Where am I?

Am I dead?

I feel an…ache

A longing

But not pain. That’s nice—


Now I feel pain, and I wish it would stop. It hurts so much, I just want it to stop

There, now it’s easing off. But I can still feel it waiting under the surface

Waiting to pull me under

I remember…others. I remember who I was—who I am

I’m Skylar Rivest. I’m a student at the New York Academy of Magic

I’m missing part of myself

I have a dark power—


I had a dark power

Why would I think that?

That’s right. That part of me is gone

But I am missing those I love

There, that sounds right

I need to get back to them

That sounds even better

I need to reach them before it’s too late

If it’s not already too late

Here comes the pain again