Part II

A Full-Length Practice GED Test

tip.eps Top Five Ways to Duplicate the GED Test Environment

For best results, take the GED practice test under simulated GED test conditions by following these tips:

  • Find a quiet place to work, where you wont be distracted or interrupted.
  • Use the answer sheet provided and record your answers with a pencil.
  • Set a timer to count down from the total time allocated for each section of the test.
  • Dont go to the next section until the time allotted for the current section is up. If you finish early, check your work for that section only.
  • Don't take a break during any test section; however, give yourself exactly one 10-minute break on the Reasoning Through Language Arts test before writing the Extended Response.

In this part. . .

  • See how your stamina measures up by taking full-length GED practice test sections.
  • Score your test quickly with the answer key.
  • Discover how to improve your performance by reading through the answer explanations for all practice test questions.