How to Make Corn Bread

This is how we make corn bread,

Papa style:

Assemble your ingredients:





baking powder

baking soda






Preheat your oven.

What are we doing with a frying pan?

Put the skillet in the oven.

In the oven? Are you sure?


This is how we make corn bread.

Now, mix all the dry ingredients

in one bowl.

And all the wet ingredients

in another.

What are we doing with the frying pan?

It’s for the corn bread.

You’ll see.

But we make corn bread in a brownie pan.

Where’s the brownie pan?

Are you sure we’re making corn bread?

Then fold the wet ingredients

into the dry,

but don’t stir it too much.

It’s all lumpy.

That’s okay. It’s supposed to be.

This is how we make corn bread.

Is this Japanese corn bread?

Now, take the skillet out of the oven—

use the pot holders or you’ll burn your hands.

Put some butter in the skillet

and swirl it around.

It sizzles, like when you toss snow

at the woodstove.

Then, put the batter in the skillet.

Put the skillet back in the oven.

Where’s the brownie pan?

I don’t think we’re using one.

She’s using a frying pan.

That’s weird.

Bake it thirty minutes, until

the top is golden.

I’m not eating this.

It’s not real corn bread.

This is how we make corn bread.

It comes out of the oven like

warm crunchy softness.

You should taste this corn bread.

It’s really good!