ABANES, RICHARD. Award-winning author/journalist and actor who has written extensively on world religions. Feng Shui; Holy Spirit, Misconceptions about; Native Americans, Mormon View of; Stigmata

AECHTNER, REBECCA. PhD, University of Edinburgh. Assistant Curate, Lancaster Priority Church. Rama, Swami; Shiva; Yogananda, Swami Paramahansa

AECHTNER, THOMAS. PhD, University of Oxford. Senior Lecturer in Religion and Science, University of Queensland. Sannyasa; Satori; Wahhabiyya Islam

BARBER, ANTHONY W. PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Director of Asian Studies and Associate Professor of Communication and Culture, University of Calgary. Bardo; Book of the Dead, Tibetan; Buddha, Names of; Darshana; Kalacakra; Tantra; Li Chi / Liji; Nichiren Daishonin; Nichiren Shoshu; Sai Baba, Sathya; Shih Ching / Shijing; Taoism/Daoism

BATES, TODD M. PhD, University of Texas, Arlington. Professor of Philosophy, California Baptist University. Apostles, Belief in the Modern Existence of

BECKWITH, FRANCIS J. PhD, Fordham University. Professor of Philosophy and Church-State Studies and Associate Director of Graduate Studies, Baylor University. God, Mormon View of

BJORNSTAD, JAMES. PhD, New York University. Executive Director, Institute of Contemporary Christianity. Adonai-Shomo; Arhat; Beth el Shaddai Messianic Fellowship; Bodhi; Bodhicitta; Brahma; Butsu-dan; Chela; Da’wah; Fana (or Fanaa); Fiqh; Gathas; Ghanta; Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang; Ichinen Sanzen; Kami; Khalsa; Mandala Diagram; Namaste; Occult; Prasadam; Sankirtana; Smriti; Sutra; Tirthankara

BORLAND, JAMES A. ThD, Grace Theological Seminary. Professor of Philosophy and Theology, Liberty University. Shruti/Sruti

BOWMAN, ROBERT M., JR. PhD, South African Theological Seminary. Executive Director, Institute for Religious Research. Apostles, Belief in the Modern Existence of; Book of Abraham; Book of Mormon; Book of Moses; Christian, Use and Misuse of the Term; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Doctrine and Covenants; False Prophecy; Heaven, Biblical Doctrine of; Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW); Jesus, Mormon View of; John 1:1; New World Translation; Pearl of Great Price, The; Reformed Egyptian; Smith, Joseph, Jr.; Standard Works; Talmage, James; Telestial Kingdom; Terrestrial Kingdom; Tetragrammaton

BRANCH, CRAIG. MRE. Researcher and Writer; Former Director of the Apologetics Resource Center. Chakras

CANER, EMIR. PhD, University of Texas at Arlington. President, Truett-McConnell University. Muslim, Nation of Islam

CANER, ERGUN. ThD, University of South Africa. Apologist, author, and minister. Sikh Foundation; Zoroaster

CARRIGAN, CKY J. PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Executive Associate Pastor of Administration and Small Groups, Cornerstone Bible Church. Book of Abraham; Cowdery, Oliver; Dark Skin Curse; Smith, Joseph, III; Talmage, James; Temples in Mormonism

COLANTER, EDDIE N. MA, Faith and Culture, and MA, Bioethics, Trinity Graduate School, Trinity International University. Vice-Chair and Cofounder of the Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center. Adjunct Professor, University of San Diego. Ahura Mazda

COOK, DAVID B. PhD, University of Chicago. Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Rice University. Dhimmi; Islam, Basic Beliefs of; Islam, Eschatology of; Jihad; Jizya; Mevlevi Order; Muhammad; Qur’an; Shari‘ah; Sufism

CORDUAN, WINFRIED. PhD, Rice University. Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Religion, Taylor University. Ahmadiyya Islam; Avesta; Soka Gakkai; Yogi; Yoni; Zarathustra (Nietzsche); Zohar

COWAN, STEVEN B. PhD, University of Arkansas. Buddhist Scriptures; Jesus, Historical Evidence for; Providence of God; Revelation, General

DEMY, TIMOTHY J. ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, Salve Regina University. Professor of Leadership and Ethics, US Naval War College. Ahmad, Mirza Ghulam; Bahá’u’lláh; Sankara; War and Peace in World Religions

DEW, JAMES K., JR. PhD, Southeast Baptist Theological Seminary. Assistant Professor of Philosophy of the History of Ideas and Philosophy, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Adventist Movement; Unitarianism

DROUHARD, ROBERT L. MA, Faith Evangelical Seminary. Independent Researcher. Amesha Spentas; Avidya; Baptism, Christian; Baptism, Non-Christian; Bazm-e-Tolu-e-Islam; Bible, Canon of; Buddhist Churches of America; Day of Judgment, Islamic; Dhikr; Druze, The; Dualism; Eternal Life; Fravashi; Gassho; Guru; Guru Dev; Guru Nanak Dev; Hadith; Injil; Madhyamaka; Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; Martial Arts, East Asian; Maya; Miller, William; Millerite Movement; Nabuwwat; Nephites; P’u/Pu; Saoshyant; Seicho-No-Ie; Sema; Suluk; Sunnah; Sunyata; Swami; Ten Lost Tribes, Alternative Views of; Torii; Twelve Tribes; Tzaddik; Zoroastrianism

EASTERLING, JOHN. DMin, DMiss, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Professor of Intercultural Studies, University of Northwestern, St. Paul. Telestial Kingdom; Terrestrial Kingdom

FATOVIC, DARIJA. MA, London School of Economics and Political Science. Director, Panacea First Aid Training, London (UK). Rites of Passage; Rituals

FRUCHTENBAUM, ARNOLD. PhD, New York University. Founder and Director, Ariel Ministries. Bar/Bat Mitzvah; Halacha; Hanukkah (or Chanukah), Feast of; Hasidism; Judaism; Kosher (Kasher); Mikveh/Mikvaot; Pesach (Passover); Purim (the Feast of Lots); Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets); Shabbat (the Sabbath), Jewish; Shavuot (the Feast of Weeks); Sukkoth (the Feast of Tabernacles); Synagogue; Talmud; Tanach; Torah; Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

GEISLER, NORMAN L. PhD, Loyola University of Chicago. Chancellor, Distinguished Professor of Theology and Apologetics, and Norman L. Geisler Chair of Christian Apologetics, Veritas International University. Openness of God; Roman Catholicism

GIBBS, JEREMIAH W. S. MTS, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary. Co-Chaplain and Director of the Lantz Center for Christian Vocations and Formation, University of Indianapolis. Azusa Street Revival; Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Pentecostal View of

GOMES, ALAN W. PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary. Professor of Historical Theology, Talbot School of Theology; Senior Research Fellow, Phoenix Seminary. Arianism; Christianity, Protestant; Pelagianism

GREGORY, S. L. Kabbalah

GROOTHUIS, DOUGLAS R. PhD, University of Oregon. Professor of Philosophy, Denver Seminary. Christian; Monotheism; Religion

HABERMAS, GARY R. PhD, Michigan State University. Distinguished Research Professor of Apologetics and Philosophy and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy and Theology, Liberty University. Resurrection of Jesus

HAUSAM, MARK C. PhD, University of Wales, Lampeter. Arihant (Jainism); Báb; Jina

HEXHAM, IRVING. PhD, University of Bristol. Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of Calgary. bin Laden, Osama bin Muhammad bin ‘Awad; Liturgy; Myth; Mythology; Rama; Ramana Maharishi; Revelation; Sociology of Religion; Wisdom, Biblical View of; World Council of Churches

HOLDEN, JOSEPH. PhD, University of Wales, Lampeter. President, Professor of Theology and Apologetics, Veritas International University. Tawrat; Zabur

HOLDING, JAMES PATRICK. MA, Library Science, Florida State University. President, Tekton Education and Apologetics Ministries. Effendí, Shoghí; Nephites; Polygamy; Reformed Egyptian

HOUSE, H. WAYNE. ThD, Concordia Seminary; JD, Regent University School of Law. Distinguished Research Professor of Theology, Law & Culture, Faith International University and Faith Seminary. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá; Ahimsa; Ali, Maulana Muhammad; American Zen College; Analects, The; Anekantavada; Animism; Aurobindo, Sri; Auroville International; Avatar; Bhajan, Yogi; Book of Mencius (Meng-tzu); Book of the Dead, Egyptian; Caste; Chalcedonian Controversy; Chinmaya Mission; Chinmayananda, Swami; Chinmoy, Sri; Christian Zionism; Ch’un Ch’iu / Chunqiu; Dalai Lama XIV (Tenzin Gyatso); Eastern Orthodoxy; Evangelicalism; Gabriel the Archangel, Non-Christian Views of; Gabriel the Archangel in the Bible; Great Learning, The; Guru Granth Sahib; Heretic; Hsiao-ching/Xiaojing; Jainism; Jehovah; Juzu; Kalacakra; Knights Templar; Ko-ji-ki; Lieh-tzu/Liezi; Lingam; Logos; Maronite Christians; Muhammad, Elijah; Orthodoxy; Pratyeka Buddha; Quorum of the Seventy; Reincarnation; Ren/Jen; Sacraments; Sacred Fire; Shaykh/Sheikh; Sikh Dharma; Tao Te Ching / Dao de jing; Tawheed; Trikaya; Upanishads; Vedanta; Word of Wisdom; Xiao/Hsiao; Yidam; Zhuang-zi/Chuang-tzu; Zionism

HUGGINS, RONALD V. ThD, University of Toronto, Wycliffe College, Toronto School of Theology. Apostasy, Mormon View of; Articles of Faith, Mormon; Deification, Christian View of; Deification, Mormon View of; Gospel of Barnabas; Heresy, Definition of; Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible; Lost Books of the Bible, Mormon View of; Monophysitism; Monothelitism; Nibley, Hugh Winder; Origen on Preexistence

HUX, CLETE. MDiv, Birmingham Theological Seminary. Director, Apologetics Resource Center. Angels; Kundalini

JOHNSON, ERIC. MDiv, Bethel Seminary. Researcher, Mormonism Research Ministry. Confucianism; Golden Temple; Guru Nanak Dev; International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON); Karmi; Krishna Consciousness; Lamanites; Prabhupada, Abhay Charan de Bhaktivedanta Swami; Shinto; Sikhism; Young, Brigham; Zion, Mormon Beliefs about

JOHNSON, PHILIP. MTh, Australian College of Theology. Visiting Lecturer, Morling College. Ananda Marga Yoga Society; Anandamurti, Shrii Shrii; Bhakti Yoga; Bhikkhu; Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization; Divination in the Bible; Friends of the Western Buddhist Order; Fundamentalism, Christian; Japa Yoga; Paramahansa, Swami Muktananda; Raja Yoga; Siddha Yoga; Vipasyana; World’s Parliament of Religions (1893 and 1993)

JONES, ANDREW D. MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Pastor of Spiritual Formation, Christ Community Church. Blood Transfusions

JOWERS, DENNIS W. PhD, University of Edinburgh. Professor of Theology and Apologetics, Faith Evangelical College and Seminary. Apologetics; Atonement; Christ, Natures and Attributes of; Conditional Immortality; Docetism; Justification, Biblical Doctrine of; Modalism; Monarchianism; Neo-orthodox Christianity; Polytheism; Socinianism; Trinitarian Controversies; Trinity, The

KEMP, HUGH P. PhD, Victoria University of Wellington. Bodhidharma; Bodhisattva; Buddha, Historical Person of; Dharma; Dharmakaya; Hinayana; Karma; Koan; Kumbha Mela; Kwan Yin; Lotus Sutra; Mahayana Buddhism; Maitreya; Mantra; Mudra; Nirvana; Nyingma; Pali Canon; Prana; Pranayama; Puja; Pure Land Buddhism; Samadhi; Sangha; Tantra; Tantric Yoga; Tibetan Buddhism; Tripitaka; Zen Buddhism

KERNS, TRAVIS S. PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Coordinator, SEND North America: Salt Lake City, North American Mission Board. Danites; Mountain Meadows Massacre; Smith, Joseph F.; Smith, Joseph Fielding; Theological Method of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

KIM, CHANG HAN. PhD, University of Calgary. Sessional Instructor, Booth University College, Canada. Sabbatarianism

LOFTIN, R. KEITH. PhD, University of Aberdeen. Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Humanities and Assistant Dean, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Materialism; Michael the Archangel

LYONS, JANICE. RN. Director, Current Issues in Alternative Medicine. Reiki

MACGREGOR, KIRK R. PhD, University of Iowa. Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion, McPherson College. Eightfold Path

MANGES, ERNEST B. PhD, University of Edinburgh. Facilitator, EQUIP, Evangelical Free Church of America. Mariolatry

MCKEEVER, WILLIAM. Director, Mormonism Research Ministry. Benson, Ezra Taft; Celestial Kingdom; Genealogies, Mormon; Harris, Martin; Heavenly Mother; Journal of Discourses; Lucifer, Mormon View of; Pratt, Orson; Pratt, Parley; Smith Bidamon, Emma; Snow, Lorenzo; Taylor, John; Urim and Thummim, Mormon Use of

MEISTER, CHAD V. PhD, Marquette University. Professor of Philosophy, Bethel College, Indiana. Four Noble Truths; Panentheism

PEMENT, ERIC. MDiv, North Park Theological Seminary. Executive Director, Evangelical Ministries to New Religions; Research Associate, Centers for Apologetics Research. Annihilationism; Community of Christ; Dark Skin Curse; Gohonzon; Lao Tzu / Laozi; Mahavira; Mahikari; Miracles in Non-Christian Religions; Muhammad, Elijah; Nation of Islam; Plural Marriage, Mormon Teaching and History of; Polygamy; Ramanuja; Religious Society of Friends (Quakers); Seicho-No-Ie; Shakti; Shree/Shri/Sri; Shruti/ Sruti; Sikh Dharma; Speaking in Tongues; Swami; Twelve Tribes; Vedas; Watchtower, The; Yahwehism

PETTUS, DAVID. PhD, Baylor University. Associate Professor, School of Divinity, Liberty University. Torah

POEWE, KARLA. PhD, University of New Mexico. Professor Emerita, Department of Anthropology, University of Calgary; Adjunct Research Professor, Liverpool Hope University. Anthropology of Religion

POTTER, DOUG. DMin, Southern Evangelical Seminary. Director of Doctor of Ministry Program and Assistant Professor, Southern Evangelical Bible College. Council of the Seventy; Seer Stones

POWER, MATT. MA studies, University of Iowa. Al-Qadr; Bhagavan; Chan-khong/Zhenkong; Chen-jen/Zhenren; Dependent Origination; Devekuth; Dravya; Dukkha/Duhkha; Forty Immortals; Gongyo; Jiriki; Kabbalah; Kalpa Sutra; Moksha; Sadhana; Samsara; Sankirtan, The Hare Krishna Practice of; Shu-ching/Shujing; T’ien/Tian; Wu-wei

PRICE, RANDALL. PhD, University of Texas, Austin. Distinguished Research Professor and Curator of the Liberty Biblical Museum, Liberty University; President, World of the Bible Ministries, Inc. Temple in Judaism

PRICE, TIMOTHY SHAUN. PhD, University of Aberdeen. Associate Pastor of Families, Tabernacle Baptist Church. Confucius; Eucharist; Shi‘a Islam; Soul Sleep; Sunni Islam

ROBERTS, R. PHILIP. PhD, Free University of Amsterdam. Former President, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ministry Associate and Director of International Theological Education, Global Ministries Foundation. Baptism of the Dead, Christian; Baptism of the Dead, Mormon; Enlightenment; Evangelism; Missiology; Pantheism; Virgin Birth; Ward

ROST, STEPHEN J. MDiv, Talbot Theological Seminary. Freelance researcher and author. Adam-God Theory; Albertus Magnus; Anitya; Anthropology in Christian Theology; Antinomianism; Antinomianism, Non-Christian; Apostasy, Biblical View of; Atman; Bahá’í; Bhagavad Gita; Blood Atonement; Book of the Dead, Egyptian; Brahmacharya; Brahmanism; Branch; Celestial Marriage; Demons and Demonization in the Bible; Doctrine of the Mean (Chung-yung/Zhongyong); Exaltation; First Vision; Hell, Orthodox and Unorthodox Christian Views of; Holy Spirit, Biblical View of; Mysticism; Orthodoxy; Plural Marriage, Mormon Teaching and History of; Preexistence, Mormon View of; Salvation, Evangelical View of; Scripture, Interpretation of; Theravada Buddhism; Trinity, Patristic Support for; Vajrayana Buddhism

SCOTT, BRAD. Advaita; Hinduism; Ramakrishna, Sri; Yoga

SHROPSHIRE, EVERETT. MA, Fuller Theological Seminary. President, TruthQuest. Eternal Life; Jehovah; Overseer; Watchtower, The

SPAULDING, MIKE. PhD, Trinity Theological Seminary. Pastor, Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio. Vishnu

STALLARD, MIKE. PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary. International Ministries Director, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. Armageddon

STEWART, MARILYN. MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Liberal Christianity; Process Theology

STEWART, ROBERT B. PhD, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Professor of Philosophy and Theology and Chair, Greer-Heard Chair of Faith and Culture, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Testimony in Mormonism

STREETT, DANIEL R. PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD (ABD), Durham University. Associate Professor of Theology, Houston Baptist University. Anointing; Dual Covenant Theory; Syncretism

STREETT, R. ALAN. PhD, University of Wales; PhD, California Graduate School of Theology. Senior Research Professor of Biblical Theology, Criswell College. I Ching / Yijing; Martial Arts, East Asian; Oneness Pentecostalism; Yin and Yang

THUET, LANE. Coauthor of What Every Mormon (and Non-Mormon) Should Know. Masonry (LDS)

TINKER, COLLEEN. Cofounder, Former Adventist Fellowship; Editor, Proclamation! magazine. Seventh-day Adventism

WELLS, C. RICHARD. PhD, University of North Texas. Founding President and Professor of Humanities, John Witherspoon College. Angra Mainyu; Asceticism; Avestan; Buddha, Nine Attributes of; Buddha, Three Bodies of; Buddhism; Idolatry; Legalism from a Christian Perspective; Pahlavi Texts; Shin Buddhism; Spirituality, Christian

WELLUM, STEPHEN. PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Professor of Christian Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Editor, The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology. Baptism, Christian; Baptism, Non-Christian; Bible, Canon of; Incarnation; Inerrancy

WILSEY, JOHN D. PhD, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Associate Professor of Church History, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Chalcedonian Controversy; Krishna; Meditation; Sacraments

WILSON, LUKE†. MTS, Calvin Theological Seminary. Former Executive Director, Institute for Religious Research. Issa