Puffer Fish by Sébastien Limet
At the end of this model, you blow into it to form a fully 3D fish.
1 Colored side up, fold in half from side to side, crease and unfold, in both directions. Turn the paper over.
2 Fold and unfold both diagonals.
3 Fold the paper down using these creases.
4 Fold two corners to the top corner. Repeat underneath.
5 Fold both corners to the center of the lower edge. Unfold the right flap. Turn the paper over.
6 Repeat the last step, but unfold the left flap.
7 Fold the left and right corners to the center. Repeat underneath. Rotate the paper counterclockwise.
8 Fold corner to corner.
9 Lift, open, and squash the flap.
10 Fold the corner a little way over, and then unfold.
11 Crease and unfold a small diagonal.
12 Pleat the corner inward. You will need to unfold a bit to do this.
13 Repeat steps 8–12 on the underside.
14 Carefully fold over the inner flap.
15 Swing the flap to the right by making a mountain fold along the dotted line.
16 Fold the triangle in half, and then unfold.
17 Lift and squash the flap evenly to both sides.
18 Fold the short edges of the kite shape to the center, crease and unfold.
19 Fold the right corner to the left, flattening the sides to the center.
20 Repeat steps 14–19 on the underside. Fold the corner to the center, crease and unfold.
21 Fold corners to the center, crease and unfold.
22 Make four small precreases, through all layers.
23 Fold on the upper layer only, forming the paper into 3D.
24 The move in progress.
25 Fold a corner to the left, flattening edges together on the horizontal axis.
26 Fold paper behind, pressing the paper flat.
27 Fold two corners behind to meet the center.
28 Now focus on the circled area.
29 Crease and unfold.
30 Open the sides and flatten the corner.
31 Flatten the model with a vertical valley crease.
32 Open out two corners to form lips.
33 The result.
34 Hold by the circled point and blow sharply inside, inflating the model.