
Seasons, Days, Months, and Years


People have always been fascinated with time, and many methods have been devised to part the veil and gain a glimpse into the future. Because people’s lifespans varied so enormously, good luck was credited with enabling some people to reach a ripe old age, while bad luck was blamed for causing some people to die young.

As human time is finite (compared to divine time, which is infinite), people designed special events, such as feasts and festivals, to try to temporarily escape the bonds of time. Charles Baudelaire (1821–1867), the French poet, wrote that time was “the watchful deadly foe, the enemy who gnaws at our hearts.”

In this chapter are suggestions for every day of the week and month of the year. You can increase your opportunities for luck by acting on the traditional associations for these. You might want to start a creative hobby on a Wednesday or set yourself some goals on a Sunday. There’s no reason why you can’t do these things on any other day of the week, but if you have a choice in the matter, you should experiment and see if doing something at the traditional time associated with it helps matters go your way.

Special days such as birthdays and weddings are considered lucky by most people. However, there’s no reason why you can’t make any other day you wish a lucky one. All you need do is decide that on such-and-such a day, everything will go your way. Focus on the positive, and don’t let anything disrupt your good mood. Be proactive, remain alert for opportunities, and see what happens. You’ll discover you can make any day a lucky one by changing your attitude and expectations.

Seasonal Correspondences

There are traditional correspondences or associations with different seasons of the year. The objects associated with the season you were born in may well prove lucky for you.

191. Spring

Colors: yellow, white, pale green

Crystals: aventurine, jade, rose quartz

Flowers: crocus, daffodil, narcissus, snowdrop

In springtime—or if you want to capture the spirit of the season—carry a crystal that relates to spring, or wear something that contains some yellow, white, or pale green. Allow the energy of spring to make you feel positive about your life and future.

192. Summer

Colors: gold, orange, lilac, pink, red, purple, green

Crystals: amber, carnelian, citrine

Flowers: bluebell, foxglove, lilac, rose, sunflower

In summer, wear one of the colors that relates to summer, or carry a piece of amber, carnelian, or citrine with you to attract good luck. By doing this, you’ll tap into the warmth and expansiveness of summer and will enjoy a positive, productive, and lucky day.

193. Fall/Autumn

Colors: blue, bronze, brown, gold

Crystals: amethyst, celestite, tiger’s-eye

Flowers: chrysanthemum

As summer ends and winter draws near, wear something that contains blue, bronze, brown, or gold, or carry one of the crystals that relates to autumn with you to enhance your opportunities for good luck. You’ll also feel more aware of the energy created by what is many people’s favorite season.

194. Winter

Colors: black, gray, gold, dark green, silver, red

Crystals: clear quartz, smoky quartz, opal

Flowers: Christmas rose, poinsettia

Tune into the energies of winter by wearing one of the colors associated with the season, or you can carry a piece of clear or smoky quartz or opal with you. Winter is a good time for thinking ahead and making plans for the future.

Days of the Week

Every day is a lucky day for something. Luck is more likely to go your way if you focus your energies on whatever it is you desire on the correct day for your desire.

195. Monday

Monday relates to the moon. It’s a lucky day for anything involving the immediate family, home, pets, women, emotions, and intuition. You can increase your luck on a Monday by wearing pearls.

196. Tuesday

Tuesday relates to the planet Mars. It’s a lucky day for anything involving work, career, business, self-esteem, courage, and men. It’s the perfect day for standing up for yourself and saying exactly what you feel. You can increase your luck on a Tuesday by wearing rubies.

197. Wednesday

Wednesday relates to Mercury. It’s a lucky day for anything involving communication, creativity, and mental stimulation. Consequently, it’s a good day to express yourself in some sort of way. This includes singing, talking, writing, and engaging in a creative interest. You can increase your luck on a Wednesday by wearing sapphires.

198. Thursday

Thursday relates to Jupiter. It’s a lucky day for anything involving money, financial matters, prosperity, and travel. It’s the perfect day to make plans relating to any of these. It’s also a good day to start any challenging tasks. You can increase your luck on a Thursday by wearing garnets.

199. Friday

Friday relates to Venus. It’s a lucky day for anything involving friendship, love, and social activities. All forms of entertainment and pleasure are enhanced on a Friday. You can increase your luck on a Friday by wearing emeralds.

200. Saturday

Saturday relates to Saturn. It’s a lucky day for anything involving personal finances and protection. It’s also a lucky day for eliminating negative emotions and feelings and expressing a more positive outlook on life. You can increase your luck on a Saturday by wearing diamonds.

201. Sunday

Sunday relates to the sun. It’s the most favorable day of the week, and is a lucky day for anything involving self-worth, goal-setting, and anything personally important to you. You can increase your luck on a Sunday by wearing yellow stones.

202. Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent in the Christian calendar. It’s often called “Pancake Day,” as pancakes are traditionally prepared and eaten on this day to ensure good luck for the next twelve months. To ensure good luck, the pancakes need to be eaten before eight o’clock in the evening. Lent used to be a rather austere time of year, and Pancake Day was the last chance people had to enjoy themselves until after Easter.

Lucky Months

The luckiest months are those in which the last working day of the month is a Friday. It is almost as lucky if the first working day of the month is a Monday.

In addition to this, the luckiest month of the year for you is the one in which you were born.

203. January

January can be a lucky month if you focus on creating new ideas, start something new, or accept a leadership role. It’s an excellent month for making changes and taking up new interests.

January is a good month to explore anything that is new or different. It’s a good time to read a book on a subject you know nothing about, or perhaps have a conversation with someone who is an expert on a particular subject. Even if the topic is only of passing interest, you’ll learn something that might prove useful to you later.

204. February

February is a good month for cooperating with others, taking care of details, and making future plans. You will need to be patient, as matters will proceed more slowly than you would like. It’s a lucky month for all close relationships.

205. March

March provides good opportunities for social activities, entertainment, and self-expression. It’s a good month for travel and vacation. It’s a lucky month for people engaged in creative activities.

206. April

April is a lucky month for people who are willing to work hard, and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. You need to take care of the details and be responsible and as organized as possible.

April, June, and November are traditionally the luckiest months to get married in.

207. May

May is a lucky month for making changes, exploring new ideas, and meeting new people. It’s a time to expand your horizons and see the world from a different point of view. It’s a good month for unexpected, lucky opportunities to present themselves.

208. June

June is a lucky month for anything involving loved ones, home, and family. The best opportunities appear when you put other people’s needs ahead of your own. This is a particularly lucky month for love and romance.

According to tradition, June is the luckiest month to get married in. April and November are also considered lucky months for marriage.

209. July

July provides opportunities for inner growth and spiritual awakening. It’s a good time for study and research. Lucky opportunities will come in quiet, contemplative moments when you are reevaluating the past, and looking ahead.

210. August

August was named after Emperor Augustus, who was the first Roman emperor. He considered it his lucky month, as he received his first consulship in August.

August is a lucky month as long as you’re prepared to seize opportunities and act decisively. Opportunities for recognition, advancement, and financial benefit should all be taken advantage of, as luck is on your side.

211. September

September provides opportunities to help others, and to finish anything that has reached a natural conclusion. It’s a lucky month for dealing with others, as long as you remain compassionate, kind, and understanding.

212. October

October is a good month for moving ahead. You should evaluate opportunities carefully and seize the ones that offer the most potential. Luck will be with you as long as you emphasize your individuality, originality, and ability to deal with others.

213. November

November can be a lucky month as long as you are prepared to be patient and wait for developments to progress. It’s a time to cooperate with others, gather information, and be prepared to act when the time is right.

November, April, and June are all considered to be the luckiest months of the year to get married in.

214. December

December provides opportunities for fun and enjoyment. Luck will come through social activities and conversations with friends. As long as you remain positive and upbeat, everything will go your way.

215. Leap Years

Leap years are lucky years that favor changes and new undertakings. It’s the best year to change career, start a business, move home, travel abroad, or do anything that takes you out of your comfort zone.

Not surprisingly, the luckiest day of the year on which to start anything is February 29.

216. Today’s Lucky Number

Leap years occur only once every four years. However, you have a lucky number you can use today. The first step is to add up your day of birth, month of birth, and the current year, and reduce the total to a single digit. This creates what numerologists call your personal year number. If, for instance, you were born on August 23, and the year is 2015, you’d add up 8 (month) + 2 + 3 (day) + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 (year) = 21, and as 2 + 1 = 3, your personal year number in 2015 would be 3.

The second step is to add your personal year number to the calendar day and month, and again reduce the total to a single digit. If today was March 17, 2015, you would add 3 (calendar month) + 1 + 7 (calendar day) + 3 (personal year) = 14, and 1 + 4 = 5. Your lucky number for March 17, 2015 is 5. You can work out your lucky number for any day using this formula.
