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Stanley Griswold Papers
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Society Miscellaneous Collection
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New York Public Library, Rare Book and Manuscript Division,
New York, NY
Joseph Clay Papers
Dwight Family Papers
Azariah C. Flagg Papers
James Madison Papers
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Miscellaneous Papers (uncataloged), filed under: Benjamin Franklin Bache, Richard Bache Jr., John Beckley, Abraham Bishop, Matthew L. Davis, William Duane, Isaac Hill, Charles Holt, B. Irvine, Thomas Ritchie, Solomon Southwick Jr., John C. Wright
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Selected Bibliography
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Mark Norris Papers
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Thurlow Weed Papers
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R.H. Coleman Letters
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Miscellaneous Manuscripts
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Ambler Family Papers
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Abraham Bishop Letterbook
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Misc. Manuscript Collection
(consulted on microfilm except where physical location is noted)
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(Houghton Library, Harvard University) Hartford American Mercury, 1794-1808
Hartford Connecticut Courant, 1800-20
Hartford Connecticut Mirror, 1812, 1816-17,1829
Hartford Times, 1817-38
(CHS) Litchfield Witness, 1805-1807
New London Bee, 1797-1802
New London Connecticut Gazette, 1798-1802
Stonington Journal of the Times, 1798-99
Stonington-Port Patriot, or Scourge of Aristocracy, 1801-1803
Wilmington American Watchman, 1809
Wilmington Mirror of the Times & General Advertiser, 1799-1801 (Houghton Library)
District of Columbia
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Savannah Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer, 1802-1805
Frankfort Argus of Western America, 1816-30 Lancaster Political Theatre, 1808-1809 Lexington Kentucky Gazette, 1800-1801,1817-19
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Detroit Democratic Free Press, 1831-36
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New Hampshire
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Concord New Hampshire Patriot, 1809-1810,1817
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Portsmouth New Hampshire Gazette, 1801-1803
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New Jersey
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New York
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Hudson Bee, 1802-1803
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New York Gazette of the United States, 1789-90
New York Time Piece, 1797-98
North Carolina
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Easton Centinel, 1817-33
Easton Delaware Democrat and Easton Gazette, 1827-28
Easton Expositor, 1822
Easton Mountaineer, 1820
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