The story of Full Cicada Moon came to me nearly fully written, told by Mimi Yoshiko Oliver, a sensitive, intelligent, determined, and courageous girl. If you asked Mimi who this story is written for, she’d say it’s for anyone who has big dreams but is short on courage.

I wrote Mimi’s story in wonder and terror and awe, not knowing if I could or should write it. But along the way, the following people gave me the special encouragement and support I needed to turn Mimi’s story into a book:

Josh Adams, my agent, who with one phrase gave me the courage to keep writing this story.

Namrata Tripathi, my editor, whose enormous gift, vision, and love for story sharpened and shaped Mimi’s.

Keiko Higuchi, who generously and enthusiastically read the manuscript, answered my myriad questions, and shared her stories with me. And Caroline Moore for sharing her heart.

Amy Cook, Julie Dillard, Kristen Held, Ellen Jellison, Craig Lew, Sarah McGuire, and Hazel Mitchell—the Turbo Monkeys—and Celeste Putnam and Dene Barnett, for helping set this manuscript in the right direction at a very early stage. And Marcy Weydemuller for the editorial feedback that kept it on track.

Sarah Twiss Howe Clark, my great-grandmother, for faithfully recording the weather and temperature (along with the day’s events) in her diaries for most of her life. When historical weather information wasn’t available, Gramma Clark’s 1969 diary was.

Randi Ring Simons, my heart-sister since our year of tea in Kyoto, for her linguistic advice and her forever friendship.

My children, Julia, Emily, and Andrew, for giving me insight into Mimi’s heart by sharing theirs. And, simply for being.

My husband, Leon, for his steadfast support and his suggestions that added authenticity to Mimi’s story.

And everyone whose courage isn’t quite tall enough for their big dreams. Facing uncertainty and fear, but taking that first small step anyway, isn’t only Mimi’s story—it is everyone’s.