At Home and Abroad

It’s interesting to note similarities in urban areas around the world. As you find more sketches of these populated areas in books or online, you may be reminded of something you’ve seen in your own area and decide to explore the similarities. Capital domes are often similar around the world. Amphitheaters and band shells are similar in shape, if not design. A small stone church in the Midwest may remind you of a similar one a friend drew in Ireland. It’s fun to capture those visual and emotional connections when you notice them!

Iconic Sketch

Who wouldn’t be struck by Liz Steel’s fresh, iconic sketch of the Sydney, Australia, opera house? It’s an unforgettable image.

Different Styles

When I saw the sweeping, rounded shapes of the Kaufman Center for Performing Arts in Kansas City, I couldn’t help thinking of Liz’s sketch of a building with similar curves—though mine is much tighter. We all have different styles.

Flesh Out

Mark Holmes used a few lightning-fast pencil lines to capture the poses of these historical reenactors in New France. He knew he could flesh them out later with watercolor washes.