Luck in the Far East
People in Asia enjoy surrounding themselves with objects that they think will bring good luck their way. The Chinese have three important gods, Fu, Lu, and Shou, that are usually depicted together. Fu is the god of luck, Lu is the god of prosperity, and Shou is the god of longevity.
The Chinese character for fu is a popular decoration, and is usually displayed upside down. This is because the Chinese word for “arrived,” dao, sounds exactly the same as the phrase “to turn upside down.” Consequently, when the lucky character is hung upside down, it means “luck has arrived.”
The Chinese have charming stories for almost everything, and the figure for fu is no exception. Apparently, one of Prince Gong’s officials asked his servants to paste some large fu characters on the doors leading into the palace and storerooms. One of them accidentally pasted his characters upside down. Prince Gong was furious when he saw this, and demanded that the culprit be found and punished. The official, perhaps worried about being punished himself, quickly explained that an upside-down fu was extremely lucky, as it meant that good luck had arrived. The prince was delighted when he heard this, and instead of punishing the servant, he gave all the servants fifty taels of silver.
People in Asia take the concepts of luck and fate seriously. A person’s destiny is dictated by the day and time of his or her birth. However, this can be modified by the person’s environment, character, level of education, and willingness to make the required amount of effort.
If you decide to experiment with some of the suggestions in this chapter, you must be prepared to accompany them with effort. If you simply wait for luck to occur, it will pass you by.
253. Bat
The bat is a symbol of good luck because the word for bat, biān fu, is similar to fu, the word for luck. Two bats facing each other symbolize “twice the luck.” A picture of a red bat is extremely lucky as in the East red repels evil. A bat next to a coin means “luck before your eyes.”
Five bats are extremely propitious as they equate to the “five good fortunes” of longevity, wealth, health, love of virtue, and a natural death. This is sometimes expressed as a wish: “May the five fortunes come to your door.”
254. Dragon
The Chinese have four “spiritually endowed” creatures, together called the si ling. They are the dragon, phoenix, unicorn, and tortoise. They all attract good luck in different ways. The dragon in addition to being lucky, symbolizes strength, courage, endurance, and power. Images of dragons are displayed to attract good luck. The ultimate example of this can be found in the Forbidden City in Beijing where thousands of dragons are depicted on the walls, ceilings, doors, and furniture.
255. Phoenix
The phoenix symbolizes warmth, prosperity, the sun, and beauty. It provides good luck to couples who are wanting a family. Consequently, it is often found with the dragon in wedding ceremonies to wish the couple a long, happy, lucky life, with many descendants.
256. Unicorn
The unicorn is the third celestial creature. It symbolizes wisdom, longevity, peace, compassion, and goodwill. It provides good luck in the form of wisdom, long life, and successful children.
257. Tortoise
The tortoise symbolizes longevity, fortitude, and good health. The dragon, phoenix, and unicorn are mythical creatures, but the tortoise belongs to this group as at one time people believed it to be immortal. It provides good luck in the form of good health and a long life.
258. Lucky Children
Pictures of a chubby boy and girl are often attached to doors of homes and businesses. They are known as da ah fu, and they provide protection, happiness, and good luck. Originally, the two figures were made from clay, but today they are more commonly drawn on paper. Newlywed couples often display statues of da ah fu in their homes.
259. Money Sword
The traditional Chinese money sword, made of coins held together with red thread, has become a popular charm in the West thanks to the growing interest in feng shui. They were originally made in the belief that the emperors who were ruling when the coins were made would repel any evil spirits or ghosts. Money swords are usually hung over the head of the bed, but can be displayed anywhere. They are charms to attract prosperity and good luck.
260. Pinwheel
In China, handheld pinwheels are purchased and displayed during the Chinese New Year, as they are believed to increase the person’s good luck in the upcoming year. Pinwheels are able to turn people’s luck around and create good luck where there was little or no luck before. These pinwheels often contain a phrase that wishes the owner good luck, prosperity, or good health.
261. Chinese Astrology
In the East, Chinese astrology has been used for thousands of years to help people improve the quality of their lives. Luck plays an important part of this, and you can use the animal that relates to your year of birth to help improve your luck. Here are the animals that relate to each year:
262. Astrological Luck
You can improve your luck by improving the ch’i of the area of your home that relates to your animal sign. Your luck will increase if you attract as much positive energy as possible into this part of your home. Unfortunately, you can’t do this if you have a toilet or bathroom in this area of your home.
You can activate this area of your home with an attractive ornament of your particular animal sign. If possible, surround this image with gemstones and crystals. If you wish, you can also activate this direction in your office, and even on your desk.
Here are the compass directions for each sign:
263. Peach Blossom Luck
Peach blossom luck relates to love and romance. If you are trying to find the right partner, you can activate part of your home to attract the right person to you.
Peach Blossom Luck For Ox, Snake, and Rooster
If you were born in the year of the Ox, Snake, or Rooster and want to have more luck in love, you need to display an image or ornament of a horse in the south part of your home. This will activate your peach blossom luck, and help you find the right partner. Take your time choosing your horse, as it needs to be attractive and appealing. If the south part of your home is a bathroom, place the horse in the south part of your living room.
Peach Blossom Luck For Rat, Dragon, and Monkey
If you were born in the year of the Rat, Dragon, or Monkey and want to have more luck in love, you need to display a rooster in the west side of your home. If this area contains the bathroom, place the rooster in the west of your bedroom.
Peach Blossom Luck For Rabbit, Goat, and Pig
If you were born in the year of the Rabbit, Goat, or Pig and want to have more luck in love, you need to display an ornament of a rat in the north part of your home. The rat has negative connotations in the West, but in the East it is an emblem of ingenuity. If your bathroom is in the north, place the figurine in the north part of your living room.
Peach Blossom Luck For Tiger, Horse, and Dog
If you were born in the year of the Tiger, Horse, or Dog and want to have more luck in love, you need to display an ornament of a rabbit in the east part of your home. Place this in the east part of your living room if you have a bathroom in the east part of your home.
264. Plum Blossom Luck
Plum blossom luck works well in association with peach blossom luck. Plum blossom luck is used to encourage a permanent partner into your life.
Find at least one drawing, painting, or ornament that symbolizes love and marriage. Two or more would be even better. Ideally, at least one of the items should consist of a matching pair. A pair of doves, for instance, would be ideal. It’s important that you choose items that you find attractive.
Display these items in the southwest corner of your home. Look after them. Keep them dusted, and talk to them at least once a day until the special person comes into your life.
265. Peony
The peony is the flower of spring. It’s considered a symbol of honor, wealth, and good luck. It also symbolizes love and feminine beauty. When it is in full bloom, the peony is considered a sign of good luck and happiness. The peony is frequently depicted in Chinese art, enabling people to display a picture of peonies in full bloom all year round.
266. Chrysanthemum
The chrysanthemum is the flower of autumn. It symbolizes joy and happiness. However, its main symbolism is that it makes the path through life smoother and easier. This makes it a lucky flower. Displays of yellow chrysanthemums can be found at all Chinese festivals to create an atmosphere of happiness and cheerfulness.
267. Lotus
The lotus is the flower of summer, and is considered a sacred plant in China. It symbolizes purity, as it rises from water that is frequently murky and dirty to reveal its beautiful flower to the world. It is also a symbol of spirituality, peace, and leisure.
268. Magnolia
The magnolia symbolizes positive thinking, hopes, wishes, and dreams for the future. It also symbolizes feminine sweetness and beauty.
269. Orchid
The orchid symbolizes elegance and refinement. It is a flower of love and friendship, and also symbolizes virtue and high moral standards. It is a popular flower at Chinese weddings as it also a symbol of fertility and good luck.
270. Peach
In Chinese culture, the peach symbolizes immortality and the promise of eternal life. In Chinese legend, the god of immortality appeared from a peach. Paintings depicting this scene or showing the god holding a golden peach are popular gifts, especially to the older members of the family.
271. Orange
The orange symbolizes happiness, wealth, and good luck. At the time of the Chinese New Year, oranges are displayed in homes and given to others as gifts. Its association with wealth is derived partly because it is round and gold, and symbolizes a gold coin. It also comes from the fact that the Chinese words for “orange” and “gold”—gan ju—sound similar.
272. Pomegranate
As the pomegranate has many seeds, it symbolizes large families with many children, all of whom will be successful and provide honor to the family name. The pomegranate is one of the three fortunate fruits that provide abundance and wealth. The other two fruits are the peach and the lemon. A picture of a half-opened pomegranate is a popular gift at Chinese weddings.
273. Persimmon
The persimmon symbolizes joy, happiness, financial success, and good fortune. When the persimmon is combined with a tangerine, a special meaning is created: “May you have good fortune in all your undertakings.” Not surprisingly, paintings of persimmons and tangerines make popular gifts.
274. Money Luck
Cut a twelve-inch length of green string and wind it five times around your little finger. Men should tie this around the little finger on their left hand; women should use the little finger on the right hand. The string should be wound around the finger in a clockwise direction with the fingers pointing away from you. Tie the string with a knot. Whenever the knot gets wet, replace the string. The string creates a ring that will attract good luck. This ring is used mainly to attract good luck in financial matters.
275. Your Lucky Friends
The twelve Chinese astrological signs are divided into three groups of four. People belonging to signs in the same group as you can be extremely beneficial, and bring you an endless supply of good luck. People belonging to three of the signs in your group will prove to be powerful allies, mentors, and confidantes. People belonging to the fourth sign will become “secret friends.” A secret friend is someone whom you may not initially consider a friend, but who demonstrates through actions and conversations that, in fact, he or she is a true friend.
It’s a sign of good luck if a person from any of the four signs in your group comes into your life. There is a formula to determine your allies and secret friend.
Your allies are four signs apart. The animal signs rotate in the following order:
Following this chart, we can see that the Rat’s allies are the Dragon and the Monkey, and the Rooster’s allies are the Ox and the Snake.
The secret friend is worked out differently:
In the first row, the Monkey and Snake are secret friends, as are the Sheep and the Horse.
In the second row, the Rooster and Dragon are secret friends.
In the third row, the Dog and Rabbit are secret friends.
In the fourth row, the Pig and Tiger are secret friends, as are the Rat and Ox.
Here are the animal signs, and the good luck signs for each one:
You can increase the luck aspect of your allies and secret friend by keeping ornaments or images of them in your home. You can also carry them on you as a charm bracelet consisting of four animals: your sign, plus your two allies and secret friend.
276. Fish and Your Career
Fish have been considered powerful symbols of good fortune and luck for thousands of years. The ancient Chinese watched carp leaping up waterfalls to reach the breeding grounds, and considered them symbols of upward progress.
You can use an aquarium to activate luck in your career. The aquarium should be placed in the north corner of your living room, or any other room where you spend much of your time. It’s important that the aquarium is well looked after, and the water is circulated to prevent it from becoming stagnant. If the aquarium is large enough, you should have nine fish in it. Eight of these should be gold or red, while the ninth fish should be black. The black fish will absorb any bad luck that is coming your way. If a fish dies, it means it has absorbed bad luck, and should be replaced as quickly as possible.
277. The Horse and Your Career
In the East, the horse is a symbol of recognition, promotion, and increased status. Consequently, to activate your career, you might like to place an image of a horse in the south part of your living room or bedroom. This horse needs to be dusted and looked after. Some people believe that placing a monkey on the horse increases the potential for luck and prosperity.
278. Passion and Luck
Red is a stimulating color, and the Chinese use red peony flowers to reignite the passion that previously existed in long-term relationships. If you want more luck in the bedroom, introduce a bowl of peonies, or hang a picture of peonies on the wall.
As anything red will increase passion, look for attractive red objects that will fit in with your bedroom’s decor, and enjoy the results they provide.
279. Four Lucky Fruits
Peaches, oranges, pomegranates, and persimmon are considered the four lucky (sometimes called “good fortune”) fruits. They each symbolize different aspects of good luck.
The peach symbolizes marriage and immortality. The Chinese god of immortality is said to have emerged from a peach, and paintings of this god always show him carrying a peach.
The orange symbolizes prosperity, good fortune, and happiness. Its shape and color make people think of gold, and at the time of the Lunar New Year people display them in their homes, eat them, and give them away as gifts.
As the pomegranate has many seeds, it symbolizes large families, with many successful children.
The persimmon symbolizes friendship, happiness, joy, and good luck. It provides a smooth path through life.
280. Laughing Buddha
The Maitreya Buddha, better known in the West as the Laughing Buddha, is a chubby, laughing Buddha with a large stomach. He is usually ceramic, but is sometimes carved from jade, ivory, or wood. Seeing this Buddha every day should make you smile and feel happy. Even better, it’s said that if you rub his stomach at least once a day you’ll attract good luck.
281. Birthdays
Birthdays in China are always held on or before the actual day. It’s bad luck to celebrate a birthday belatedly. Several birthdays are not celebrated, as they are potentially unlucky. For women, the uncelebrated birthdays are at the ages of thirty, thirty-three, and sixty-six. The year following these birthdays is believed to contain significant problems. Consequently, women in China remain twenty-nine for two years. Upon turning thirty-three, a woman would need to buy a piece of meat and chop into it thirty-three times. This puts any bad luck into the meat, which is then discarded. There is also a remedy for the potential problems that occur when the woman turns sixty-six. Her daughter (or closest female relative if she has no daughters), must buy some meat and cut into it sixty-six times. Again, the meat is thrown away.
For Chinese men, the dangerous year is forty. Consequently, this birthday is not celebrated, and men in China remain thirty-nine for an extra year.
All other birthdays are auspicious, and the person can look forward to a lucky day.
282. Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year used to last for fifteen days, but nowadays it has been reduced to three days in most communities. It is a time of great celebration and family activities. The days leading up to New Year are quite busy. New clothes need to be bought, and all debts have to be repaid before the New Year starts. The house needs to be totally cleaned. This can’t be done during the New Year celebrations in case the family’s good luck is accidentally swept or drained away.
In the past, peach branches were used to ward away evil spirits. Some people still believe this, but today they’re bought to provide good luck. If the house doesn’t own a kumquat tree, one needs to be obtained in the days leading up to the New Year. The Chinese name for kumquat (jin ju)is a homophone of the word “gold,” and consequently this tree symbolizes money coming into the house. It’s extremely lucky if the peach and kumquat trees flower or bud during the New Year period, and market gardeners do their best to ensure their plants are at the right stage of development for this to occur.
The Chinese enjoy exchanging good luck at New Year. Cups of tea and sweets made of sesame seeds, melon seeds, candied fruit, and glutinous rice are offered to guests. When they take some sweets, they leave behind a few coins wrapped in red paper. Red is a lucky color in China, and these red packets are often known as lai see, which means “good luck piece.”