Explore New Places

If you’re like most of us, you’re likely to take the same route to and from work, the store and the library. Instead, take a different route. Check out a map of your town and look at all the places you’ve never seen before. Ask the local librarian what’s of interest nearby; ask friends about their favorite restaurants; or go by the local historical museum and check out their archives. See if you can match up the old photos with current buildings, then sketch them.

Construction Zones

The old laundry in my town was being torn down and only the door was still upright. I used a bent-nib calligraphy pen with black ink to capture the destruction. I added a bit of diluted ink to make it stand out from the background.

Copy Statues

This popular guy on the Plaza in Kansas City is a copy of a statue by Benelli, in Florence, Italy. People are encouraged to rub the statue’s nose and make a wish—that’s why that part of the boar is so shiny! Coins from the fountain are given to the Children of Mercy Hospital.


Sometimes we take familiar things for granted to the point where we don’t even see them. Here’s an antidote that can be a lot of fun: Invite a friend from out of town to join you on a walking tour. Bring your sketchbooks and art tools, and let your buddy pick where to stop and sketch! You may be amazed at what they pick.

Do the same thing with children. Kids have a completely different outlook, unjaded and fresh. They may also see things from a lower vantage point that you may have overlooked.