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Acquisitors, The, 39

Actualité, L’,111

Agnelli, Giovanni, 197

AirBC, 314

Algoma Steel, 256–57

Allen, Ralph, 55, 67–70

Allison, Stacey, 342

American Airlines, 291

Amiel, Barbara (Mrs. Conrad Black), 173–74

Annie, 287

A.R. Clarke & Co., 352

Arequipa Resources, 184

Argus Corporation, 245, 251–52, 333

Armstrong, Louis, 397

Art Gallery of Ontario, 235

Asper, Izzy, 276, 280–82, 293

Atwood, Margaret, 13–15, 45

Austin, Jack, 112, 271

Automotive Industries, 282


Back to Dry Martinis (album), 266

Baer, Hermann, 232–33

Bailey, Pearl, 320

Bank of Nova Scotia, 290, 301, 326

Barnet, Charlie, 394

Barrett, Dave, 315

Barrick Gold Corporation, 165, 170, 177, 180–84, 187–188

Bartók, Béla, 396

BCE Inc., 273

B.C. Lions, 316

B.C. Telephone, 319

Bear Stearns, 279

Beaudoin, Laurent, 271, 273

Bechtel Canada, 194

Bégin, Monique, 107

Bel Air, 286, 304

Belize, 323, 324, 382, 386–88

Benson, Ben, 139

Berton, Janet, 48

Berton, Pierre, 47–51, 55

Bethune, Dr. Norman, 6

Biafra, 104

Bissonnette, Lise, 112

Black, Conrad, 173–75, 251–52, 256, 261, 264–65, 266, 273, 333, 357, 358

Black brothers (Conrad and Montagu), 251–52

Blair, Tony, 360

Bluhdorn, Charles, 278

Blyth, Sam, 210

Bombardier Inc., 273

Bouchard, Lucien, 254, 255

Boucher, Gaétan, 7

Bourassa, Robert, 18, 254

Box Grove, 243

Brantford Expositor, 54

Brascan Ltd., 378

Brazeau Transport, 353

Bre-X, 187–88

Britannia Airways, 197

Brock, General Isaac, 4

Bronfman, Allan, 372–75, 377

Bronfman, Bruce, 376

Bronfman, Charles, 365, 367, 373, 377, 379

Bronfman, Edgar, 365, 377

Bronfman, Edward, 367, 373, 374–76, 377

Bronfman, Peter, 165, 192, 297, 365–79

Bronfman, Phyllis, 367

Bronfman, Sam, 372–75, 377

Bronfman family, 197, 313, 385

Brookfield Properties, 385

Brown, Peter, 319–20

Bruyère, Jean de La, 109

Bryce, Bob, 152

Brydson, Sherry, 198, 212–13, 214

Buckerfield, E.E., 319

Budget Rent A Car, 295

Burchill, Julie, 400–401

Burger King, 291

Burgess, Anthony, 64

Burns, Charlie, 244

Burns, Jim, 259, 271

Burns, Patrick, 352

Burns Foods, 346, 347, 350, 352, 354

Cabot, John, 3–4

Cabot family (Boston), 267

Cadillac, Antoine Laumet dit de Lamothe, 4

Caesar, Julius, 351

Caisse Desjardins, 268

Calgary Cowboys (hockey team), 316

Callaghan, Morley, 23

Callwood, June, 53–56, 379

Cambridge University, 81, 213

Camflo Mine, 180–82

Campeau bankruptcy, 166

Canada Assistance Plan, 127

Canada Club, The (London), 139

Canada Packers, 352

Canada Pension Plan, 124, 127

Canada Steamship Lines, 267, 269

Canada Trust Tower, 305

Canada West Foundation, 346, 353

Canadian Authors Association, 351

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, (CBC), 31, 67, 257, 393–94

Canadian Establishment (TV series), 257

Canadian Establishment, The (trilogy), 39, 73

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), 336

Canadian National Railway (CNR), 184, 268, 371

Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR), 3, 50, 253, 256–58, 268, 274

Canadian Who’s Who, 244

Canbra Foods, 352

Canyon Golf Club, 311

Carlin Trend (Nevada), 363

Carney, Pat, 138

Cartier, Jacques, 3

Cartier Wines, 304

Casey, William, 320

Castro, Fidel, 161

Celestica, 290, 291

CFRB, 337

Chagall, Marc, 371

Chainway Stores, 249

Chant, Maureen, 316

Chapman, Sidney F., 217

Charlebois, Robert, 266

Charles, Prince of Wales, 171–73, 400–401

Charlottetown Accord, 110–11, 114, 341

Château Champlain (Montreal), 258

Château Laurier (Ottawa), 97, 102, 261

Chester Playhouse (Chester, N.S.), 360

CHFI, 330

Child, Arthur, 345–55

China Business Council, 271

Chisholm, Posy, 199–202

Chrétien, Jean, 18, 112, 114, 269, 301, 305, 357, 358

Chrétien Desmarais, France, 269

Christie, Agatha, 232

Churchill, Sir Winston, 8, 121

Ciaccia, John, 111

Ciupka, Richard, 37

CJOR, 315–16

CKEY, 334

Clairtone Sound Corporation Ltd., 163, 168, 175–78

Claridge’s (London), 267

Clark, Joe, 4, 114, 353

Clark, Lord Kenneth, 233

Claude Neon, 315

Club 22, 29–33

Clyne, Jack, 319

CN Tower, 166

Cohen, Robert, 31

Collins, Jim, 238

Columbus, Christopher, 4

Company of Young Canadians, 128

Connery, Sean, 176

Constable, John, 234

Consumers Gas, 192

Cooper, Bob, 31

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), 153

Cornell University, 248

Cornfeld, Bernie, 277–79

Courtesy Leasing, 315

Courtois, Jacques, 366

Coutts, Jim, 130, 260

Crawley & McCracken, 352

Creighton, Donald, 107

Crown Trust, 280

Crush (soft drink), 315

Cullen, Maurice, 268

Cummings Engine, 282

Curry, Floyd, 378

Cybele III (boat), 346–348, 354


Daily Mail (London), 90

Daily Press (Timmins), 213

Daon Development Corporation, 57, 58–59

Davey, Keith, 112, 135, 156, 301

Davies, Robertson, 23–27

Davis, Bill, 260

Davis, Eloise, 247–48, 251

Davis, Miles, 229

Davis, Nelson, 241–52

Dawson, Graham, 58

Deer Park, The, 108

Delaney, Ian, 161–62

Depression, Great, 134, 212, 249, 318

Desert Passage (Las Vegas), 166

Desmarais, André, 260, 269

Desmarais, France Chrétien, 269

Desmarais, Jacqueline, 258, 266

Desmarais, Jean, 262

Desmarais, Paul, 185, 253–72

Desmarais, Paul, Jr., 260

Detroit, Nathan, 317

Devlin, Joyce, 120–21

Devoir, Le, 112

Dexter, Grant, 126

Dhillon, Navjeet (Bob), 323, 324, 381–89

Dhillon, Saproon Singh, 383

Diana, Princess of Wales, 399–402

DiCaprio, Leonardo, 324, 387

Didion, Joan, 29

Diefenbaker, John, 40, 93, 119, 121, 129, 131, 143, 205, 261–62, 335–36, 394

Diller, Phyllis, 320

Dion, Stéphane, 54

Distemper of Our Times, The, 72

Donaldson, Bob, 307

Dorsey, Tommy, 394

Dosco steel mill, 262

Doyle, Kevin, 219

Drabinsky, Garth, 31

Drake, Paul, 30

Drifting Home, 49

Drouin, Marie-Josée, 286

Drudge, Matt, 6

Dublin, Ann, 54

Dulles, John Foster, 147

Dumont Wines, 304

Duncan, Dorothy (Mrs. Hugh MacLennan), 45

Dura Automotive, 282

Dutoit, Charles, 286

Duvall, Robert, 36

Eagle House, 246

Eaton, Fred, 221, 222

Eban, Abba, 368–70

École des Hautes Études, 81

Economic Council of Canada, 128

Edick, Gordon, 123

EDP Industries Ltd., 315

Edper Group Ltd., 374, 377

Edwards, Lou, 267

Eliot, T.S., 20, 239

Elizabeth, Queen, 359, 401

Elizabeth, Queen (Queen Mother), 402

“Empire of the St. Lawrence,” 107

Engel, Marian, 23

English Patient, The, 359

Evening Reporter (Galt), 214

Eyton, Trevor, 192, 297–98, 371

Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 260

Fairbairn, Joyce, 112

Fairweather, Gordon, 106

Farrell, Gordon, 319

Favreau, Guy, 140

Felderhof, John, 187

Feldman, Diane (Mrs. Peter Bronfman), 371

Fell, Tony, 324

Fessenden, Reginald A., 4

Fifth Business, 25

Financial Post, 64, 274, 352

Financial Times, 183

Fitzgerald, Ella, 266

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 250, 251

Fonyo, Steve, 6

Forbes, 197

Ford, Gerald & Betty, 320

Fordham University, 62

Foreign Exchange Control Board, 135

Forman, Milos, 302

Forsey, Sen. Eugene, 112, 152

Fortune, 244, 285

Fortune My Foe, 24

Fotheringham, Allan, 219, 317

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, 324

Fox, Terry, 6, 35–38

FP Publications Ltd., 219–20

Franco-Nevada Mining, 362

Frank, 84

Fraser, Fil, 31

Fraser, Simon, 327

Frayne, Casey, 55

Frayne, Trent, 54

Fred Richmond Motors, 318

Frenette, Claude, 262, 286–87

Frith, Royce, 112

Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ), 91, 254

Frontier (RVs), 315

Frum, Barbara, 23

Frye, Northrop, 17, 23, 149

Fryer, Eric, 36

Gagnon, Clarence, 268

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 64, 330

Gallipoli, 399

Gardiner, Jimmy, 122

Garibaldi, 8

Genelia, Octavio, 224

General Motors, 4, 315, 318

Georgia Hotel (Vancouver), 312, 318

Gerald, John, 246

Getty, J. Paul, 215, 317

Getty family, 197

Gilbert, Dr. Brian, 363

Gillespie, Dizzy, 176

de Gaulle, Charles, 8

Gilmour, David, 173–79

Glad Tidings Temple, 314

Globe and Mail, The, 54, 94, 220

Globe and Mail, The: Report on Business, 276, 386

Gluskin, Ira, 183, 301

Goldsmith, Sir James, 169–70

Goldstrike, 182–83, 362

Good to Great, 238

Gordon, Harold P. (Sonny), 288

Gordon, Harry, 134

Gordon, John, 140

Gordon, Liz, 140

Gordon, Walter, 133–50

Gordon Capital, 296

Grafstein, Jerahmiel, 112

Graham, John, 333

Granite Club, 209

Gratton, Robert, 271, 273

Gray, John, 340

Great Pacific Capital Corp., 315

Great-West Life, 271, 281

Greene, Joe, 139

Gregson, Brian, 181

Grinch Who Stole Christmas, The, 239

Gross, Steve, 304

Grosvenor, Gerald, Duke of Westminster, 197

Group of Seven, 5

Grunfeld, Henry, 216

Guardian, the, 400–401

Gulf & Western, 278

Gwyn, Richard, 217

Haggart, Ron, 96

Hallmark Cards, 224–25

Hamilton, Lynda Carroline (Mrs. Peter Bronfman), 378

Hamilton Fish family (New York), 267

Hammer, Armand, 215

Hand Chemical Industries, 194

Harper’s, 275

Harris, Lawren, 371

Harris, Mike, 297

Harris, Walter, 135

Hart, Arnold, 186

Harvard Business School, 276–78, 330, 351

Harvard University, 81

Havel, Václav, 403–406

HCI Holdings Ltd., 192

Heard, Ray, 289–90

Hefner, Hugh, 176

Heineken NV, 297

“Here’s That Rainy Day,” 396

Herman, Woody, 394

Heron, Patrick, 239

Herrndorf, Peter, 276–77

Hidden Creek Industries, 292

Hill, Alan, 181

Hiram Walker, 192

Hires (soft drink), 315

Hobbes, Thomas, 152

Holiday Inn (hotel chain), 315

Hollinger Inc., 273, 333

Hollinger Mines, 267

Hook Outdoor Advertising, 315

Hope, Bob, 320

Horsham Corporation, 161, 177, 188

Horvath, Dezso, 362

Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan, 290

Hostaria Romana, 18

Hotel Vancouver (Fairmont), 50

Household Finance, 315

Housser, George E., 319

Howe, C.D., 135, 142

Howe, Gordie, 122

Hradcany Castle, 404, 405

Hudson Institute, 286

Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC), 209, 221–22, 236–38

Hunter, Don, 333

Hutchison, Bruce, 23

Hyatt Regency (Toronto), 372

IBM Corporation, 306

IBM Canada, 243, 290, 291

Icahn, Carl, 284

Ignatieff, George, 81

Ignatieff, Michael, 79–88

Imperial Bank, 249

Indigo, 285

Inniskillin Wines, 304

Institute for Strategic Studies (London), 351

Intercontinental Packers, 352

Investors Group, 271

Investors Overseas Services, 277–79

Jackson, A.Y., 268

Jefferson, Thomas, 254

Jewish General Hospital (Montreal), 370

Jim Pattison Lease, 315

Johnson, Daniel, Sr., 254

Johnson, Herbert, 251

Johnson, Tony, 282, 293

Johnston, Franz, 268

Johnstone, Jimmy, 243

Jones, Hal, 195


Kapp, Joe, 58

Kasztner’s Train, 175

Keate, Stuart, 148

Kelly, Grace, 396

Kennedy, John F., 122, 144

Kenny, Colin, 112

Kenton, Stan, 393–97

Ker, R.H.B., 319

Khashoggi, Adnan, 178–79

Khrushchev, Nikita, 209

Kierans, Eric, 105

King, Brian, 294

King, Mackenzie, 9, 91, 129, 131, 261, 394

King, Martin Luther, 338

King Edward Hotel (Toronto), 336

Kingston Trio, 286

Kirby, Michael, 112

Kissinger, Henry, 311

Klee, Paul, 239

Klondike, 49

Kolber, Leo, 112

Korthals, Robin, 326, 328–29, 338–39

Kravis, Henry, 279, 284, 287

Krieghoff, Cornelius, 198, 223, 224–25, 268

Labatt Brewing Company, 295–300, 304, 378

Lac Minerals, 184, 185

Lakefield College School, 360

LaMarsh, Judy (Julia Verlyn), 155–157

Lantos, Robert, 294

Lapham, Lewis, 275, 284

La Prairie, Mary Lou (Mrs. David

Thomson), 230

Larkin, Gerald, 210

La Salle Wines, 304

Lauder, Estée, 260

Laurel Valley Golf Club, 243

Laurence, Margaret, 23

Laurentian University, 268

Laurier, Wilfrid, 394

Laval University, 351

La Vérendrye Management, 353

Lawrence, Jack, 297

Layton, Irving, 17–21

LeBlanc, Larry, 6

LeBlanc, Roméo, 378

Lemelin, Roger, 23

Lemieux, Jean-Paul, 268

Lévesque, René, 254, 262–63

Levine, Michael, 31–32, 294

Lewis, Robert, 340

Life, 278

Li Ka-Shing, 197

Lincoln, Abraham, 8

Lind, Phil, 332, 338

Lismer, Arthur, 268

London Hunt Club, 300

London Life Insurance Co., 263, 271, 378

Loranger, George, 156

Loretta Anne, 323

Los Angeles Times, 58

Louis Tussaud’s Wax Museum, 312

Lower, Arthur R.M., 23, 102

Ludwick, Laurie (Mrs. David Thomson), 230

Lunceford, Jimmie, 396

Lyford Cay Club (Bahamas), 333


Macdonald, Sir John A., 5, 8, 112, 383, 394

MacEachen, Sen. Allan, 112

Macfarlane, John, 73

MacGregor, Roy, 69

Maclean Hunter Publishing Ltd., 333– 335, 338

Maclean’s, 33, 44, 48, 49, 55, 67, 68, 73, 186, 219, 333, 340

MacLennan, Hugh, 23, 43–46, 351

MacLennan, Katherine, 45

MacLennan, Samuel J., 45

Madonna, 1, 387

Mailer, Norman, 97, 108, 338

Mainland Magazine, 315

Mainstreet Equity Corp., 385–87

Mair, Rafe, 84, 316

Maison du Egg Roll, La, 111

Malkin, J.P.D., 319

Malkin family, 319

Mallory, George Leigh, 341–42

Malone, Brigadier Dick, 280

Manitoba Club, 299

Mannesmann, 257

Mannix empire, 312

Mann’s Chinese Theatre (Hollywood), 166

Manticore, The, 25

Manulife, 281

“Marathon of Hope,” 36

Marching as to War, 48

Marconi, Guglielmo, 4

Markborough Properties Inc., 197

Marshall, Bill, 31

Martin, Paul, 120, 138, 269, 301

Martonmere, Lord (J.R. Robinson), 334

Masefield, John, 399

Massey College (Univ. of Toronto), 24, 25, 360

Mazankowski, Don, 271

McCabe, Mike, 32

McCall, Christina, 71–75

McClelland, Jack, 39–41

McClelland & Stewart, 255

McDonald’s, 315

McDougald, Bud, 251, 300

McDougald, Maude, 252

McGill University, 44, 362

McGiverin, Don, 221

McKinnon, Neil, 336

McLeod, Catherine, 184

McLeod Young Weir, 180

McLuhan, Marshall, 61–65

McMahon, Ed, 320

McMaster University, 53

Mechanical Bride, The, 62

Medavoy, Mike, 302, 303

Meech Lake Accord, 110, 112, 114, 270

Megarry, Roy, 220

Meighen, Max, 252

Meikle, Brian, 181, 183

Mellon estate, 243

Mendeluk, George, 31

Metro Center (Stamford, CT), 229

Milavsky, Harold, 376

Milhaud, Darius, 396

Milken, Mike, 280

Milne, David, 268

Minden, George, 29

Mingo, Bill, 294

Mirror Has Two Faces, The, 303

Mohamed, Nadir, 342

Molson, Harold E., 319

Molson breweries, 319, 378

Monarch Life, 280, 281

de Montcalm, General Louis-Joseph, 4

Monticello, 254

Montreal Canadiens, 367, 378

Montreal Forum, 367, 378

Montreal Symphony Orchestra, 286

Monty, Jean, 273

Morgan, J.P., 187

Mother Jones, 25

Mountain City News, 315

Mount Royal Club, 268

Muir, James, 186

Mulroney, Brian, 87, 110, 111, 112–114, 260, 270, 353

Mulroney, Mila, 113

Munch, Edvard, 239

Munk, Anthony, 292, 293

Munk, Cheyne, 169

Munk, Melanie (neé Bosanquet), 169, 171, 178, 179, 180

Munk, Natalie, 169

Munk, Nina, 169

Munk, Peter, 161–189, 192, 195, 267, 271, 362, 363, 364

Munk Cardiac Centre (Toronto), 363, 364

Munk Centre for International Studies

(U. of Toronto), 363

Murder by Decree, 30

Murdoch, Rupert, 217

Murray, Anne, 5–6

Murray’s (restaurants), 352

Mysterious North, The, 49

Nanaimo Yacht Club, 346

National Club, 209

National Portrait Gallery (London), 360

Nelles, Mary, 244

Nelson, Harold, 318

Neon Products of Canada Ltd., 315, 319

Nesbitt Burns, 297

New York Times, The, 25, 203

Nielsen, Erik, 118

Nielsen, Jim, 316

1984, 239

N.M. Davis Corporation, 249

Noelville, 253

NORAD, 119, 120

Noranda Inc., 378

North American Life, 281

North China Shipping Co., 383

Northern & Central Gas, 257

North Sea oil (Thomson), 205, 215, 218, 220

North West Company, 327

Northwest Passage, 3

Occidental Consortium, 215

Olympic Games (Vancouver), 57, 59

Ondaatje, Michael, 359

Ondaatje, Sir Christopher, 357–360

Ondaatje, Valda, 358, 359

Onex Corporation, 274, 282–83, 284–85, 290–96

Ontario Federation of Labour, 218

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, 296

Order of Canada, 6, 128, 156, 188, 378

Orlando, Tony, 320

Orobetz, Christina, 224

Ortloff, Stuart, 246

Orwell, George, 239

Osler, Richard, 352

Overbeck, Egon, 257

Overwaitea, 315

Oxford University, 24, 81, 153, 231

Palace Hotel (Gstaad), 169

Palm Beach (Florida), 254, 260, 266, 272

Palmer, Arnold, 243

Palm Springs (California), 311, 314, 320

Pangnirtung, 222

Pan-Pacific Mercantile Group, 384

Paradigm, 288

Paradise Valley Country Club, 245

Paré, Jean, 111

Parisien, Jean, 263

Parker Bowles, Camilla, 172, 400

Parliamentary Press Gallery, 219

Pascal, Arthur, 370

Pascal, Blaise, 290

Pattison, Jimmy, 311–321

Pattison, Mary, 317, 321

Peace River Country, 69

Pearson, Lester (Mike), 93, 94, 117–131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 139, 152, 153

Pearson College of the Pacific, 360

Pei, I.M., 184–185

Pellan, Alfred, 371

Pennell, Larry, 139

Penryn House, 250

Perlmutter, David, 31

Peter Munk Cardiac Centre (Toronto), 363, 364

Peterson, David, 332

Peyton, Ross, 222

Phantom of the Opera, The, 89, 115

Philadelphia Flyers, 316

Philip, Prince, 216, 359

Phillips, Doris, 252

Phillips, Eric, 245

Phillips Petroleum, 215

Phoenix Pictures, 303

Picasso, Pablo, 54, 239

Pickens, T. Boone, 284

Pierce, Jack, 371

Pierson, Frank, 32

Pilkey, Clifford, 218

Pinochet, Augusto, 165

Pinson mine, 182

Pistek, Theodor, 405

Pitfield, Michael, 269–70, 271

Place Ville Marie, 184–86

Plessis-Bélair, Michel, 271

Plummer, Christopher, 30

Poole, Jack, 57–59

Porter, Anna, 175

Porter, Julian, 41

Portrait of Canada, 55

Power Corporation of Canada, 255, 256–260, 262, 267–68, 269, 270, 312

Power Financial Corporation, 273

Powers, Dave, 122

Principal, Victoria, 278

Prisoners of the North, 49

ProSource, 291–292

Provincial News, 315

Pure Spring (ginger ale), 315


Queen Elizabeth Hotel (Montreal), 258

Queen’s University, 102, 350

Quilmes Industrial S.A., 296 R

Rabinovitch, Jack, 378

Rae, John, 269

Ranger Oil, 371

Ravelston Corporation, 252

RBC Dominion Securities, 324

Redford, Robert, 303

Red Lobster, 291

Regina Manifesto, 153

Reichmann family, 166, 192, 385

Reid, Escott, 152

Reisman, Heather, 275, 285–89, 301, 305, 306–307

Reitsma, Theodora (Mrs. Peter

Bronfman), 371, 372

Rendezvous Ballroom, 394, 396

Research in Motion, 312

Reynolds, Debbie, 30

Richard Ivey School of Business (U. of

Western Ontario), 385

Richardson, George, 221

Richardson empire, 281

Rideau Club (Ottawa), 94, 151

Riley, Sandy, 271

Riopelle, Jean-Paul, 268

Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Museums, 312

Ritz-Carlton Montreal, 185

Ritz Hotel (Paris), 267

Rivard, Lucien, 118, 140

Rivera, Diego, 267

Roberts, Goodridge, 268

Robinette, J.J., 255

Rockefeller, John D., 362

Rogers, Edward S., III, 342

Rogers, Edward S., Jr. (Ted), 329

Rogers, Edward S., Sr., 331, 336–37, 342

Rogers, Lisa, 342

Rogers, Loretta, 325, 329, 332, 334

Rogers, Martha, 342

Rogers, Melinda, 342

Rogers family, 336–37, 342

Rogers Majestic Corporation, 337

Rolling Rock (beer), 297

Rolling Rock Country Club, 245

Rolling Stones, 91

Rolls-Royce, 262, 267, 305, 343, 241, 243

Rosedale Golf Club, 241, 243

Ross, Alexander, 64

Ross, Sandy, 23

Rothko, Mark, 239

Rothschild family, 197

Rotman, Joe, 180, 363

Rotman School of Management (U. of Toronto), 364

Rotstein, Prof. Abraham, 145

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), 180–81, 185, 186, 268, 290, 318, 324

Royal Canadian Yacht Club, 371

Royal Commission on Newspapers, 203

Royal Geographic Society (London), 360

Royal Lake of the Woods Yacht Club, 299

Royal LePage Ltd., 378

Royal Ontario Museum, 360

Russell, Lord, 85

Sacred Heart College (Sudbury), 268

Sadat, Anwar, 179

Sadler’s Wells Ballet (London), 396

Sahl, Mort, 396–97

Saint Thomas’s Church (Toronto), 71

Samuelson, Paul, 330

Sarlos, Andy, 191–195, 298

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 100

Saturday Evening Post, 244

Sauvé, Maurice, 149

Schulich, Seymour, 361–364

Schulich Heart Centre, 363

Schulich School of Business (York U.), 362

Schulz, Charles, 239

Schwartz, Andy, 274, 308

Schwartz, Gerry, 273–309

Science Council, 128

Scotiabank, 290, 301, 326

Scotsman, 214

Scotsman Industries, 292

Scott, Frank, 192

Scott, Robert Falcon, 235

Seaboard Advertising, 315

Seagram’s, 372, 373, 374

Sears Tower (Chicago), 166

Seascape, Folkestone, 233

Security (RVs), 315

“Send in the Clowns,” 396

Seuss, Dr., 239

S.G. Warburg, 216

Shell, 315

Shore, Dinah, 260

Signoret, Simone, 162

Sikhs, 382–83, 384

Sinatra, Frank, 176, 311, 320

Sinclair, Ian, 256–58

Sky Chefs, 291

Slaight, Brian, 219

Slan, Jon, 31

Small, Doug, 219

Smith, Bob, 181, 187

Smith, Denis, 130

Snow, Clarence Eugene (Hank), 198–99, 213

Sondheim, Stephen, 396

Songs I Love to Sing, 266

Sopha, Elmer, 97

Sotheby’s, 164, 224

Southern Pacific Hotels, 170, 178

Southern Palms Hotel (Barbados), 210

Speakers Club (Harvard Business

School), 277

Spry, Graham, 152

Stafford Foods, 352

Stanley Cup, 378

Starr, Michael, 139

Stevenson, Adlai, 119

Stewart, Walter, 219

Stikeman Elliott, 288

St. Joseph Oratory (Montreal), 268

Stone, Oliver, 303

Stravinsky, Igor, 396

Streisand, Barbra, 303

St. Roch, 3

Sundance Resort (Utah), 303

Sunday Times (London), 214, 217

Sunnybrook Hospital (Toronto), 363

Sussex (ginger ale), 315

Taft family (Ohio), 267

Talese, Gay, 366

Tamarack Review, 145

Tapp, Larry, 385

Taylor, E.P., 148, 267, 333

Taylor, George, 295–298

TD Securities, 296

Télé-Capital, 353

Teresa, Mother, 8

Terry Fox Story, The, 35

T.G. Bright & Co., 304

Thatcher, Margaret, 174, 360

Thatcher, Ross, 148

The People vs. Larry Flynt, 302

Thomas, Ralph, 37

Thompson, Peter, 257

Thomson, David, 203, 227–240

Thomson, Gonzo (Ken’s dog), 199–202, 210, 220, 221

Thomson, Irma, 212

Thomson, Ken, 197–225, 233

Thomson, Lynne, 222

Thomson, Marilyn, 201, 206, 210, 222–23

Thomson, Peter, 222

Thomson, Phyllis Audrey, 212

Thomson, Roy, 204, 205–209, 211–12, 214–16, 231–32

Thomson, Tessa Lyss, 230

Thomson, Thyra Nicole, 230

Thomson, Tom, 5, 268

Thomson Corporation, 205, 209, 228, 232

Tiller, Marvin, 237

Time, 244

Times (London), 214, 217

Timken Roller Bearing, 146

Timmins, Leo, 267

Toronto Blue Jays, 295, 378

Toronto Club, 188, 195, 209

Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), 280, 296, 326, 328–29

Toronto Hunt Club, 209

Toronto Life, 73, 289

Toronto Star, 96

Toronto Stock Exchange, 362

Tory, John, 198, 211, 221, 338

Tory Tory DesLauriers & Binnington, 371

Tower Automotive, 282

Toyota, 315

Trading with the Enemy Act (U.S.), 147

Transamerica, 295

Trans-Provincial Airlines, 314

Trent University, 130

Triggs, Don, 304

Tri-Star Pictures Inc., 303

Trizec Corporation, 165, 166, 177, 184, 185, 188, 376, 385

TrizecHahn Corporation, 167, 195

Troubled Canada, 136

Trudeau, Margaret, 91

Trudeau, Pierre, 4, 19, 45, 64, 71, 72, 73, 89–115, 149, 152, 219, 254, 260, 262, 353

Turner, J.M.W., 233

Turner, John, 112, 300

Turner, Murray, 209

Tuscarora Spur, 182


Underhill, Frank, 151–154

University of British Columbia, 318

University of Montreal, 96, 107

University of Ottawa, 261

University of Saskatchewan, 58, 153

University of Toronto, 24–25, 62, 145, 152, 153, 154, 175, 213, 335, 360, 363, 364

University of Western Ontario, 385

Upper Canada College, 24, 134, 213, 230–31, 240, 324, 337

U Turn, 303

Vancouver Blazers, 316

Vancouver Canucks, 316

Vancouver International Writers Festival,

Vancouver Sun, 138, 148

Vanguard (RVs), 315

Van Leuven, Art, 295

Van Wielingen, Gus, 193

Varley, Frederick, 268

Velvet Revolution, 404

Vencap Equities Alberta Ltd., 292

Verchères, 253

Verner, Leland, 304

Vietnam War, 351

Vigars, Bill, 36

Vimy Ridge, 3, 34

Vincor International Inc., 304

Wakaya Club & Spa, 173

Walker, Frances Aline (Mrs. Hugh

MacLennan), 45

Wall Street Journal, 177

Walsh, David, 187

War Measures Act, 107, 111

Warren (Nelson Davis’s chauffeur), 247

“Waste Land, The,” 239

Watch That Ends the Night, The, 43

Waterloo Capital, 304

Watson, Homer, 268

Watson, Patrick, 36

WCB Holdings, 352

Webster, Howard, 352

Webster, Jack, 315

Wells, Jennifer, 276, 303

Wendy’s, 291

WestEnd City Center (Budapest), 166

Westmorland, Earl of, 224

Weston, Galen, 222, 358

Weston , Hilary, 358

West Point, 306

Whitman, George, 222–23

Why Shoot the Teacher, 31

Wilder, Bill, 188

Wilkins, Greg, 184

Wilson, Bob, 367

Wilson, Edmund, 44

Wilson’s (ginger ale), 315

Windsor Hotel (Montreal), 266

Windsor Arms Hotel (Toronto), 29

Windsor Castle, 358

Windsor Hotel (Montreal), 266

Wings Abroad, 213

Winnipeg Free Press, 126, 280

Wolfe, General James, 4

Wolfe, Tom, 64

Wood Gundy, 180, 188

Woods, Gordon and Company, 141

Woodward, W.C., 319

Woolhouse, Keith, 219

Woolworth, 334

World War I, 3

World War II, 3, 41, 51, 175, 206, 222, 239, 257, 372, 399, 401

Wyman, Bob, 319


Yale University, 373, 377

Yamada, Max, 191

York Club, 209

York Downs Golf and Country Club, 209

York University, 362, 363

Your Mark-It, 315


Zantovsky, Michael, 405

Zeckendorf, Bill, 186

Zellers, 237