Abenragel, Italy (Albohazen)
Abu Ma shar (Albumasar)
Adams, Evangeline
Adams, John
Addison, Joseph
Adelard of Bath
Adoration of the Magi(Giotto)
Agrippa, Marcus
Albertus Magnus
al-Biruni, Muhammad ibn Ahmad
Alcabitius (al-Qabisi)
Alchemist, The(Jonson)
Alexander the Great
Alfonso X (the Wise), King
al-Khayyat, Abu Ali
al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa
Allen, Avis
Allen, Thomas
All’s Well That Ends Well(Shakespeare)
Almagest (Mathematike Syntaxis)(Ptolemy)
al-Ma’mun, Abu al-Abbas, Caliph
declining quality of of Kepler of Lilly Poor Richard’sal-Mansur, Abu Jafar
Almanzor (Abu ‘Amir al-Mansur)
Alphonso, Pedro
American Civil War
American Revolution
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Annales of Forli
Anne, Queen of England
Annus Mirabilis(Dryden)
Antigonus of Nicaea
Antoninus Pius, Emperor of Rome
Antony, Marc
Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Abbasid dynasty of astrologers of Byzantine interactions with conquests of cultural and intellectual achievements of linguistic influence of Umayyad dynasty of see alsoBaghdad; Spain, MoorishArgentine, John
astrology accepted by mock suns as viewed by translators ofar-Rashid, Harun, Caliph, art
Arthur, King
fixed stars onAscletarion
Ashmole, Sir Elias
clients of as count astrologer elections of quacks deplored by sigils created byaspects
Astrologia Gallica(Morin)
Astrological Prediction, An(Lilly)
as above, so below in branches of codes of ethics for cultural influence of decline of dubious practitioners of empiricism of knowledge required by laws against in literature mechanism of modern moment of birth in newspaper origins of perils of popular revival of psychological satirists of science of science’s origin in 17th century scientists’ support of statistical testing of Sun-sign typical consultations inAstrology for the Millions(Lewi)
Astrophel and Stella(Sidney)
As You Like It(Shakespeare)
Attila the Hun
Aubrey, John
Augustine, Saint
Augustus, Emperor of Rome
Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
as Chaldeans Gilgamesh story of natal astrology of omen texts of ziggurats ofBacon, Roger
Bacon, Sir Francis
Academy of Wisdom library of astrological schools in construction of court astrologers of as cultural center as Dar es-Salaam decline of horoscope ofBalaam, prophecy of
Balzac, Honoré de
Bates, Graham
Bedwell, Rev. Arthur
Belcher, Sir Edward
ben Corat, Thebit
Bennett, James Gordon
ben Tarik, Jacob
astrological allusions in mistranslations in see also specific booksBismarck, Otto von
Blavatsky, Madame
body parts, rulers of
Bolingbroke, Richard
Bonatti, Guido
Bonaventura, Saint
Booker, John
Book of the Thousands(AbuMa shar)
Bowl of Heaven, The(Adams)
Boyle, Robert
Bradwardine, Thomas
Brahe, Tycho
comets as viewed by cosmological scheme of as court astrologer eclipses as viewed by nova observed by observatory built byBredon, William
Brief Lives(Aubrey)
Broughton, Hugh
Broughton, Luke
Browne, Sir Thomas
Buckingham, George Villiers, Duke of
Burckhardt, Jacob
Burroughs, John
Burton, Robert
Bush, George W.
Butler, Samuel
Byron, George Gordon, Lord
Byron’s Conspiracy(Chapman)
Byzantine Empire
Arab attacks onCaesar, Julius
calendars ancient twelve-month Church ecclesiastical Julian lunarCaligula (Caius Caesar), Emperor of Rome
Callistus III, Pope
Campanella, Tommaso
Campion, Nicholas
Canterbury Tales, The(Chaucer)
Caput Algol
Caracalla, Emperor of Rome
Cardano, Girolamo
code of ethics followed by gambling of horoscope of as mathematician medical astrology of writings ofCarey, Hilary
Carmen Astrologicum(Dorotheus of Sidon)
Carolingian Renaissance
Carr, Robert
Carter, Charles E. O.
Catherine de Médicis
Chamber, John
Champollion, Jean
Chaney, W. N.
Chapman, George
Charlemagne, Emperor
Charles I, King of England
horary question of horoscope of predicted death ofCharles II, King of England
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles V, King of France
Charles IX, King of France
Charles Gustavus, King of Sweden
Chaucer, Geoffrey
astrology in works ofCheats, The(Wilson)
Cheke, Sir John
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage(Byron)
Choisnard, Paul
Christian Astrology(Lilly)
Christian IV, King of Denmark
Church Fathers of conversions to councils of Crusades of four great evangelists of Great Church Schism of magic and Reformation in Roman persecution of Sun’s equinoctial passover in see alsoJesus Christ; Star of BethlehemChristmas
Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended(Newton)
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
City of God, The(Augustine)
Claudius, Emperor of Rome
Codex Egberti
Coley, Henry
Columbus, Christopher
first voyage of “great conjunction” theory accepted by reburials ofcomets
elements and Elizabeth I and meaningful shapes of misfortunes portended by in natal astrology at Second Coming in signs Star of Bethlehem asconjunctions
of all planets in Pisces religions signified by see also“great conjunction” theory, Jupiter-Saturn conjunctionsConstantine I (the Great), Emperor of Rome
in ancient Greek literature establishment of heliacal rising of mythological transformations into naming of signs vs.Copernicus, Nicolaus
correspondence, doctrine of
court astrologers
Ashmole as in Baghdad Brake as Chinese RomanCraig, Katherine
Cranmer, Thomas
Cromwell, Oliver
Culpeper, Nicholas
Culpeper’s Herbal
Curry, Patrick
d’Ally, Pierre
Dante Alighieri
days, unlucky
death, predictions of
comets in eclipses in terminal houses indecumbiture charts
Dee, John
astrological theory of horoscope of library of as magician “007” signature ofDefence of Astrology(Heydon)
DeFoe, Daniel
de Gaulle, Charles
de Wohl, Louis
Dill, Samuel
Dio, Cassius
methods ofDivine Comedy(Dante)
Domitian, Emperor of Rome
Dorotheus of Sidon
Dragon’s Head (north node)
Dragon’s Tail (south node)
Dr. Karr’s Guide to Success and Happiness
Dryden, John
Duchess of Malfi, The(Webster)
Dürer, Albrecht
Easter Lamb
Easter Sunday
Ebertin, Elsbeth
ecclesiastical calendars
lasting effects of lunar in natal astrology as omens path of solarecliptic
Eddy, Steve
Edward II, King of England
Edward III, King of England
Edward IV, King of England
Edward VI, King of England
Edward VIII, King of England
Edwards, Jonathan
Egyptians, ancient
by Ashmole of Baghdad’s founding fatalism and for Greenwich observatory founding in Guelph-Ghibelline strife for indexing of nations’ founding dates of Reagan’s inauguration of ship sailings of weddingselements
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
El Nath
Elser, George
end of the world
English Civil War
Enuma Anu Enlil
see alsoprecession of the equinoxesEsarhaddon
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of
Evans, John
Evelyn, John
Every Man out of his Humour(Jonson)
Exiguus, Dionysius
Eye of Horus
Faerie Queene, The(Spenser)
Fairfax, Gen. Thomas
Faleiro, Ruy
elections vs. free will vs. of Lucian of Samosata of ManiliusFazari, Ibrahim
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
Ferdinand V, King of Castile
Ferris, Timothy
Ficino, Marsilio
Figulus, Publius Nigidius
Fine, Oronce
Firmicus Maternus, Julius
Fiske, Nicholas
fixed signs
in biblical symbolism eclipses in origin of termfixed stars
an ascendant meanings of in mundane astrology royalFlamsteed, John
Fletcher, John
Fludd, Robert
Forman, Simon
clients of contemporary plays and horary astrology of as implicated in murder magic sigils created by medical astrology of notebooks of self-predicted death ofFranklin, Benjamin
Frawley, John
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor
Frederick II, King of Denmark
free will
French Revolution
Freud, Sigmund
Frisius, Gemma
Fulke, William
Gadbury, John
Gafford, Jacques
Galba, Servius Sulpicius
Galileo Galilei
Gama, Vasco de
Gann, W. D.
Garfield, James H.
Gataker, Rev. Thomas
Gauquelin, Michel and Françoise
Geminus of Rhodes
Geoffrey de Meaux
Geoffrey of Monmouth
George, Llewellyn
George III, King of England
George IV, King of England
George V, King of England
George VI, King of England
Gerbert d’Aurillac
Gibbon, Edward
Gilbert, William
Giuntini, Francisco
“great conjunction” theory
historical change inGreat Fire of London (1666)
Great Seal of the United States
Greek language
Greeks, ancient
astronomy of mythology of natal astrology ofGregoras, Nicephorus
Grosseteste, Robert
Guarico, Luca
Guesclin, Bertrand du
Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden
Guy Mannering(Scott)
Hadrian, Emperor of Rome
Hall, Manly
Halley, Edmond
Hamilton, John
Hand, Robert
Hardy, Thomas
Harmony of the World, The(Kepler)
Hart, Alexander
Harvey, Richard
Harvey, William
Hatton, Sir Christopher
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hay, Clement
Hebrew language
Heilbron, J. L.
Hemmings, James
Henry I, King of England
Henry II, King of England
Henry II, King of France
Henry III, King of France
Henry IV, King of France
Henry IV, Part 1(Shakespeare)
Henry IV, Part 2(Shakespeare)
Henry V, King of England
Henry VI, King of England
Henry VI, Part 1(Shakespeare)
Henry VI, Part 2(Shakespeare)
Henry VI, Part 3(Shakespeare)
Henry VII, King of England
Henry VIII, King of England
Hephaestio of Thebes
herbal medicine
Herod, King
Herwart, Johann
Heydon, Christopher
History of the World, The(Ralegh)
Hitler, Adolf
Holbroke, John
Hooke, Robert
horary astrology
for Bush-Kerry presidential race for Charles II’s escape for Earl of Essex by Evangeline Adams by Forman by Lilly lost objects found by querent’s physical characteristics in questions asked in Sibly on threatened battles inhorizon
of Apollo XII moon shot of astral twins of Augustus of Baghdad’s founding of Byron of Cardano for carving magical images of Charles Dryden of Charles I of Charles II of Christian IV of Cicero of cities components of of Cosimo de’ Medici of Cromwell of Dee of Domitian of Edward II on Einstein statue of Elizabeth I as fine-tuned of Galba of Galileo and general catastrophes of George VI of George W. Bush of Hadrian of Henry II of Henry VIII heredity in of Hitler of Iraq War of Jesus Christ of Kepler’s family Leo’s mass production of of Luther marital compatibility in men’s sexual proclivities in modern vs. traditional readings of of Nazi state of Nero of Nerva of New York City of New York Stock Exchange orientation of parents of of Parliament of Pedanius of pet dog planetary patterns in Richard II’s accession in royal of Rudolph II of Severus of twins unfavorable to travelers of U.S of U.S. Capitol building of Vitellius of Wallenstein of Wellington see alsopredictionshours, planetary cycle of
Dragon’s Tail in eighth fourth sixth terminalHoward, Lady Frances
Huxley, Aldous
Hyde, Thomas
Ibn Ezra, Abraham
Ibn Hibinta
Imum Coeli
Isabella, Queen of Castile
astrological schools of see alsoArabsIsrael
James, Apocryphal Gospel of
James I, King of England
James the Apostle, Saint
Jeake, Samuel
Jefferson, Thomas
Jesus Christ
advent of birth of;see also Star of Bethlehem horoscopes cast for Second Coming of solar eclipse at crucifixion ofJews
Claudius and holidays of lunar calendar of Passover festival of Roman war against Sabbath cycle of Sanhedrin of signs in symbolism of Torah ofJohn XXIII, Pope
John Chrysostom, Saint
John of the Cross, Saint
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, Marc Edmund
Jonson, Ben
Josephus, Flavius
Judgments of Nativities, The(al-Khayyat)
Julianus the Chaldean
Julius Caesar(Shakespeare)
Jung, Carl Gustav
synchronicity theory ofJupiter Pluvius column
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions
element of of 1588 Star of Bethlehem as of 2000 and U.S. presidents’ deaths in office see also“great conjunction” theoryjury system
Justinian, Emperor of Rome
Kant, Immanuel
Kelpius, Johannes
Kepler, Johannes
almanacs of on ancient lunar calendar astrological work of Brahe and death of five Platonic solids theory of great-conjunction theory accepted by music of the spheres theory of scientific achievements of on Star of Bethlehem tombstone epitaph of writings ofKerry, John
Kidger, Mark
King Lear(Shakespeare)
Koestler, Arthur
Krafft, Karl Ernst
Krupp, E. C.
Labe, John
Laud, William
Lay of the Last Minstrel(Scott)
Leate, Nicholas
Lehman, J. Lee
Leo, Alan
Leontius, Byzantine coup of
Leowitz, Cyprian
Lepidus, Marcus
Lewi, Grant
Lilly, William
almanacs of Ashmole’s index for at Astrological Feasts astrological studies of clients of code of ethics of English Civil War and Great Fire of 1666 predicted by horary astrology of library of London plague predicted by marriages of medical astrology of mundane astrology of as satirists’ targetLincoln, Abraham
Locke, John
London, Jack
London plague
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Louis XIII, King of France
Louis XIV, King of France
Lucian of Samosata
Luther, Martin
Lyndoe, Edward
McCaffery, Ellen
McClellan, Gen. George
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Maestlin, Michael
Magellan, Ferdinand
as astrologers return journey of see alsoStar of Bethlehemmagic
of Dee in images mathematics and sigils in sympatheticMagic Book(Scot)
Mahmud of Ghazni
Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon)
Malcontent, The(Marston)
Maminot, Gilbert
Manilius, Marcus
Mann, Thomas
Mansur, Abu Nasr
Marcellinus, Ammianus
Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome
Marston, John
Martel, Charles
Martius, Galeotti
Marx, Karl
Mathesis (Ancient Astrology: Theory and Practice)(Firmicus Maternus)
Matthew, Gospel According to
Mead, Richard
medical astrology
of Cardano compounding medicines in decumbiture charts in doctrine of signatures in of Forman of Lilly natal horoscope in phases of the Moon in signs inMedici, Cosimo de’
Melanchthon, Philipp
Mercator, Gerard
Merchant of Venice(Shakespeare)
Meredith, George
Metochites, Theodorus
Midheaven (Medium Coeli)
mock Suns (parhelia)
Monson, Sir William
Montefeltro, Guido da
in Assyrian predictions in calculating longitude at sea calendars based on earliest star maps related to ecclesiastical calendars and goddesses of lunar month in lunar zodiac mansions of north and south nodes of in popular lore in Ptolemaic planetary order as void of course see alsoeclipsesMoore, Francis
Moore, Jonas
More, Sir Thomas
Morgan, J. Pierpont
Morin, Jean-Baptiste
Morrison, Richard James
Mortimer’s Cross, battle of
Muhammad, mundane astrology
Aries Ingress in eclipse paths and finance in fixed stars in Israel and of Lilly modern “official,” outer planets in of Sibly Uranus in WWI in WWII inmusic of the spheres
Mystery religions
Naibod, Valentin
Napier, John
Napier, Richard
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
natal astrology
comets in eclipses in fixed stars in in medical astrology see alsohoroscopesNaubakt
Naylor, R. H.
Nero, Emperor of Rome
Nerva, Emperor of Rome
Neve, Jeffrey
Newton, Isaac
New York Stock Exchange
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Notable Nativities (Collectio Geniturarum)(Gadbury)
Notker, the Stammerer
Nunes, Pedro
Oakes-Smith, E.
“Of Celestial Influences or Effluviams in the Air” (Boyle)
omens, celestial
in Babylonian texts in China conjunctions as eclipses as mock Suns as of WWI see alsocometsOn Consolation(Cardano)
On Generation and Corruption(Aristotle)
Ortelius, Abraham
Otho, Emperor of Rome
Overbury, Sir Thomas
Paddy, Sir William
Paget, Sir William
parhelia (mock Suns)
Parr, Johnstone
Part of Fortune
Partridge, John
“passover,” solar
Passover festival
Paul III, Pope
Perrin, John
Pertinax, Emperor of Rome
Peter, Apocryphal Gospel of
Peter of Blois
Petrarch, Francesco
Peuerbach, Giorgio
Philip VI, King of France
Pico della Mirandola
Pietro d’Abano
pillars, Adam’s
Pizan, Christine de
Placidus de Titus
planetary patterns
Assyrian symbols of colors related to conditions of essential dignities of exaltations of as gods in houses Lilly’s description of in music of the spheres nine orders of angels ruled by orbs of outer plants as ruled by Ptolemaic order of receptions of seven as symbol of signs ruled by synodic revolutions ofPlato
playing cards
Pliny the Elder
Polo, Marco
Poor Richard’s Almanac(Franklin)
precession of the equinoxes
aspects in Assyrian Babylonian of battle outcomes Chaldean of earthquakes in Euripides of horse races of marriage prospects misleading modern vs. traditional of natural catastrophes of 1929 stock market crash pernicious social effects of primary directions in secondary progressions in Uranus in of wealth weather see alsodeath, predictions of; horary astrology; mundane astrologyPriulus, Franciscus
Ptolemy, Claudius
on comets on eclipses on fixed stars general catastrophes as viewed by at library of Alexandria in knowledge on “Monstrous or Defective Births,” on “Parents,” planetary order of on prediction on skeptics on violent death works ofpushing power
Ralegh, Sir Walter
Raman, B. V.
Ramsey, William
Raphael’s Almanac
Reagan, Ronald
Recorde, Robert
Reni, Guido
Rheticus, Georg Joachim
Rhetorius the Egyptian
Ricci, Matteo
Richard II, King of England
Richard III(Shakespeare)
Robyns, John
Rocca, Bartolommeo della
Rochester, Dean of
Rodoam, Haly
Romans, ancient
astrologers persecuted by backstreet astrologers of Capitoline Games of Christians persecuted by court astrologers of decline of divination by emperors of Jewish War of mythology ofRomulus Augustulus, Emperor of Rome
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rowse, A. L.
Rudhyar, Dane
Rudolph II, Holy Roman Emperor
Rudolphine Tables
Ruggieri the Elder
Sabian symbols
Sacrobosco, John
Sagan, Carl
Sakoian, Frances
Saunders, Richard
Scarlet Letter, The(Hawthorne)
Schulte-Strathaus, Ernst
Schultz, Bartholomew
Scot, Michael
Scott, Sir Walter
“Search for Truth in a Reverent Spirit The” (Roosevelt)
Sea Voyage, The(Fletcher)
Secretum Secretorum
Seleucus, Ptolemy
Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old)
Sephia Yetzirah
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of
Severus, Emperor of Rome
Sfondrato, Francisco
Sforza, Paolo
Shadow Land, The, or the Seer(Oakes-Smith)
Shakerley, Jeremy
Shakespeare, William
Sibly, Ebenezer
Siculus, Diodorus
Sidney, Sir Philip
sigils, magic
signatures, doctrine of
signs, zodiacal
in art comets in constellations vs. decans of elements of establishment and naming of fixedsee fixed signs herbs ruled by in Jewish symbolism in medical astrology Mystery religions and nations ruled by planetary exaltations in planetary rulers of seasonal base of twelve as symbol ofSirius, the Dog Star
Smallridge, George
Smith, J. Heber
Smith, Robert Cross
Smith, Sir Thomas
solar returns
Sol Invictus festival
Sortes Virgilianae
Southwell, Thomas
Spain, Moorish
Spencer, Neil
Spenser, Edmund
Sphinx, Egyptian
Spurinna, Vestritius
Star-Crossed Renaissance, The(Allen)
star maps
Star of Bethlehem
astronomical explanations of as comet as “in the east,”stars
Arabic naming of catalogues of fixedsee fixed stars heliacal rising of human transformations into on Milky Way novasStearn, Jess
Stephanus the Philosopher
Stoeffler, Johannes
Streete, Thomas
Summa Theologica(Aquinas)
Assyrian symbol of ecclesiastical calendars and ecliptic of equinoctial cycle and “passover” of four royal stars and in Greek astronomy parhelia of in Ptolemaic planetary order see alsoeclipsesSun-sign astrology
Swift, Jonathan
Sylvester II, Pope
Tarrutius, Lucius
Tartalea, Niccolò
Taylor, John
Tempest, The(Shakespeare)
Theodosius I, Emperor of Rome
Theophilus of Edesta
Theosophical Society
Thirty Years’ War
Tiberius, Emperor of Rome
Tillotson, John
Titus, Emperor of Rome
Toonder, Jan
Toscanelli, Paolo
Tourneur, Cyril
Trajan, Emperor of Rome
Treatise on the Astrolabe(Chaucer)
Trenchard, Sir John
Troilus and Cressida(Shakespeare)
Troilus and Criseyde(Chaucer)
Trojan War
Turner, William
Twelfth Night(Shakespeare)
astral divergent fate ofUnited States
anti-astrology laws in colonial astrology in Freemasonry in Great Seal of horoscope of and presidential deaths in office Washington, D.C., architecture inuniversities
astrological curriculum ofUr
discovery of on Hitler’s ascendant in mundane astrology in prediction in U.S. Capitol horoscope WWI andUrban VIII, Pope
Valens, Vettius
Vesalius, Andreas
Vespasian, Emperor of Rome
Vision of Ezekiel(Raphael)
Vitellius, Emperor of Rome
Vox Stellarum(Moore)
Wallenstein, Count Albrecht von
weather prediction
Webster, John week
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of
Wellman, Flora
West, John
Wharton, George
Whiston, William
Whitgift, John
Wiegel, Valentin
Wilkins, John
Wilson, John
Wing, Vincent
Winter’s Tale, The(Shakespeare)
Winthrop, John
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wood, Anthony a
World War I
World War II
Worsdale, John
Wren, Christopher
Wright, Gilbert
Yeats, William Butler
Zacuto, Samuel
Zadkiel’s Almanac
derivation of term lunar precession of the equinoxes through symbols in on Washington, D.C., architecture see alsosigns, zodiacalZoller, Robert