One thing that may help you find exciting subjects when sketching in familiar territory is to pretend you’re a tourist. Walk or ride a bike instead of zipping through in a car. Take your time and carry your sketching gear so you’re always ready.
When I was in third grade, I had my first taste of working with clay in this building. Recently, I went back to sketch the little building where I fell in love, only to find, to my delight, that it had hardly changed a bit!
Imagine returning to a beloved place and sketch what you see there. Or better yet, actually do that. I recently went back to my hometown to sketch a few of the things I remembered fondly. As I drew, it brought back more than I would have imagined possible. I re-experienced not only the sights, but sounds, tastes and even conversations I thought I had forgotten.
I sketched this little place rapidly, before the skies opened and dumped rain on all of us! This restaurant has been in business for 75 years and was recently rehabbed in a cozy 1950s style. They still use the same grill, though!