The Most Important Question: Why?

What makes you happy? Why are you doing this? What is it you want to record, accomplish or learn? Only you can answer these questions. No one else can graft their answers onto your creative spirit.

My response, though, is that we do it because we have to. We are creative beings. It’s who we are. We find joy, satisfaction and challenge in it.

Kick the Inner Critic in the figurative behind, as well as anyone else who seeks to discourage you, whether on purpose or not. Don’t get too serious about it, however, and don’t succumb to angst or insecurity. Just jump right in!

Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for a while and let your thoughts bubble to the surface. Images of things you love may arise, or dreams, or goals; things that have inspired or intrigued you. “Why” may be right there, among those thoughts.

I find it helpful to write lists when I’m feeling scattered or unfocused (or even when I’m not). It’s good to make our intentions concrete sometimes, and writing them down does just that. Write whatever occurs to you! Don’t edit, don’t second-guess yourself, don’t think “that sounds silly,” or “I can’t write that” or “what if so-and-so sees this?” Just write whatever pops into your mind.

You can refer back to the list later, to see how you’re doing, to add to it or to subtract, if need be!

By the way, my answer to that important “why” is, as I suggested above, because it’s who I am. I need to do this. It feels right. There’s no big goal, no inner assignment, no plan—I just do it. Sort of like breathing.

A Naturalist’s Cabin

I built my cabin in the woods in the late ’80s, and I have sketched and painted it many times, including for the cover of the book I wrote about the process.

Artistic License

In your journal or sketchbook, or on a separate piece of paper, make a list of any ideas that come to you after reading the inspiration on this page. Write until nothing more occurs to you.

Now give yourself permission to do whatever it is you’ve written down. Issue yourself an Artistic License!