

Check Out that Man!

You and your friends are enjoying a night out on the town and you spot an interesting looking guy, but how can you judge on first acquaintance whether he is a lover or a loser? Well, there is a way that you can give him the once-over without him even knowing what you are up to. You can check out his hands even at a distance of a few feet. Now, ladies, we don't all want the same thing from our men, so what you see might suit you but not your friend—and what you see may make you feel that this man has the potential to be Mr. Right, or perhaps just Mr. Right For the Time Being . . .

Hand Size

Start by observing the size of his hands, bearing in mind the size of the man as a whole. Do they seem to fit him properly? Are they too large or too small for his frame? A discrepancy here means an imbalance in his nature because his hands should have some connection to the rest of his body.

His Hands are Small

A man with small hands is a busy man and he works hard. He may be a hot number at sales and marketing or he may be a clever money-maker. If the hands are rather hard and firm looking, he will be able to read a balance sheet at a glance, and he can make a deal. If they are soft, his aptitude will be for sales, marketing and persuasion. Either way, this man is quite likely to commit to a relationship, because he has committed himself to working for a living. Whether he is available, or even interested in a long-term relationship, remains to be seen.

Try to judge whether the hands are rounded, as this denotes sociability and a desire for variety in life. This man makes friends easily and he has a sense of the ridiculous, but he easily becomes bored, so you must stay on your toes to keep him interested.

This guy wants a base, a home, and possibly a family, but he loves to move about in search of opportunities and he may travel as part of his job. He probably enjoys traveling, so even if he has not reached that moment in life when he feels the need to settle down, he could be up for an exotic vacation in good company—your company perhaps.


This chap is quick to think, act, move and make up his mind, but he can change it just as quickly. If you do travel with this guy, be prepared to move around. He can lie on a beach only until he has finished reading his book or listened to the ball game on his earphone radio. Once that is over, he will be ready to look around and see what the place has to offer. After forty-eight hours, he may be ready to go home, get back to work or find another holiday location. If he disappears for a few hours, he might even have found a new girlfriend! It may be as well to pack some books yourself, because you could spend the next few days alone—or with someone else.

Small, Less Developed Hands

If his hand looks somewhat undeveloped, with stubby fingers and few lines showing on it, he may be very pedestrian. He is unwilling to try anything new or to be too adventurous, because he prefers a regular job and a well-ordered life. Unfortunately, he may also have a short fuse, due to his inability to express himself.


If his hands are more shapely than the elementary kind and if they look rather firm, this is the hard working type who could well be on the road to success. If his cell phone rings constantly, he is probably keeping in touch with his office—or a string of girlfriends!

When it comes to lovemaking, he knows what to do—after all, he has had plenty of girls to practice on. Do not expect him to spend day after day in languorous lovemaking though, because he gets bored with everything—even his own pleasures. He soon feels the need to get up, look for something to eat, check out the progress of his sports team, phone the office and even send a text message to his mother—or perhaps his ex-wife!

He is quick on the uptake, so he will grasp what you tell him in an instant, but he will not want to listen to long stories or hear about your “feelings.” His downside is a quick temper and a sharp, sarcastic tongue. When he suddenly turns on you, you will wonder whether all those lovely things he said to you yesterday (this morning, half an hour ago) were true, or whether he really thinks so little of you. However, the sun soon comes out again and you forgive him. He is all sweetness and light, until the next bout of “aggressive mouth syndrome.”


Depending on your nature (and your hand shape), you might put up with this in the hope that he will improve, or put up with it until you can drop him. If his hands are small, rounded and soft, don't expect him to come around and put up shelves for you. He is not into physical activities—indeed, he may not be interested in any kind of activity! However, he does have a quick and able brain when he chooses to use it.

If his hands are small and square, this man not only does things at speed, but he also has a practical and sensible turn of mind.


His Hands are Large

This is an altogether slower type of man. He is thoughtful and he appears to be really interested in what you have to say. If the hands are square, he has a practical nature, so if your apartment happens to need some plumbing or electrical work he is worth cultivating! This man can cope with details, so you could even persuade him to fix your hair braids while he is sorting out your scrambled telephone wires.


If his hands are slim and fine, he is artistic or musical and at times, he will be completely absorbed in his interests. While this man is interesting to be with on a short-term basis, he may be less ready to settle for a mundane family life. You may end up sitting on the sidelines while he gigs on a Friday night, even though this makes you feel vaguely like a groupie. An artist will always have some etching that he is ready to show you . . .


When it comes to lovemaking, it is worth getting in some food and drink supplies. He will snuggle down in your apartment for the duration, so make a checklist that includes cherries, grapes, a bottle of wine and the name of a decent Chinese takeout. He is a good conversationalist, so you can expect to hear all about his work (he doesn't like it much) his ex-wife (she didn't understand him) and his successes in the backgammon competition. When you have had enough of this, ensure that you have some decent CDs to play. He will appreciate them and you can nod off for a while.

If his hands are medium to large, and they look knobbly or knotted, especially around the knuckles, he will take his time over things. He is a thinker. While he can move quickly when necessary, he doesn't like to make arrangements without knowing what he is letting himself in for.

Regardless of the size of a man's hand, here are a few other things to watch for. If you appreciate a sensitive man who will really hear what you say, look at the backs of his hands. If the veins show through or if they are prominent, this will be Mister Sensitivity. The problem is that it is easy to hurt him. He may have learned to protect himself by behaving coldly or by finding ways to trip others up and make them feel like fools. If the veins do not show, he is less into his own feelings and less easy to upset. This makes him reliable but he may not be too interested in hearing about your feelings.


Look at the edge of his hand, which palmists call the “percussion.” When this is thick and meaty, and especially if it has an outward bulge, very little will shock him. He may lose his temper easily and he could even become violent if insulted, upset or if he has too much to drink.

If you want a man to keep you in the style to which you are (or would like to be) accustomed, you must look for one with firm hands, as this is the sign of a hard worker. Soft hands spell self-indulgence, while bony hands that look a bit like a chicken's feet are too sensitive to cope sustained effort or stress.

Right-Handed or Left-Handed?

Is he right- or left-handed? This isn't so easy to spot at a glance, but watch to see whether he holds his glass in his right or left hand when drinking. If he is eating, see how he uses his fork. If he uses his hands while talking, notice the hand he uses most. If you get a chance to talk to him, ask him to write something down, as even quite ambidextrous people tend to use their dominant hand when writing.

Right-handed people are in the majority; so if you like an ordinary type of guy whose head isn't full of artistic waffle, this is the man for you. However, you may find an artistic, creative, left-field type of person more interesting. In this case, don't throw the left-hander out with the bath water. The logical, numeric, left side of the brain rules right-handed people, so these folk frequently have ordinary jobs and lives, although they may balance this with an unusual hobby. The spacial, pictorial, right side of the brain rules left-handed people, so they prefer careers such as hypnotherapy, art, music or any creative field. They may have a practical job as a fallback position, but their real love might be playing gamelan bells, collecting ancient Greek pots—or psychology.