Many people contributed to the completion of The Evangelical Dictionary of World Religions. First, I want to thank Baker Books for undertaking this book and for their unfailing support for this dictionary for a number of years. I want to thank Jim Weaver, my first editor with Baker, who encouraged me at the beginning and assisted me in procuring a contract. I especially want to thank my good friend and editor Steve Rost for his invaluable help on this project, both in securing authors and editing entries, among other tasks. The work would have been far more difficult to accomplish without his assistance. Chad Allen worked with me for several years in keeping the project going, particularly during the years when I generally set the project aside due to the sickness and death of my late wife, Leta, and the difficult time that followed. Rob Bowman was especially helpful in revitalizing the dictionary and carefully reviewing the articles, and Eric Pement helped me over several weekends at his home in Florida by carefully examining each article and updating those that needed an update. In the final stages of the project, James Korsmo expertly led it to final publication; he was a pleasure to work with. If I have forgotten anyone who should have been mentioned, I ask their forgiveness for not recognizing them.

Irina, my wife of nearly three years, has been helpful in supporting me in my work. She took on tasks that freed up my time, making it possible for me to complete the project. I also want to thank all of the editors and authors of The Evangelical Dictionary of World Religions, who have made this volume on the study of the world religions possible. It is our hope that it will model an accurate and irenic approach to understanding other religions and be a witness to the gospel of Jesus, Messiah and Savior.

H. Wayne House
June 15, 2018