

The Minor Lines

We have looked at the four major lines of life, head, heart and fate and even the strange simian line, but now let us consider some of the many minor lines.


The Apollo Line


Some palmists call this the Sun line, but most call it the Apollo line because it travels up the hand toward the Apollo finger. Not everybody has an Apollo line and even when it is present, it is rarely complete. This line is concerned with family life, fun, pleasure and creativity and it denotes fame and recognition. In the lives of normal people, it often has something to say about the home, family circumstances and property matters.

The Start of the Apollo Line

The line usually starts low on the hand—on Luna, Neptune or somewhere in that area. It can start close to the fate line, but it often glides in from somewhere on the Luna mount.

When the line starts toward the center of the lower part of the hand, near the mount of Neptune, there will be help from family or from family connections in the subject's early days. If a branch enters it from the radial side at this lower end, this is even more likely. The person's family might be instrumental in helping him to buy his first home or make an early start on setting up a family.

More often, this line starts on the mount of Luna. This suggests that the person gets his breaks from people and situations outside the home or by using his own imagination or intuition. The imaginative, creative and artistic aspects of a person's nature may please and impress his family, but the only place to obtain credibility (and payment) for creative talents is in the world outside the home.


An Apollo line that starts below the head line shows early promise. When it starts further up the hand, the individual may not settle into a home or family life until later.

Events on the Apollo Line

Many of the same conditions that we see on the fate line apply to the Apollo line. Here are some common scenarios:

The End of the Apollo Line

Most people have some part of an Apollo line but this may only start above the heart line, running up to the fingers. This is a nice thing to see, because it shows happiness in later life. It may also indicate an interest in sport or creative pursuits when the need to earn a living has passed. A trident is a three-pronged ending to the Apollo line. This lucky symbol shows that the person will always be able to wriggle out of money problems—possibly more by luck than by judgment.


If this line ends in a “ladder of success,” which means a series of little lines that creep up the top end of the hand with each step getting closer to the Mercury finger, this suggests achievement and satisfaction later in life.

Health Lines

If the health line is present, the person is interested in health and healing. He may be interested in his own state of health or that of his family and friends. Alternatively, he may work in the health field, or in field of spiritual healing, psychology, counseling, or channeling.


Look for red marks or little pits on the line, because these occur when someone is likely to be unwell—even if he is unaware of the impending ailment.

When a line curves around the percussion side of the hand, regardless of whether it ends up on Mercury or not, the subject is extremely intuitive and probably psychic.


The health line often ends in three little lines with a peculiar diagonal line through them. This section of the line becomes the healing striate or healing lines.

Health and healing are so important to this subject that he could work in the field of health. This can include anything that aids the mental and physical health of people or animals. The healing can be practical, spiritual or psychological. This mark is commonly found on the hands of palmists, because we try to help those who are worried or unhappy.

Travel Lines

These lines enter the hand from the percussion edge and they show important journeys and connections with people in other countries. If one of these lines reaches out across the hand and touches the fate or life line, it suggests an important connection to someone or somewhere overseas. The individual may even spend a few years abroad at some point in his life. A skilled palmist can tell which countries the person will visit.


Strong lines show important connections and trips, fainter ones might just be pleasant vacations. The list of correspondences that follows applies to everybody, wherever the person happens to have been born:

Disturbances on the travel lines will mean:

Family Line

Just at the point where the thumb joins the hand, there is a crease. If there is a clean, clear line or even a chained line, the person will live in one house for many years, possibly for life. If it is fragmented, he will move around a lot. If there are extra family lines shadowing the main one, he may own an extra house, a timeshare, a caravan or recreational vehicle or something else that he uses or rents out.


The Girdle of Venus

The girdle of Venus lies beneath the two middle fingers. Sometimes this girdle is complete but often it is broken or only parts of it appear. Either way, the girdle belongs to a sensitive person who may also be intuitive or psychic. A partial girdle is nice because it shows an ability to make friends easily. A complete girdle can belong to someone who is so sensitive that he bursts into tears at the slightest provocation.


Unfortunately, someone who has a fully-formed girdle of Venus, can be offensive. He may think he is being defensive, but those who are on the wrong end of his unpleasantness don't see it that way.

If the part of the girdle that runs diagonally down and round from between the Jupiter and Saturn fingers is present, the person is ambitious in terms of love and his career, and he may want both these aspects of life to be perfect.

If the part of the girdle that runs diagonally down and round from between the Mercury and Apollo fingers is present, the person will want to be with others who share his interests. He will have an active mind and may also be academic.

The Ring of Solomon

The Ring of Solomon belongs to a wise person who can listen to others and give good advice. It is common to see this mark on the hand of counselors, advisors, bank managers, solicitors, social workers and others who help the public.


On very rare occasions, similar rings appear to “cup” the Saturn or Apollo fingers. These symbolize a blockage of energy up the palm and into the fingers. A ring under the Mercury finger is called the “widow line” for obvious reasons.

Military Lines

These appear on the area called lower Mars and they show that the individual is suited to being something like a youth leader, scout, paramilitary, or paramedical person or a firefighter.


A Money-Maker Line

We could all do with this one! It is a fine line running vertically down the radial side of the mount of Jupiter almost at the side of the hand. This helps the person to pull the irons out of the fire when money runs short.

The Via Lasciva or Allergy Line

This weird line starts on the percussion edge of the hand and runs into the mount of Luna. The old term, via lasciva, meant “lascivious road”—implying that the person was sex-mad and possibly a pervert. This is complete rubbish. A more common situation is that the person suffers from allergies. Allergies and asthma are even more likely to be present when this line is on a hand that has many lines on it.



Rascettes are the bracelets that appear around the wrist. Old-time palmists used to say that each rascette represents thirty years of life, so if there are three rascettes, the person will live past the age of 90. This claim is not born out by fact, but when the upper rascette creeps into the hand or is broken up, the subject lacks a strong constitution.
