I would like to thank all the people in the universe who inspired this story, especially the evil ones. To Schizophrenia for lighting the way through years of psychosis: thank you. Paper Souls wouldn’t be Paper Souls without you.

To all the wonderful people at Booktrope, who believe firsthand in the art of literature, thank you. Katherine Fye Sears, for your attention to a book that was more important to me than anything I’ve ever written. Ken Shear, because you are totally awesome. My lovely editor, Katrina Mendolera, for nodding with a smile when the words ‘artistic choice’ actually came out of my mouth. Tess Thompson and Jayme Nimick for the late (and early) conversations about said artistic choices. Thank the universe we had wine. My book manager, Penelope Brown, who, even having been invited late to the game, made a fearless leap without thinking twice about it. Ally Bishop, for the absolutely stunning interview and everything that you do for authors every day; and Shari Ryan, for the gorgeous cover that we basically fought wars to get right. Big thanks to Stefan Sharkanski and Tiffani Velez for your most amazing counsel on the Russian language.

Jesse James, you once told me that I had made art and had created immortality by doing so. You sir, have created immortality in me, because you have touched my life in ways that had always been impossible for someone like me, and I will remember that, and you, forever.

Marni Mann, whose book, whose friendship, whose love, pushed me to finish this stupid fucking book. I cannot count the times I told myself that I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t write this, it was too painful, I wasn’t a good enough writer, blah blah blah, nobody cares. Marni Mann, I wrote this book for you. I mean, I wrote this book for me, and for so many things, but ultimately, I wrote this book for you, too, because I wouldn’t have been able to bear it if you were disappointed that it never got finished. You were with me every step of the way, and I just wanted to write a book half as good as Memoirs.  I want you to know that it wouldn’t exist without you.

I am grateful for people like Hazel Godwin at Craves the Angst, who made everyone I know excited about this book long before I was excited about this book.

Alfredo Gutierrez, for vogue fashion shows in the middle of bars, inappropriate cartoons, Burberry car seats, and sociopathic masturbation: you have become one of the most constant elements in my universe and have saved me from myself more than once. I am so happy to have you in my life.

To all the lovely people in my aura who don’t give a shit about books, but give a shit about my books: that’s kind of why we’re friends. Thank you.

To all who have expressed an interest in this book, namely, my loyal readers, thank you. It is important to me because it is important to Schizophrenia and I will be forever grateful to you for your willingness to be a part of it.