When traveling, I always try to capture the feel of a place. This trip, we got up and out early so we could sketch the desert before it got too hot.
1" (2.5cm) flat brush, no. 8 round brush, assorted watercolor pigments, graphite pencil, sketchbook with cold-pressed watercolor paper
STEP ONE: Capture the Image
A couple of quick thumbnail sketches in pencil helped me to plan shapes and composition. Taking time for these is not really necessary, but it can be good practice if you need to focus.
STEP TWO: Create a Quick Study
The light was changing rapidly and I wasn’t sure how long we’d have, so I made large washes that wouldn’t dry up too quickly. I used very fast strokes, letting the colors blend wet-in-wet.
STEP THREE: Create the Final Painting
I had learned a lot with my quick sketch, so I did a second painting of the same scene using the same colors but with more detail.
I took my time on this one, painting the sky wet-in-wet, allowing it to dry, then adding the mountains and the desert foreground. A bit of clear water spatter was added to the textures of rock and sand, closer to the viewer.