Those of us who write and publish books on fortune telling know that most of our readers are female, but many of us live with men or have men around. A man will take a peep at our books whenever there is something marginally less interesting to watch on the television than a bunch of guys tossing and kicking a leather-covered pig's bladder around a field. Therefore, for the men (or for the women who keep an eye on you) here is the secret to finding perfect love—or something.
Lord Byron once said something to the effect that men have many interests, but women's main (or only interest) is love. That may have been the case in the 1800s but it still holds good today. Having said this, most men do reach a “moment.” By this, I mean that a man who has been perfectly happy to live with his parents, run around with his friends, date casually or focus on his work, suddenly reaches a “moment” when the idea of a wife and family appeal to him. Women never have to reach this “moment” because we are in it all our lives. Women are usually at the stage of hoping to meet someone, hoping to lose the one they have, trying to get over the loss of someone—or hoping to meet someone new . . . if you see what I mean!
A man may reach one of these “moments” at any time . . . perhaps when he is sitting around in the Sunshine Home for Old Fogies. However, whether you are at your “moment” or just looking for someone to while away some of your spare time, the following should help you to find what you want and to avoid traps that await the unwary.
The rules here are much the same as in the previous section. In short, a woman with small hands rushes around and gets things done, but she may move on to something (or someone) else quite quickly. A woman who has large hands is slower but she is capable of fine and detailed work. She also stays put through thick and thin. Talking about thick and thin, a woman with small hands is more likely to put on weight, as she gets older. Some women with larger hands can gain weight but they are less likely to do so.
The ulna side of the hand (the opposite side to the thumb) is associated with home, family, relationships and friends. So if you want a woman who is the old-fashioned kind who will make chicken-soup and run the home well, look for one whose hands are fully developed on the ulna side. The ring and little fingers should be fairly long and the edge of her hand firm.
A firm hand belongs to a hard worker who will ensure that her home runs smoothly and that there is enough money coming in to cover the bills, but this woman will also expect some input from you. If you choose a sweet girl with soft, squashy hands, she may be very appealing in the short term, but in time, you might get sick of providing everything for the two of you—especially when she tells you that it is still not enough.
The radial (thumb) side of the hand is more interested in what is going on in the world. A developed radial side belongs to a woman who is likely to have a career or outside interests. She will not be easy to dominate and control, especially if the index finger and thumb look firm and strong.
There is something unappealing about a woman with bony hands. She seems to want more than any man (or anyone) can give. Her hands may be medium sized and angular, which means that she wants to live in a certain style and certainly to travel in comfort. That is fine as far as it goes, but if her hands and fingernails resemble claws, her materialism can reach sky high.
Look at the shape of her hands and of her fingertips. Squareness always indicates practicality and common sense. Square or spatulate fingertips show a good mind and an aptitude for playing classical music or for figure work, embroidery or something else that involves details. This may or may not interest you greatly, but it is always useful for a girl to have a nice hobby.
It doesn't take much brainpower to see that long, slim hands are artistic and sensitive. Look at the back of them and see if the veins show, as this will show you whether she will be sensitive to your feelings. If the veins are buried beneath fat or a thick skin, you might as well give up the idea of expressing your feelings—she just won't understand you. Rounded hands are sociable, friendly, accommodating and fond of vacations, changes of scene and of life itself. However, this woman can get bored quite easily, so you will have to work hard to keep her interest.
Most men are interested in sex—at least all those who have a fully developed little finger are! So how do you find a passionate woman? The answer is not easy, because the obvious seat of passion is the famous “mount of Venus” on the hand.
If this area of the hand is large, it shows passion for something. While this can be for sex, it can also be for material things such as goods, money and essentials such as Manolo shoes. In one way, a woman with a well-developed Venus mount can be a good choice, because she lives life to the full. She will work hard to make a nice home and to have money in the bank, but she will also be a loving companion. However, be careful not to judge this mount by its height alone, because a wide mount of Venus is better than a full one. Fullness here suggests self-indulgence and selfishness, and if the mount is high and hard-packed, it denotes a demanding and selfish nature—albeit a sexy one.
A cramped Venus mount belongs to someone who will settle for a lot less and who makes few demands, but this woman has a fertile mind and lives in her head. She may prefer to stay at home and live a quiet life. This could suit some men admirably, but if you want a woman who will join you on a nice hike up Kilimanjaro or a holiday in a long house in Borneo, you will be disappointed.
A sexually imaginative woman will also have a full Luna mount, and possibly a strange pattern in the skin prints.
I have known women with this mount to take an interest in Tantric sex and other interesting forms of activity. If you are into experimentation, this is the girl for you, but if you are a nervous Capricorn who prefers to not encounter too many surprises in the bedroom, perhaps you should avoid this type.
Sensible men prefer an intelligent partner, so look for long first phalanges on the fingers for at least some indication of brainpower.
Short first phalanges belong to someone who thinks less but possibly achieves more.
Try this little experiment. Listen to a group of men talking. It doesn't matter where you are at the time—at work, in a social setting, in a cinema queue or lining up to get into the gym. Most men talk about money. They discuss the house, business, car, tools, sports equipment, camping equipment or mountain bike that they have bought, are considering buying, that their friend has bought or that they would love to buy. Female shopping is frequent and small in comparison to that of men who think, agonize, talk and dream about what they want for months—and then when the moon is in a funny phase, they rush out and buy it.
All women love shopping—apart from the periodical run round the supermarket, of course—only a lunatic likes that. However, if you need to be sure that your lady will come back from the shops with more or less what she said she was going out to buy, choose one whose thumbs are straight. If the thumbs turn back, she will go out for one thing and come back with something quite different—and much more expensive!
I have straight thumbs, so I may deviate from my intention to buy cabbage and come back with a pair of socks in addition, but my first husband, Tony Fenton, had very flexible thumb tips. He once went out for a newspaper and bought a house! It was a nice house though and we lived in it for 32 years . . .