Mama met someone named Dr. Haseda
at the wives’ tea.
(I wondered if she was the someone Papa talked about.)
This afternoon Dr. Haseda came to our house
and brought lemon cookies as an omiyage.
Mama set them out in a pretty dish
and made a pot of tea.
Dr. Haseda was born in Los Angeles
and went to college in New York,
where she met her husband.
She teaches Japanese at the college.
Today she brought her daughter, Kate,
who is one year old.
At first, Mama called her Baby Cake
and soon we were all calling her that—
even Baby Cake, who can already say ten words.
Even though Mama said she only needs Papa and me
and the turkeys,
I’m glad she has a new friend,
because maybe then she will start to feel at home.
After we walked them to their car
and waited until they drove away, out of sight,
I said, “It was nice of her to visit you.”
Mama smoothed her hair and said, “Papa asked her.”
“Are you mad at him for that?” I asked, confused.
“No, Mimi-chan. That is love.”