Part Two

Lucky Tools

Throughout history, people have sought ways to attract good luck. These include words, phrases, gemstones, and charms. Even today, some people believe that saying the right words, or wearing the right gemstone or charm, will attract good luck. In fact, this may well work for them, as their belief in the power of whatever it is they’re using will keep them focused on their desire.

I have a large collection of lucky charms I’ve collected over the years. I don’t believe they’ll attract good luck to me; however, when I carry one with me, it makes me think about the concept of luck, and how lucky I am. It also encourages me to maintain a positive attitude everywhere I go. Because I feel lucky and positive, good things tend to occur.

Consequently, a lucky tool works whether or not you believe in it. Select one or two items from this section, and experiment with them.

Let’s assume you’ve chosen Number 105: Buttons. It doesn’t matter where the button came from. Place it in a pocket, or somewhere else where you’ll see or feel it several times a day. Every time you become aware of the button, touch, stroke, or hold it and remind yourself how lucky you are. If necessary, spend a moment thinking about the most important blessings in your life, such as family, friends, and life itself. This simple act will make you feel lucky, and because you’ll be expecting good things to happen, they will.
