1. Amos 3:2.
2. Arthur A. Cohen, The Natural and Supernatural Jew (London 1967), 180-2.
3. Robert Wistrich, Hitler’s Apocalypse: Jews and the Nazi Legacy (London 1986), 162ff.
4. Quoted in H. H. Ben Sasson (ed.), A History of the Jewish People (trans., Harvard 1976), 1040.
5. Churchill to Sir Edward Grigg, 12 July 1944; Monty Noam Penkower, The Jews Were Expendable: Free World Diplomacy and the Holocaust (Chicago 1983), ch. 1, ‘The Struggle for an Allied Jewish Fighting Force’, 3ff.
6. Evelyn Waugh, The Holy Places (London 1952), 2.
7. Eric Silver, Begin (London 1984), 8.
8. Menachem Begin, White Nights (New York 1977).
9. Michael Bar-Zohar, Ben Gurion: A Biography (London 1978), 129.
10. Thurston Clarke, By Blood and Fire (London 1981), 116.
11. Silver, op. cit., 67-72.
12. Nicholas Bethell, The Palestine Triangle: The Struggle Between the British, the Jews and the Arabs (London 1979), 261ff.
13. Michael J. Cohen, Palestine and the Great Powers (Princeton 1982), 270-6, for the British decision to withdraw.
14. Alfred Steinberg, The Man from Missouri: The Life and Times of Harry S. Truman (New York 1952), 301.
15. The Forrestal Diaries (New York 1951), 324, 344, 348.
16. Petroleum Times, June 1948.
17. Leonard Schapiro, ‘The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee…’, in B. Vago and G. L. Mosse (eds), Jews and Non-Jews in Eastern Europe (New York 1974), 291ff.
18. Howard Sachar, ‘The Arab-Israel Issue in the Light of the Cold War’, Sino-Soviet Institute Studies (Washington DC), 1966, 2.
19. Howard Sachar, Europe Leaves the Middle East 1936-54 (London 1974), 546-7; Netanel Lorch, The Edge of the Sword: Israel’s War of Independence 1947-9 (New York 1961), 90; David Horowitz, The State in the Making (New York 1953), 27.
20. Rony E. Gabbay, A Political Study of the Arab-Jewish Conflict (Geneva 1959), 92-3.
21. Edward Luttwak and Dan Horowitz, The Israeli Army (New York 1975), 23ff.
22. For the course of the fighting see Edgar O’Ballance, The Arab-Israeli War 1948 (London 1956).
23. Jabotinsky Archives; quoted in Silver, op. cit., 90.
24. For an account of the Deir Yassin affair, see ibid., 88-95.
25. See maps and figures on the provenance and distribution of Arab and Jewish refugees in Martin Gilbert, The Arab-Israel Conflict: Its History in Maps (London 1974), 49, 50.
26. Cairo Radio, 19 July 1957.
27. Genesis 15:1-6; 12:1-3.
28. Gilbert, op. cit., 11, for map of 1919 proposal. See also maps in Encyclopaedia Judaica, ix 315-16.
29. Gilbert, op. cit., 24, for map of Peel proposal.
30. Quoted in W. D. Davies, The Territorial Dimension in Judaism (Berkeley 1982), 114-15; see also Ben Halpern, The Idea of the Jewish State (2nd edn, Harvard 1969), 41ff.
31. For the Sinai War see Chaim Herzog, The Arab-Israeli Wars (London 1982).
32. For the Six Day War see Terence Prittie, Israel: Miracle in the Desert (2nd edn, London 1968).
33. For the Yom Kippur War see Herzog, op. cit.
34. For the Israel-Egypt peace negotiations see two eye-witness accounts, Moshe Dayan, Breakthrough (London 1981); Ezer Weizman, The Battle for Peace (New York 1981).
35. Quoted in S. Clement Leslie, The Rift in Israel: Religious Authority and Secular Democracy (London 1971), 63ff.
36. Amos Perlmutter, Israel: the Partitioned State: A Political History since 1900 (New York 1985), ch. 7; R. J. Isaacs, Israel Divided: Ideological Politics in the Jewish State (Baltimore 1976), 66ff.
37. Text of the Law of Return (as amended 1954, 1970) is given in Philip S. Alexander, Textual Sources for the Study of Judaism (Manchester 1984), 166-7.
38. For this ruling see ibid., 168-71.
39. For immigrants from Europe see map in Gilbert, op. cit., 51; detailed immigration figures up to 1970 are in Encyclopaedia Judaica, ix, 534-46.
40. B. C. Kaganoff, A Dictionary of Jewish Names and their History (London 1977).
41. Bar-Zohar, op. cit., 171-2.
42. Silver, op. cit., 99-108.
43. Dan Horowitz and Moshe Lissak, Origins of the Israeli Polity: Palestine Under the Mandate (Chicago 1978).
44. Emile Marmorstein, Heaven at Bay: The Jewish Kulturkampf in the Holy Land (Oxford 1969), 142-3.
45. For Ben Gurion’s struggles see Perlmutter, op. cit., 15-17, 131-5.
46. Quoted in ibid., 145.
47. Speech in the Knesset, 20 June 1977.
48. ‘With Gershom Scholem: An Interview’, in W. J. Dannhauser (ed.), Gershom Scholem: Jews and Judaism in Crisis (New York 1976).
49. Marmorstein, op. cit., 80-9.
50. Ibid., 108ff.
51. I. Domb, Transformations (London 1958).
52. Solomon Granzfried, Kissor Shulan ’Arukh, ch. 72, paras 1-2.
53. Leslie, op. cit., 52ff.
54. Z. E. Kurzweil, Modern Trends in Jewish Education (London 1964), 257ff.
55. Quoted in Marmorstein, op. cit., 144.
56. Case quoted in Chaim Bermant, On the Other Hand (London 1982), 55.
57. Quoted in ibid., 56.
58. Quoted in Leslie, op. cit., 62.
59. Numbers 5:2-3.
60. Numbers 19:17-18.
61. N. H. Snaith, Leviticus and Numbers (London 1967), 270-4.
62. Immanuel Jacobovits, The Timely and the Timeless (London 1977), 291.
63. I Chronicles 28:19.
64. For the arguments, see Jacobovits, op. cit., 292-4.
65. Encyclopaedia Judaica, XV 994.
66. Such as Richard Harwood, Did Six Million Really Die? (New York 1974) and Arthur Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (New York 1977).
67. For the charges see Moshe Pearlman, The Capture and Trial of Adolf Eichmann (London 1963), appendix 633-43.
68. Ibid., 85.
69. Ibid., 627.
70. Hanoch Smith, ‘Israeli Reflections on the Holocaust’, Public Opinion (December-January 1984).
71. Quoted in John C. Merkle, The Genesis of Faith: The Depth Theology of Abraham Joshua Herschel (New York 1985), 11.
72. Cohen, op. cit., 6-7.
73. See the useful map, ‘World Jewish Population 1984’, in Howard Sachar, Diaspora (New York 1985), 485-6.
74. H. S. Kehimkan, History of the Bene Israel of India (Tel Aviv 1937).
75. For Indian Jews see Schifra Strizower, The Children of Israel: The Bene Israel of Bombay (Oxford 1971) and Exotic Jewish Communities (London 1962).
76. Quoted in Encyclopaedia Judaica, ix 1138-9.
77. P. Lévy, Les Noms des Israélites en France (Paris 1960), 75-6.
78. Quoted in P. Girard, Les Juifs de France de 1789 à 1860 (Paris 1976), 172.
79. Domenique Schnapper, Jewish Institutions in France (trans., Chicago 1982), 167, note 22.
80. Irving Kristol, ‘The Political Dilemma of America Jews’, Commentary (July 1984); Milton Himmelfarb, ‘Another Look at the Jewish Vote’, Commentary (December 1985).
81. Quoted in Bernard D. Weinryb, ‘Anti-Semitism in Soviet Russia’, in Lionel Kochan (ed.), The Jews in Soviet Russia (Oxford 1972), 308; for Stalin’s anti-Semitism, see Svetlana Alliluyeva, Twenty Letters to a Friend (trans., London 1967), 76, 82, 171, 193, 206, 217.
82. Quoted in Weinryb, op. cit., 307.
83. See Peter Brod, ‘Soviet-Israeli Relations 1948-56’, and Arnold Krammer, ‘Prisoners in Prague: Israelis in the Slansky Trial’, in Robert Wistrich (ed.), The Left Against Zion: Communism, Israel and the Middle East (London 1979), 57ff., 72ff.
84. See Benjamin Pinkus, ‘Soviet Campaigns against Jewish Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism’, Soviet Jewish Affairs iv 2 (1974); Leonard Schapiro, ‘The Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and Phases of Soviet Anti-Semitic Policy during and after World War II’, in B. Gao and G. L. Mosse (eds), Jews and Non-Jews in Eastern Europe (New York 1974), 291ff.; Wistrich, Hitler’s Apocalypse, ch. 10, ‘The Soviet Protocols’, 194ff.
85. Joseph B. Schechtman, Star in Eclipse: Russian Jewry Revisited (New York 1961), 80.
86. W. D. Rubinstein, The Left, the Right and the Jews (London 1982), ‘The Soviet Union’, 180-99, gives numerous statistics.
87. Philippa Lewis, ‘The Jewish Question in the Open, 1968-71’, in Kochan, op. cit., 337-53; Ilya Zilberberg, ‘From Russia to Israel: A Personal Case-History’, Soviet Jewish Affairs (May 1972).
88. ‘A Short Guide to the Exit Visa’, issued by the National Council for Soviet Jewry, London, 1986.
89. D. M. Schreuder, The Scramble for Southern Africa, 1877-1895 (Oxford 1980), 181ff.; Freda Troup, South Africa: An Historical Introduction (London 1972), 153ff.
90. For the Jewish pioneers see Geoffrey Wheatcroft, The Randlords: The Men Who Made South Africa (London 1985), 51ff., 202ff. For the second generation see Theodore Gregory, Ernest Oppenheimer and the Economic Development of Southern Africa (New York 1977).
91. Quoted in Wheatcroft, op. cit., 205 footnote.
92. J. A. Hobson, The War in South Africa: Its Cause and Effects (London 1900), esp. part II, ch. 1, ‘For Whom Are We Fighting?’
93. J. A. Hobson, Imperialism: A Study (London 1902), 64.
94. V. I. Lenin, preface to Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism (rev. trans., London 1934), 7. See also R. Koebner and H. D. Schmidt, Imperialism: The Story and Significance of a Political Word, 1840-1960 (Cambridge 1965), 262.
95. Artur London, L’Aveu (Paris 1968), quoted in W. Oschlies, ‘Neo-Stalinist Anti-Semitism in Czechoslovakia’, in Wistrich, The Left Against Zion, 156-7.
96. Quoted in J. B. Schechtman, ‘The USSR, Zionism and Israel’, in Weinryb, op. cit., 119.
97. Ibid., 124.
98. Quoted in Wistrich, Hitler’s Apocalypse, 207.
99. Ibid., 207-8; Emmanuel Litvinov, Soviet Anti-Semitism: The Paris Trial (London 1984).
100. Howard Spier, ‘Zionists and Freemasons in Soviet Propaganda’, Patterns of Prejudice (January-February 1979).
101. Quoted in Wistrich, Hitler’s Apocalypse, 219. See his entire chapter, ‘Inversions of History’, 216-35.
102. R. K. Karanjia, Arab Dawn (Bombay 1958); quoted in Wistrich, Hitler’s Apocalypse, 177. See Y. Harkabi’s important compilation, Arab Attitudes to Israel (Jerusalem 1976).
103. For instance The Palestine Problem (1964) published by the Jordanian Ministry of Education, and a handbook under a similar title put out by the Indoctrination Directorate of the United Arab Republic Armed Forces.
104. Encyclopaedia Judaica, iii 138, 147.
105. D. F. Green (ed.), Arab Thelogians on Jews and Israel (3rd edn, Geneva 1976), 92-3.
106. Wistrich, Hitler’s Apocalypse, 181.
107. For Hitler’s relations with the Grand Mufti, see Joseph Schechtman, The Mufti and the Führer: The Rise and Fall of Haj Amin el Huseini (New York 1965).
108. Quoted in Harkabi, op. cit., 279.
109. For the events leading up to the resolution, see Daniel Patrick Moynihan, A Dangerous Place (Boston 1978), ch. 9, 169-99.
110. Jillian Becker, Hitler’s Children: The Story of the Baader-Meinhof Gang (London 1977), 17-18.
111. Silver, op. cit., 236.
112. Final Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Events at the Refugee Camps in Beirut (Jerusalem 8 February 1983, English/Hebrew).
113. Leon Roth, Judaism: A Portrait (London 1960).
114. Joshua 1:9.