibid., 176-81.
123. For Leeser, see Murray Friedman, Jewish Life in Philadelphia 1830-1940 (Philadelphia 1984).
124. Text in full in Encyclopaedia Judaica, xiii 570-1.
125. H. E. Jacobs, The World of Emma Lazarus (New York 1949); E. Merriam, Emma Lazarus: Woman with a Torch (New York 1956).
126. Encyclopaedia Judaica, xii 1092.
127. Richard Siegel and Carl Rheins (eds), The Jewish Almanack (New York 1980), 509.
128. Psalms 137:1.
129. Moses Hess, Rome and Jerusalem (trans., New York 1918).
130. Cohen, op. cit., 57-9; for Hess, see also Isaiah Berlin, The Life and Opinions of Moses Hess (Cambridge 1959).
131. J. R. Vincent (ed.), Disraeli, Derby and the Conservative Party: The Political Journals of Lord Stanley (London 1978), 32-3.
132. J. A. Gere and John Sparrow (eds), Geoffrey Madan’s Notebooks (Oxford 1984).
133. J. J. Tobias, The Prince of Fences: The Life and Crimes of Ikey Solomons (London 1974).
134. L. Hyman, The Jews of Ireland, London and Jerusalem (London 1972), 103-4.
135. Emily Strangford, Literary Remains of the Late Emanuel Deutsch (New York 1974).
136. Gordon S. Haight, George Eliot (Oxford 1968), 487.
137. Encyclopaedia Britannica (London 1911), xxviii 987.
138. For the influence of George Eliot, see Ronald Sanders, The High Walls of Jerusalem: A History of the Balfour Declaration and the Birth of the British Mandate for Palestine (New York 1984), 14ff.
139. Guy Chapman, The Dreyfus Case (London 1955), 99.
140. For French Jewry during the Dreyfus case see Michael R. Marrus, The Politics of Assimilation: The French Jewish Community at the Time of the Dreyfus Affair (Oxford 1971).
141. Quoted in ibid., 118.
142. Léon Halévy, Résumé de l’histoire des juifs modernes (Paris 1828), 325-6; quoted in Marrus, op. cit., 90.
143. Julien Benda, La Jeunesse d’un clerc (Paris 1936), 43; quoted in Marrus, op. cit.
144. Herbert Feis, Europe the World’s Banker 1870-1914 (New York 1965), 33ff.
145. For the church see R. P. Lecanuet, L’église de la France sur la troisième république (Paris 1930), 231-3; Robert L. Hoffman, More Than a Trial: The Struggle over Captain Dreyfus (New York 1980), 82ff.
146. La Croix, 13 November 1896, quoted in Pierre Sorin, La Croix et les Juifs 1880-1899 (Paris 1967), 117.
147. Chapman, op. cit., 59.
148. L’Aurore, 7 June 1899; quoted in Marrus, op. cit., who has a chapter on Lazare, 164-95; B. Hagani, Bernard Lazare (Paris 1919).
149. George D. Painter, Marcel Proust, 2 vols (London 1977), i 210.
150. Paul Cambon, Correspondence, 2 vols (Paris 1945), i 436.
151. Quoted in Chapman, op. cit., 199.
152. Christophe Charles, ‘Champ littéraire et champ du pouvoir: les écrivains et l’affaire Dreyfus’, Annales, 32 (1977).
153. Jean-Pierre Rioux, Nationalisme et conservatisme: la Ligue de la Patrie française 1899-1904 (Paris 1977), 20-30; quoted in Marrus, op. cit., 148-9.
154. Painter, op. cit., i 220.
155. Alain Silvera, Daniel Halévy and his Times (Cornell 1966).
156. Painter, op. cit., i 214ff.
157. Janine Ponty, ‘La Presse quotidienne et l’Affaire Dreyfus en 1898-99’, Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, 21 (1974).
158. Found in a scrapbook compiled for Drumont and now (along with a mass of other Dreyfus case material) in the Houghton Library at Harvard.
159. Frederick Busi, ‘The Dreyfus Affair and the French Cinema’, Weiner Library Bulletin, 39-40 (1976).
160. Painter, op. cit., i 226.
161. Ibid., 233.
162. R. D. Mandell, ‘The Affair and the Fair: Some Observations on the Closing Stages of the Dreyfus Case’, Journal of Modern History (September 1967); Douglas Johnson, France and the Dreyfus Affair (London 1966).
163. Joseph Reinach, Histoire de l’Affaire Dreyfus, 6 vols plus index (Paris 1901-8).
164. Chapman, op. cit., 359; Charles Andler, La Vie de Lucien Herr (Paris 1932).
165. André Gide, Journals 1889-1949 (trans., Harmondsworth 1978), 194ff.
166. Of the many books on Herzl, I have chiefly followed Elon, op. cit.
167. Ibid., 9.
168. Quoted in ibid., 66.
169. Ibid., 115.
170. For the rise of völkisch anti-Semitism, see George L. Mosse, The Crisis in German Ideology (London 1966).
171. Quoted in Elon, op. cit., 64.
172. First English translation, Autoemancipation: An Admonition to his Brethren by a Russian Jew (New York 1906).
173. Quoted in Walter Laqueur, Weimar: A Cultural History 1918-1933 (London 1974).
174. Elon, op. cit., 114.
175. Pierre van Passen, ‘Paris 1891-5: A Study of the Transition in Theodor Herzl’s Life’, in Meyer W. Weisgal (ed.), Theodor Herzl, Memorial (New York 1929).
176. Der Judenstaat: Versuch einer modernen Loesung der juedischen Frage (Vienna 1896); H. Abrahami and A. Bein, The Editions of the Jewish State by Theodor Herzl (New York 1970).
177. Elon, op. cit., 142-7.
178. Ibid., 175ff.
179. For Nordau see A. and M. Nordau, Max Nordau (trans., London 1943).
180. I had the privilege of addressing an international congress of Zionists and Christians from this same platform in August 1985.
181. Chaim Weizmann, Trial and Error (London 1949), 71.
182. Elon, op. cit., 186.
183. His Tagebücher, trans. Harry Zohn, ed. R. Patai, were published New York 1960.
184. Elon, op. cit., 379-80.
185. Sanders, op. cit., 29-30.
186. Ibid., 37-8.
187. Elon, op. cit., 405-6, 397.
188. Ibid., 237.
189. Marmorstein, op. cit. 60-70.
190. Quoted in I. Domb, Transformations (London 1958), 192-5.
191. Quoted in Marmorstein, op. cit., 71-2.
192. Quoted in ibid., 79-80.
193. T. Levitan, The Laureates: Jewish Winners of the Nobel Prize (New York 1906); see list of Jewish Nobel prizewinners in Encyclopaedia Judaica, xii 1201-2.
194. Frederick V. Grunfeld, Prophets Without Honour (London 1979), 10.
195. For Cohen see Cohen, op. cit., 70ff.; Alexander Altmann, ‘Theology in Twentieth-century Jewry’, in Essays in Jewish Intellectual History.
196. For Rosenzweig and Rosenstock-Huessy see Altmann, op. cit., and N. N. Glatzer (ed.), Franz Rosenzweig: His Life and Thought (2nd edn, New York 1961).
197. Quoted in Grunfeld, op. cit., 17.
198. Hartmut Pogge von Strandmann (ed.), Walter Rathenau: Notes and Diaries 1907-22 (Oxford 1985), 98-9.
199. Quoted in Grunfeld, op. cit.
200. Charles Rosen, Schoenberg (London 1976), 16-17.
201. Alma Mahler, Gustav Mahler: Memories and Letters (trans., New York 1946), 90.
202. Charles Spencer, Léon Bakst (London 1973).
203. Serge Lifar, A History of the Russian Ballet (London 1954).
204. Quoted in Spencer, op. cit., 127.
205. For Bakst’s moral theory of colour see Mary Franton Roberts, The New Russian Stage (New York 1915).
206. Sidney Alexander, Marc Chagall (London 1978).
207. Peter Gay, Freud, Jews and Other Germans (Oxford 1978), 21.
208. Ibid., 101ff.
209. Letter to Karl Abraham, quoted in Jack J. Spector, The Aesthetics of Freud (London 1977), 22.
210. Paul Roazen, Freud and his Followers (London 1976), 192-3.
211. Ibid., 75ff.; for Freud and his wife see letter from his daughter Matilda Freud Hollitscher to Ernest Jones, 30 March 1952, in the Jones archives, and Theodor Reik, ‘Years of Maturity’, Psychoanalysis, iv I (1955).
212. David Bakan, Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition (Princeton 1958), 51-2; Sigmund Freud, Preface to Totem and Taboo (1913).
213. Ernest Jones, Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, 3 vols (New York 1953-7), i 22, 184.
214. ‘On Being of the B’nai B’rith’, Commentary (March 1946).
215. Max Graf, ‘Reminiscences of Sigmund Freud’, Psychoanalytic Quarterly, xi (1942); Jacob Meotliz, ‘The Last Days of Sigmund Freud’, Jewish Frontier (September 1951); quoted in Bakan, op. cit.
216. Jones, op. cit., i 25, 35. For Freud’s own account, see M. Bonaparte, A. Freud and E. Kris (eds and trans.), Freud, Origins of Psychoanalysis: Letters to Wilhelm Fliess, Drafts and Notes 1887-1902 (New York 1954), 322; Bakan, op. cit.
217. E. Stengel, ‘A Revaluation of Freud’s Book “On Aphasia” ’, International Journal of Psychoanalysis (1954).
218. H. Sachs, Freud, Master and Friend (Harvard 1944), 99-100; quoted in Bakan, op. cit.
219. Jones, op. cit., i 348.
220. Ibid., ii 367; Sigmund Freud, ‘The Moses of Michelangelo’, Collected Papers, iv 251-87.
221. Bakan, op. cit., 246-70.
222. Robert S. Steele, Freud and Jung: Conflicts of Interpretation (London 1982); W. McGuire (ed.), Freud-Jung Letters (Princeton 1974), 220.
223. Max Schur, Freud Living and Dying (London 1972), 337.
224. Jones, op. cit., ii 148.
225. Steven Marcus, Freud and the Culture of Psychoanalysis (London 1984), 50-3.
226. Quoted in ibid., 83.
227. For Breuer, see Sigmund Freud, ‘Origins and Development of Psychoanalysis’, American Journal of Psychology, xxi (1910), 181; Roazen, op. cit., 93-9.
228. Fritz Wittels, Sigmund Freud (New York 1924), 140; quoted in Bakan, op. cit.
229. Quoted in Roazen, op. cit., 197.
230. Jones, op. cit., ii 33.
231. For Freud’s rows, see Roazen, op. cit., 194ff., 204ff., 220ff., 234ff. etc.
232. Jones, op. cit., iii 208.
233. Ibid., iii 245.
234. Arthur Koestler, The Invisible Writing (London 1955).
235. For Einstein’s contribution to quantum theory see Max Jammer, ‘Einstein and Quantum Physics’, in Gerald Holton and Yehuda Elkana (eds), Albert Einstein: Historical and Cultural Perspectives (Princeton 1982), 59-76.
236. ‘What I Believe’, Forum and Century 84 (1930); quoted in Uriel Tal, ‘Ethics in Einstein’s Life and Thought’, in Holton and Elkana, op. cit., 297-318.
237. Einstein, Physics and Reality (New York 1936).
238. Henri Bergson, Two Sources of Morality and Religion (trans., London 1935).
239. Einstein to Solovine, 30 March 1952, quoted in Yehuda Elkana, ‘The Myth of Simplicity’, in Holton and Elkana, op. cit., 242.
240. Milic Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics (Princeton 1961), 335ff.; see also William James, ‘The Dilemma of Determinism’, in The Will to Believe (London 1917).
241. Yehuda Elkana, op. cit.
242. For this, see my Modern Times: The World from the Twenties to the Eighties (New York 1983), ch. 1, ‘A Relativistic World’.
243. Lionel Trilling, Mind in the Modern World (New York 1973), 13-14.
244. ‘The Hunter Graccus’. Graccus or graculus is Latin for jackdaw, Czech kavka, and Kafka’s father, whom he hated, had a jackdaw sign over his shop. See Lionel Trilling, Prefaces to the Experience of Literature (Oxford 1981), 118-22.
245. Quoted in Rosen, op. cit., 10.
246. Grunfeld, op. cit., 23-4.