Thanks to everyone at HarperCollins, especially my saintly, patient editor, Sarah Ritherdon and the wonderful sales team, Oli Malcolm, Laura Fletcher and Lisa Doyle. Also to my agents Luke Janklow and Tim Glister, and everyone at Janklow & Nesbit. FAME is partly set in Romania, a country I have come to know well through our charity, F.R.O.D.O (Foundation for the Relief of Disabled Orphans). My husband Robin founded F.R.O.D.O to help improve the lives of Romania’s thousands of forgotten, institutionalized children, and their work is nothing short of miraculous. Any readers who are interested can see more about our programs at This book is dedicated to two of those children, the brave and beautiful Viorel Rezmives, and Abel Teglas, whose short life changed mine and Robin’s forever and who we will never forget. I would specially like to pay tribute to the amazing Sarah Wade, who transformed the lives of these two little boys and so many others. You are a true inspiration. Finally, I would like to thank all my family for their unending love and support through a difficult year. I would be lost without you.