Demonstration: A Magic Moment

I grew up going to Bennett Spring State Park with my family. It’s magical for me, and I’m delighted my husband loves it as much as I do. We go at least once a year.

I’ve painted the little waterfall just down from the spring on a number of occasions, sitting on the bank or a nearby bench. I’m always trying to capture the tumult of the water and my love for this place. One million gallons of water rush over the falls every day—always moving, always the same.


1" (2.5cm) flat brush, no. 8 round brush, assorted watercolor pigments, cold-pressed watercolor paper, pencil

STEP ONE: Preliminary Sketch

I created a preliminary sketch to study the shapes the water makes as it rushes over the moss-covered rocks.

STEP TWO: Add Color

I painted around the white water and scraped a few highlights once the washes were dry. Pay attention to the shapes the water makes as it rushes over the rocks—let the brush dance through this part. Let the lighter green wash bleed into the dark rocks to suggest the texture of moss.

STEP THREE: Paint the Trees

I painted the fall trees on the distant bank mostly wet-in-wet, scraping in a few lines while the wash was still damp to suggest smaller trees. I waited until the wash began to lose its shine to scribe lighter lines to suggest larger trees. After letting it dry, I added the darkest trees with a rich wash of Ultramarine and Burnt Sienna.

STEP FOUR: Add Water Reflections

I used Cadmium Orange for some bright touches of color on the far bank and in the reflections in the water.

STEP FIVE: Add Texture

I used the texture of the paper in the foreground water to help make drybrush marks.