
Closing the Deal = Impactful Interviews

Now that your business development efforts have paid off and landed you an interview, the real work of preparing begins. Like a business development executive getting ready for a big meeting with a prospective client, interviews are your big opportunity to land business—which, in your case, means to secure gainful employment.


Putting in the legwork to research and prepare for the interview can pay great dividends. The knowledge you acquire will allow you to have a deeper, more robust discussion with the interviewer; it will also boost your confidence and your ability to deliver relevant responses in clear and concise sound bites.

Your preparations can be distilled down to a few key areas of emphasis:

Company research

Understanding what makes a company tick will enhance your responses so they more effectively resonate with the interviewer. Additionally, you will be able to ask better questions and demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm for the role and direction of the company.

Start your research by visiting the company’s website. Typically you’ll find a wealth of information contained there. Click through the website in its entirety to understand the product or service being offered, how it is positioned in the marketplace, and how the company communicates with customers. When visiting the About Us section, take time to learn about the leadership team and the company’s vision, mission, and values. They will provide insights into the organization’s value structure and the type of leaders at the helm.

If you have not already done so, explore what the company’s reputation is within the organization and throughout the industry. It will be helpful in gaining a better understanding of how the company services its clients and treats its employees. Some sources may contain imperfect information, so it is important to seek a wide range of sources so that your data points can blend into a well-informed view of the organization as a whole. For larger organizations, Glassdoor provides sound bites from former employees about their experience working for the organization. Yelp, Google, and other online reviews can provide similar visibility into the customer’s experience. As you probably know, this information tends to slant slightly toward the negative. To make sense of it, conduct similar searches on Glassdoor and other review sites for the company’s competitors to establish a baseline on performance and employee treatment. Also, leverage your network. Do you know anyone who has worked in the same industry as this company?

Finally, conduct some research on the industry as a whole. Try to find recent articles or visit industry-focused websites or publications.

After a thorough review of the company online and offline, start to think about how your responses to the potential questions the interviewer may ask can tie back to the organization’s core beliefs and strategic direction. This will help you chart out ways to demonstrate your interest in the opportunity and showcase your knowledge of the business during your interview.

The role or job you want

The most basic form of preparation when interviewing for a position is to have a strong grip on what the role or job consists of, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t invest the time to fully grasp it. Candidates who are ill-prepared can make incorrect assumptions or come across as less than sharp. Often they are unable to progress to a deeper level of questioning and response during the interview. This puts them in a poor position to secure the job.

A great starting point for your research on the job is to review the job description deeply. Know it from top to bottom. What are the skills that they are looking for? What are the main responsibilities? Knowing this information will help you shape and prioritize your responses to ensure they fit closely with what the employer is seeking.

Also, try to find someone to talk to who has previously served in this role or job that you want. Investigate if anyone in your network has held a similar role with another company.

Round out your research by conducting an online search of what to expect from a responsibility and compensation perspective, to prepare yourself for upcoming conversations. You’ll certainly want to know what the job pays! This is relevant for any job you take on. It’s helpful to have a well-informed viewpoint of what the market rate is for a given position. Compensation analysis websites will provide a salary range based on market and years of experience. Additionally they can be a solid resource for general information on the skills and responsibilities required for a given role.

Salary is typically not a “first date” or first interview topic. If it has not been brought up by the finalist stage of the process, you should initiate the conversation on benefits and compensation. Talking about money often makes people uncomfortable (even seasoned HR personnel). That is why you want to avoid bringing it up early and potentially derailing your candidacy. When the conversation does come up, be prepared with the knowledge of the market rate and what comparable pay looks like among competitors. That way, when you negotiate your salary you’ll appear informed and interested in an equitable relationship, rather than appearing money hungry.

With a stronger understanding of the role and its demands, you are now far better equipped to map out the potential questions that you will be asked in your upcoming interview.

They will ask you . . .

The last item of research before you are ready to shift to developing and practicing your responses is to prepare for the anticipated questions that you are most likely going to be asked. This should be a standard practice for any meeting where you will be presenting yourself. Preparing for potential questions helps you to have more thoughtful responses.

Every interviewer has a different style and approach to interviewing, but there are some common questions that will surface more often than not. To prepare yourself, start with a quick online search of the top questions asked. Most of the top job sites (e.g., Monster or CareerBuilder) will have their version of the ten most-frequently asked questions. For your reference, I have included in the appendix the top questions I ask during interviews.

One way to identify potential questions is to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer. Reference the job description as a guide to what skills and traits the company is looking for. Ask yourself what you’d want to know about a candidate you were hiring for this position. What questions would you ask to obtain the information?

Last, think back to any previous interviews you have had and what questions were asked there. Are there questions you struggled with in a previous interview? Pay special attention to those questions and add them to the top of the list for preparing your responses.

How will you respond?

With all your research in hand and a list of questions that are likely to be asked, you are ready to start constructing strong and impactful responses. First, whittle down your list to the top twenty questions, as twenty should provide a broad enough cross section of the likely questions. Prioritize the questions based on how they tie in to the role and whether they are questions you have struggled with in the past.

When creating responses to potential interview questions, take the following actions:

Once you have your responses prepared, practice to tighten them up. Read through them a few times and adjust as necessary. Once you have a good handle on the key points you want to emphasize, practice your responses with a friend. Give them the list of twenty questions and the freedom to throw in a few wildcard questions on the fly. Be careful not to go overboard with your practice to the point of memorizing every word of your responses. You should know the key points and the examples you want to share, but it’s also important that your responses come across as natural and not overly rehearsed.

Quick tip: If you find yourself completely stumped on a question during an interview, the old trick of repeating the question is a way to buy yourself an additional few seconds. For example, if you are asked, “Tell me a time when you were confronted with a contentious situation and how you resolved it,” your response could start with, “A time when I was faced with a contentious situation and the steps I took to resolve it . . . was . . . ” Additionally, you could ask them a clarifying question to help you better understand what the interviewer is looking for, which also allows extra time for collecting your thoughts.

After a few practice sessions with your friend asking you your questions in a random order, your confidence will grow and you’ll be almost ready for the interview.

Now it’s their turn . . .

The last step in preparing for your interview is writing down the questions you have for the interviewer. Remember that you should be interviewing them as thoughtfully as they are interviewing you. Let’s focus on the basics.

There are several types of questions that are appropriate for interviews:

Lastly, take the time to get to know the interviewer better. Ask them something like, “What is your favorite part of working at this company?” or “What is the most challenging part of your role?”

Write down each of your questions on your notepad and take them to the interview.

Thorough prep work will help you to convey a professional, polished, and organized presence that gives you a competitive advantage in your interview. Now that this work is behind you, it is time for the fun part.


Every environment is different, and so are the accepted norms. Think about it: Would you behave the same way you would at a sporting event like a college football game as you would at church? Of course not. By paying attention to the accepted norms of the environment, you can avoid sticking out in a negative way and demonstrate that you will fit in quickly.

When visiting a business environment, whether the purpose of the meeting is an interview or business related, it is appropriate to fit in with general business etiquette norms and tailor your behavior and dress as necessary, based on the organization.

How to dress

It all starts with what you wear. It is important that you look the part. We will delve deeper into persuasion later in the book, but one of the key principles of influencing others, from Robert Cialdini’s great book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, is authority. Your appearance plays a major role in conveying a level of authority.


Establishing your personal authority can be accomplished by wearing a professional-looking, conservative suit (and tie for men) in most settings. That’s the standard. There are cases where an organization is more relaxed. I remember visiting the Googleplex for a client meeting, where I stuck out like a sore thumb in my sport coat and slacks. But no one said anything to me or even looked at me sideways. It is always better to err on the side of being overdressed, because in the opposite situation (a more formal environment), if you were dressed casually, you open the door to plenty of sideways looks and questions about your potential fit. If you are worried about what is appropriate for your interview with the company, you can ask the human resources rep or hiring manager.

Also, pay attention to the details. The interviewer is going to be examining you from every angle possible. Remember the basics—clean, pressed clothes; polished shoes; and socks or stockings without rips, tears, or holes.

Follow common sense when it comes to grooming. Your goal should be to avoid offending anyone. For men—be clean-shaven or have a well-kept beard and do not overdo it with cologne. For women—dress conservatively and don’t go overboard with the perfume. Regardless of gender, make sure to freshen up your breath, so they don’t remember you as the candidate with the nasty coffee breath instead of the rock star with great experience.

When to arrive

The ideal time to arrive at the reception desk is ten minutes early. When you check in, acknowledge that you are a little early. Ten minutes is the perfect balance between arriving respectfully early and not looking overanxious. Another benefit is that you won’t be a nervous wreck rushing to the appointment, and it will give you time to compose yourself.

While waiting, sit patiently with strong posture. Try to avoid fidgeting or playing on your phone. If they have some trade magazines on the table, flip through them. If the company has awards on display in the lobby, view them and take note. Potentially, you’ll learn something additional about the company or be able to reference one of the awards during your interview.

Why you should be gracious

The last basic element of business etiquette is that you should be gracious throughout the whole process. Smile. Be nice to everyone. I have disqualified strong candidates because they were dismissive or insensitive to the receptionist. In my opinion, it says a lot about someone (maybe they’re not a team player, have a superiority complex, or they lack empathy) if they are unable to show common courtesies on a day when they are supposed to be on their best behavior.

Thank the interviewers for their time, and let them know you are looking forward to continuing the process with their specific potential career opportunity. Follow up a couple of days later with a thank-you email or—if you want bonus points—a handwritten thank-you letter. It shows your gratitude, and it serves as a friendly reminder that you are an interested and thoughtful candidate.

Interviewers and hiring managers are more likely to move forward with the qualified candidates they like and feel they will be able to work with comfortably. Follow the basics of general etiquette and friendliness and you’ll give yourself a stronger chance of securing the position you want.

That certain something: Presence

Depending on what study you read, you will see varying percentages (some say upward of 90 percent) that suggest that the largest part of any given message comes from nonverbals (such as posture and facial expressions). What are you saying with how you carry yourself? With just a couple of tweaks to your posture and body language, you can portray a professional and confident presence during your interviews.


Let’s start out with the basics on what you can do to give off that important positive impression.

Start off on the right foot by greeting the receptionist upon your arrival with a smile and a warm acknowledgement. While waiting, practice good posture by standing up straight and taking a wide stance (slightly wider than shoulder width). Good posture and occupying more space can help you feel and convey confidence. Similarly, if you are waiting in a chair, make sure to sit up straight.

Once the hiring manager or human resources team member comes to get you, stand up if you’re seated, put a little bounce in your step, make eye contact, smile, and greet them with a firm handshake. Humans are hardwired to make snap decisions and size others up immediately, so make sure to start off right by delivering a positive first impression—that you are a friendly, energetic candidate.

When you sit down for the interview, find a comfortable position to settle into. Feeling comfortable will help to calm any nerves that you may have. Just remember to carry yourself with confidence. Here are a few pointers:

If these presence basics don’t feel comfortable, practice them leading up to the interview to help them feel more normal for you. Using these tactics in everyday situations, like at the dinner table, will help you ease into a greater level of comfort, with these minor adjustments to your body language. Once they feel natural to you, you will not only feel more confident, but you will ultimately come across as more confident and competent to interviewers.

Questions to Ask the Hiring Manager

Questions to Ask Team Members (if you are allowed access during the screening process)


High performers, whether in sports or the business world, take advantage of every opportunity to improve and refine their skills. Worldclass athletes and coaches spend countless hours going over film or replaying past performances and practices in their minds to enhance their future performances. Unfortunately, you don’t have the luxury of recording your interviews (although you can record your practice sessions), but that doesn’t mean you are not able to extract the same benefits that professional athletes and coaches do.

After the interview, step back and reflect on your performance. For best results, try to conduct your reflection as quickly as possible (within a couple of hours). Replay the interview step by step in your mind. Take inventory of when you felt effective and the words flowed naturally. Pinpoint why you felt this way. Also think back and identify which responses seemed to resonate with the interviewer (times where they leaned in toward you or praised you).

On the opportunities-for-improvement side, which questions did you seem to struggle with? Take note of those questions and work on your responses to them. What responses had a different effect than you intended? Why do you think they went that way? Do you need to tighten up your phrasing on those responses, or did they open up a different topic and veer the conversation into an undesirable place?

With this feedback in hand, you are well equipped to enhance your personal authority for future interviews. And if you can subscribe to a mind-set focused on continual improvement, you will make remarkable strides and increase your likelihood of success exponentially.

Remember to take the time to do your research and prepare for your interview. It takes work and isn’t very glamorous, which is why many candidates fail in this area. But doing thorough research and preparation is one of the easiest ways for you stand out in a positive manner.


When preparing for an interview, focus in on these key areas: the company, the role, the questions they are going to ask you, your responses, and the questions you are going to ask them.

When responding, use tangible examples from your work experiences and relive the experience with passion and energy; don’t just restate it. Pull in elements that tie in the senses.

Be gracious to everyone you encounter throughout the whole recruitment process.

Humans are hardwired to make snap decisions and size others up immediately. Make sure to start off right by delivering a positive first impression—as a friendly, energetic candidate.