
Lucky Animals


Throughout human history, different cultures have associated luck with certain animals. Most of this came about from observing their behavior in their natural habitats, and noticing that certain animals appeared to be luckier than others. Some were resourceful, others were cunning, and others seemed to have a sixth sense about impending danger. Thousands of years ago, people began wearing items from certain animals believing they would provide them with luck. Many people still do this today, though usually they wear something depicting the animal, rather than an actual tooth or claw belonging to their lucky animal.

Many people collect ornaments that depict their favorite animal. They make an attractive display and provide their owners with hours of pleasure as they search for new specimens to add to their collections. Ornaments can also act as a source of good luck, if the owner believes this to be the case. My mother collected ceramic chickens on baskets, as she believed they provided her with good luck and abundance.

Instead of collecting objects that depict your favorite animal, you might look for examples of the animal everywhere you go. This is easy if your lucky animal happens to be a cat or dog. It might not be quite so easy if your animal is an anteater or an exotic bird, for example. If you seldom have the opportunity to see your lucky animal, you might carry a photograph of it with you. Alternatively, you might display a framed picture of your lucky animal in your home. Each time you see it, remind yourself that it’s a symbol of good luck. Because all of these things encourage you to think of luck, you’ll start looking for lucky opportunities in everything you do, and you’ll notice that good fortune is smiling on you.

217. White Animals

White animals have been considered lucky for thousands of years. In ancient Rome, a lucky person was called “son of a white hen.”

White rabbits have always been considered lucky in the United Kingdom. Many people around the world (including me) say “white rabbits” as soon as they wake up on the first of every month. This is supposed to provide good luck for the whole month. A friend told me that some people say “bunny, bunny, bunny” instead.

It’s good luck to see a white horse, and even better to own one. Although the term “white elephant” is used to describe something useless or unworkable, white elephants are revered in many parts of Asia. They are said to bring good luck with them everywhere they go. If the first butterfly you see in the new year is a white one, you’ll experience good luck all year.

218. Bear

The bear is considered lucky because it is able to survive the long winter months by hibernating. In Scandinavia, many people believe that bears are incarnations of the god Odin. As female bears are good mothers, bears symbolize good luck in home and family matters.

219. Bee

Bees are considered messengers of good luck. If a bee enters your home, it’s a sign that good luck is coming your way. If possible, allow the bee to find its own way outdoors again. If it gets stuck behind a window you may have to help, but it’s considered best if the bee flies in and out on its own.

If a bee lands on one of your hands, it’s a sign of money in the near future. If it lands on your head, it’s a sign that you have the potential to become famous.

Tradition says that when a beekeeper dies, the bees will attend the funeral. Beekeepers can improve their luck by telling their bees about everything that is occurring in their home and family lives.

220. Bird

Some birds are considered lucky, others are not. Blackbirds, doves, ducks, hummingbirds, kingfishers, martins, robins, storks, swallows, woodpeckers, and wrens are examples of birds that bring good luck. Blue and red birds are all considered lucky. The humble sparrow is considered lucky in some parts of the world, and unlucky in others. All around the world it’s considered bad luck to kill one.

Although it may not be appreciated at the time, it’s a sign of good luck coming your way if bird droppings land on your head.

221. Bull

The bull symbolizes virility and strength. The ancient Greeks wore pendants depicting bulls as symbols of fertility and good luck. The only personal experience I’ve had with a bull was being chased by one when I was about thirteen. I was relieved to get out of the field alive, and I still vividly remember the power, speed, and aggression the bull displayed.

222. Butterfly

The butterfly is a symbol of transformation, reincarnation, immortality, and the soul. Good luck is on its way if you see three butterflies fluttering together. In China, a butterfly is a sign of good luck in love.

223. Cardinal

If you happen to see a cardinal, also known as a redbird, you’re assured of good luck in the near future. This luck is compounded if you blow a kiss at a sitting cardinal before it flies away.

224. Cat

The cat is a symbol of independence. Cats have been considered harbingers of both good and bad luck. Cats were worshiped in ancient Egypt, as they symbolized Bast, the goddess of the moon. Cats gradually developed a bad reputation as they could see in the dark, when evil spirits were around. People believed witches could transform themselves into black cats.

Nowadays, it’s a sign of good luck for a stray black cat to walk into your home. Allow it to leave when it’s ready. If you chase it out of the house, it will take your good luck with it. King Charles I had a black cat, and when it died he said his luck was gone. One day later he was arrested.

It’s good luck to go for a walk and find a cat on your right side. It’s good luck for your finances if this cat crosses your path and continues to the left. It’s also a sign of good luck if your cat sneezes in the morning. Three sneezes in a row at any time of day is a sign of good luck. It’s extremely good luck for a cat to sneeze near a bride on her wedding day.

A cat can also be used to symbolically increase the number of guests if you happen to have thirteen people sitting down for dinner. People who have a fear of the number thirteen can then relax, as the cat increases the total to fourteen.

225. Cricket

Hearing the chirp of a cricket is a sign of good luck. Killing a cricket is said to bring bad luck. In Japan, people keep crickets in tiny bamboo cages as good luck charms. They have been doing this since at least the tenth century. In Barbados, a cricket chirping inside the house is a sign that money is coming. In Zambia, seeing a cricket is considered a sign of good luck. It’s a sign of good luck coming your way for crickets to come into your home.

226. Cuckoo

The cuckoo is an interesting bird as it can be both lucky and unlucky. Traditionally, the cuckoo is the harbinger of spring. It’s unlucky to hear the first cuckoo of spring before April 6. However, it’s extremely lucky if you hear a cuckoo for the first time on April 28.

It’s also lucky if this first call comes from in front of you or from your right. However, it’s said to be bad luck if you hear it behind you, or from your left side.

Folklore says that no matter when or from where you hear the first cuckoo of spring, you should turn over the money in your pocket while making a wish. The wish will be granted and you’ll enjoy good luck.

227. Deer

Deer symbolize gentleness, gracefulness, and beauty. The Chinese consider the deer lucky as the Chinese word for deer, lu, is a homophone and also means “income.” As they also consider the deer a symbol of longevity, in China a deer means a long and prosperous life.

228. Dog

The dog symbolizes loyalty, friendship, and unconditional love. It’s also considered “man’s best friend.” It’s a sign that good luck is coming your way if you’re followed by a stray dog. It’s also a lucky sign if a dog walks into your home. If the dog is golden, your fortunes will increase. A white dog is a sign of romance, and a black dog provides protection.

One dog in particular is considered a sign of good luck. This is the Tibetan Terrier, or Tsang Apso (“shaggy dog from the province of Tsang”). The Tibetan Terrier is the holy dog of Tibet, and no one who owned one would ever sell it, although it could be given as a gift. This is because these dogs are considered emblems of good luck, and no one would willingly sell their good luck. Tibetan Terriers were considered part of the family, and were treated extremely well. Mistreating one brought bad luck to the entire community. Tibetan Terriers were not seen in Europe until the 1920s when a Tibetan nobleman presented one to a British doctor who had treated his ill wife. These dogs were introduced to the United States in 1957. They are often called “luck bearers” or “luck bringers.”

229. Donkey

The donkey is considered a lucky animal, as the dark hairs across its shoulders form the shape of a cross. People used to believe that these hairs appeared only after a donkey had carried Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Superstitious people used to pluck three of these hairs as they believed they were able to cure a variety of illnesses. In the Christian tradition, donkeys are considered a symbol of patience and humility.

It is said that if a pregnant woman sees a donkey, her unborn child will grow up to be intelligent, well behaved, and lucky. Farmers sometimes keep donkeys with their cows to protect the luck of the herd. They are said to prevent accidents and premature births.

230. Dragonfly

Dragonflies are considered lucky as they’re associated with change and transformation. Its agility, speed, and ability to fly in all directions, including backwards, led people to believe it possessed maturity and insight. Consequently, it’s always been considered a sign of good luck to see one.

231. Elephant

Elephants are considered lucky because of their intelligence, strength, wisdom, loyalty, and longevity. They are also considered symbols of power and prosperity.

In India, Ganesh the elephant god removes obstacles and brings good luck.

232. Fox

Foxes are renowned for their boldness, craftiness, and cunning ways. The Welsh people have a saying that it’s lucky to see one fox, but unlucky to see many. In ancient Egypt, foxes were said to carry favors from the gods.

233. Frog

In Japan, frogs are a symbol of good luck. They also represent transformation, as they change from tadpoles into frogs. The story of the frog prince also shows this as the frog is transformed back into a prince. Frogs also symbolize abundance, because of the large number of eggs they lay. They are also reputed to protect young children. It’s a sign of good luck if a frog comes into your garden. If you make a wish when you see your first frog in spring, it will come true.

234. Goldfish

The goldfish is a symbol of tranquillity, happiness, longevity, and good luck. The ancient Egyptians believed goldfish ensured good luck for the family. The ancient Greeks believed they brought luck into all relationships, especially marriage. In the Christian tradition, fish are a sign of abundance as Jesus fed five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fishes.

235. Horse

Horses are considered special, magical animals that provide good fortune. They symbolize stamina, power, and loyalty. Every part of a horse is believed to be lucky, but horseshoes are considered the luckiest.

236. Pig

The pig symbolizes fertility, shrewdness, intelligence, and prosperity. Of course, it also symbolizes gluttony, greed, and lust. The pig is considered a lucky animal in both China and Ireland. In China, the pig is said to provide good luck for anyone who is self-employed.

237. Rabbit

Rabbits are considered lucky for many reasons. Rabbits are extremely fertile, and people used to believe their babies were born with their eyes open. Because of this, people thought rabbits could ward off the evil eye. Rabbits burrowed into the earth, and in the past, people were scared of darkness and what lay under the ground. Rabbits are also extremely fast, thanks to their powerful rear legs. Because of this, the rabbit’s foot became (and remains) one of the most popular of all good luck charms.

238. Sheep

Sheep are considered lucky animals in Christian countries as they’re associated with the Good Shepherd. Some people think sheep remember the Nativity, and face east and bow their heads at midnight on Christmas Eve.

It’s a sign of good luck to see a flock of sheep on a country road. It’s even better luck to walk or drive carefully through them. This belief dates back to the days when people lived in small, isolated communities. The sight of a shepherd and his flock meant that fresh meat and wool would be available.

Lambs are also lucky, especially when you see your first one in spring. Your wish will be granted if you make it immediately after seeing a black lamb.

239. Spider

Spiders have always been considered a sign of persistence and prosperity. In the United Kingdom, small spiders are sometimes referred to as money-spinners, and it’s a sure sign of money coming your way if one lands near you. Finding a spider on your clothing is a sign that you’ll soon be wearing new clothes. If you find your initials in a spider’s web, you’ll enjoy good luck forever.

It’s bad luck to kill a spider. There’s an old saying that relates to this:

If you want to live and thrive,
Let the spider run alive.

240. Stork

Storks are traditionally considered bringers of good luck. In ancient Egypt, the stork was associated with the soul. In ancient Greece and Rome, storks were considered symbols of family values and love. According to European folklore, it is storks that bring babies to the new parents. Even today, many children are told that the stork brought them when they ask where they came from. At one time, storks were believed to look after their aged parents as well as their own children. Because of this, they are associated with home and family.

In Germany and the Netherlands, people encourage storks to nest on the roofs of their homes, as they believe this will provide good luck for the whole family. As storks can live up to seventy years, once you’ve successfully encouraged storks to nest on your home, they’ll keep returning for many years.

241. Swallow

As swallows are harbingers of spring, people are always pleased to see them. However, you need to see a number of them before concluding that summer has arrived. The old saying “one swallow doesn’t make a summer” refers to this. Swallows symbolize hope, fertility, and—as they are monogamous—a happy home and family life. It’s a sign of good luck for the whole family if a swallow chooses to build a nest on your house. The luckiest place for the nest is in the eaves. It’s bad luck if a swallow builds a nest, but then leaves it unexpectedly. It’s bad luck to kill a swallow or to destroy its nest.

Seeing a swallow in flight is also a sign of good luck.
