(* = historical figure)
Twenty-first-century Cambridge, MA
Tristan Lyons, founder of DODO and now leader of Rogue-DODO
Robin Lyons, his sister
Dr. Melisande Stokes, historical linguist; Tristan’s first recruit to DODO
Dr. Frank Oda, physicist and ODEC creator; husband of Rebecca East-Oda
Rebecca East-Oda, his wife; a witch
Erzsébet Karpathy, a Hungarian witch
Mortimer Shore, systems administrator, swordsman, and general geek at Rogue-DODO
Gráinne, Irish witch from seventeenth century now working for DODO in twenty-first century
Dr. Roger Blevins, head of DODO
Chira Yasin Lajani, DOer, Lover class; mole for Rogue-DODO
Dhakir, her brother (offstage)
Aliye, her sister (offstage)
Lieutenant General Octavian Frink, Director of National Intelligence and Blevins’s boss at DODO
Dr. Constantine Rudge, head of IARPA, advisor to DODO, and intimate of the Fuggers
Julie Lee, classical oboist, Rogue-DODO agent, and witch (offstage)
Felix Dorn, former DOer, Strider class, now Rogue-DODO agent (offstage)
Dr. Esme Overkleeft, former DOer, Sage class, now Rogue-DODO agent (offstage)
Mei East-Oda, daughter of Frank and Rebecca (offstage)
Sundry DOSECOPS and Secret Service officers
Cara Samuels, witch in collusion with the Fugger Bank (offstage, but very present)
Arturo Quince, DOer, MacGyver/Closer class
Tony Bianco, DOer, Forerunner class, code name Angelo (offstage)
Frederick Fugger, a man of business
Yamamoto Akifumi, his bodyguard
Diego Gabriel, DOer, Forerunner class (offstage)
Lauren Abernathy, HOSMA, socio-cultural historian (offstage)
Marcello Lombardo, HOSMA, Renaissance language specialist (offstage)
Peter Salvino, HOSMA, wilderness survival specialist (offstage)
Bill Morrow, HOSMA, violence specialist (offstage)
Dr. Paul Livermore, Director of Psychiatric and Mental Fitness, DODO
Dr. Larinda Schroeder, PTSD specialist, DODO
NMS, Roger Blevins’s personal assistant (virtual)
Chris Burton, RN, DODO nurse (offstage)
1640 Cambridge, America
Goody Mary Fitch, a witch
Goody Brown, neighbor to Goody Fitch
Ann Brown, her daughter
1606 London
*Edmund Tilney, Master of the Revels
*King James I
*Queen Anne
*Guy Fawkes, Gunpowder Plot conspirator
*Thomas Knyvett, English baron
*Edmund Doubleday, English politician
*Christophe Mountjoy, landlord
*Marie Mountjoy, his wife
*Emilia Lanier, noblewoman
*William Shakespeare, playwright
*Edmund (Ned) Shakespeare, his brother
*Richard Burbage, actor
*Cuthbert Burbage, producer (offstage)
*John Lowin, actor
*Robert Armin, actor
*Henry (Hal) Condell, actor and company manager
*John Heminge, actor
*Hal Berridge, boy actor
*Edmund Knight, prompter
*Sundry other actors
Andrew North, actor
Rose, an English witch
Landlord of the Mitre Tavern
Athanasius Fugger, banker (offstage)
Sundry Yeoman Guards at Whitehall Palace
Sundry wherrymen on the River Thames
Sundry messengers, clerks, players, stagehands, officials, and nobility working in or visiting the Office of the Revels
Sundry patrons at sundry taverns in London and Southwark
*Ben Jonson, playwright
*Inigo Jones, architect and theatrical designer
Music master in the Revels Office
Harry, a constable
*George Weale, Clerk of Works for Whitehall Palace
Fr Peter Boroughs, inquisitor
*George Buck, presumptive future Master of the Revels Office (offstage)
*Thomas Howard, Lord Chamberlain (offstage)
*Philip Herbert, Baron of Shurland (offstage)
*Earl of Pembroke, his brother (offstage)
*Sundry members of the Stationers’ Company (offstage)
1397 Florence
Dana, young Tartan slave
Matteo del Dolce, wealthy wool merchant
Agnola Battista, his wife
Piero Lapi, her cousin
Giovanni, wagoner and Dulcinite
Lucia, a witch
Watchman at the Via Roma gate
Signore Iacopo Moschardi, butcher
Lena Moschardi, his wife
Paolo Uccello, artist (offstage)
Bartolomeo Corsini, patrician (offstage)
309 CE Sicily
Marcus Livius Saturninus, Roman patrician
Livia, his elder daughter; a witch
Julia, her sister
Arria, an attendant
Thalia, an attendant
Rufus, a slave
Hanno Gisgon, master mosaicist from Carthage
Vilicus, steward
Tutor to the girls
Servants and officers of the villa
Marcus, wagoner
Soldier (unnamed), witness to Diachronic Shear
*Constantine, eventual emperor (offstage)
1450 Kyoto
Seiko, a witch
Her husband
Shinto priest
*Ashikaga Yoshimasa, Shogun (offstage)
Eighteenth-century England
*Edward Jenner, creator of smallpox vaccine (offstage)
1851 Prussia
*Charles Berkowski, photographer (offstage)