Simple Fish by Nick Robinson
A development of a traditional design, this is a simple but instantly recognizable fish.
1 White side up, fold in half, and then unfold.
2 Make a small pinch to mark the center point.
3 Fold the upper edge to the pinch, crease and unfold.
4 Fold left and right edges to the vertical center. Turn the paper over.
5 Fold the top corners to the vertical center crease, and then unfold. Turn the paper over.
6 Unfold the flaps, but don’t flatten the paper.
7 Fold the sides inward, at the same time fold down the top center point. All the creases are already there.
8 Fold the lower left corner inward.
9 Fold the corner to the pinch mark.
10 Fold a single flap to the right.
11 Repeat steps 9–10 on the right.
12 The model so far. Turn the paper over.
13 Fold a corner inward. Rotate the paper.
14 Fold over the corner.
15 Lift the flap and squash it open.
16 The eye is complete.