Carp Traditional
This is an unusual model; traditional—but little known. At the end, you can put your fingers inside the mouth and round the body out to make it 3D.
1 Colored side up, crease and unfold both diagonals. Turn the paper over.
2 Crease in half and unfold from side to side, in both directions.
3 Collapse the paper downward on these creases.
4 Fold the lower edges to the vertical center, crease and unfold.
5 Reverse the corners inside on the top flaps. Turn the paper over.
6 Fold the long edges to the center.
7 Fold the long edges to the center on both sides, crease and unfold. Then unfold again.
8 Crease and unfold a triangular flap at the ends of the inner creases.
9 Open and flatten the top corner. The paper becomes 3D.
10 Make a valley in the center, flattening the paper.
11 Fold up a single layer.
12 Fold a flap down along a hidden edge.
13 Fold the left and right edges to the center.
14 Fold the long edges to the center.
15 The result. Turn the paper over.
16 Fold a flap upward.
17 Fold the lower edges to the center.
18 Fold a flap down.
19 The result. Turn the paper over.
20 Crease and unfold to match the dotted line.
21 Reverse the flap inside.
22 Curl the flap around. Repeat steps 20–22 on the right. Turn the model over.
23 Open and round the body.
24 Gently curve the top lip inward.