Lucky Charms
Throughout history, people have carried lucky charms and amulets to attract good luck and to ward off bad luck. It’s fascinating how powerful a charm you can touch or hold can be.
A few years ago, my then seven-year-old granddaughter suffered from anxiety whenever she was away from home. My daughter made her a small stuffed heart-shaped charm to hold whenever she felt any sign of insecurity. It was about two inches long, and the fabric contained her favorite colors. My daughter told Ava that whenever she held or touched it, it would remind her that all her family loved her. This little charm worked amazingly well, and all signs of anxiety disappeared in a matter of weeks.
I have a lucky acorn that sits beside my computer. Whenever I find it hard to write, I hold it and think of the moment when Ava gave it to me when she was four years old. When I put the acorn back, I’m able to start writing again.
Do I really believe that this acorn gives me luck? Belief is not necessary. The acorn works because it brings back happy memories, and makes me feel good. Because I’m feeling positive and upbeat, I also feel lucky.
Many sports teams have a mascot because they hope it will attract good luck. The word “mascot” is derived from the French word masco, which means “sorceress.” The sorceress repels evil spirits and other forms of negativity. Anything can be used as a mascot. In effect, a mascot is a lucky charm that is intended to bring good luck to a group, rather than an individual.
Lucky charms work because of the belief the owners have in them. Although they believe in the efficacy of their charms, these people are also likely to believe their thoughts and actions create the events in their lives. They know at least subconsciously that worry and uncertainty can lead to accidents and disappointment while confidence and a positive attitude are frequently indicators of success.
Lucky charms help many people maintain a more positive outlook on life, enabling them to become luckier than they were before.
Although some people consider lucky charms to be nothing more than superstition, a recent study by researchers at the University of Cologne found that lucky charms improve people’s memory, performance, and confidence.1
You can use almost anything as a lucky charm. A friend of mine always carries a lucky coin in his pocket. I know he takes it seriously, even though he jokes that any coin in his possession is a lucky coin. When I carry a coin for luck, I usually prefer to carry a coin that I’ve picked up during an overseas trip, rather than a coin of the currency of the country I’m living in. However, a local coin will work well, especially if you can find one that was minted in the year of your birth. It’s best to keep your lucky coin separate from any loose change you may have. During the day, whenever you have a few spare moments, fondle the coin and thank it for bringing you good luck.
97. Acorn
In Norse mythology the oak tree is considered sacred. The ancient Druids were said to wear acorns to attract good luck. Because the tiny acorn transforms itself into a mighty oak tree, it symbolizes vigor, power, and longevity, as well as good luck.
98. Ankh
The ankh is an ancient Egyptian cross that symbolizes life. It is a T-shaped cross with an oval loop on the top. Pharaohs were often depicted holding an ankh. The ankh provides protection as well as good luck.
Most people who wear an ankh carry it on a chain around their neck. If you do this, you should touch it whenever you become aware of it, and tell yourself how lucky you are.
99. Badger’s Tooth
In the nineteenth century, gamblers often sewed a badger’s tooth in the right-hand pocket of their waistcoats to provide them with good luck when playing cards. I thought this was an old, outmoded idea until a few months ago when I saw someone handling one in the lobby of a casino in Phoenix.
100. Bee
Bees were considered sacred by the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks, and have always been symbols of good luck. It’s an indication of good fortune coming up if a bee flies into your home and then leaves. If a bee flies into your home and appears reluctant to leave, it’s a sign that a visitor is coming to see you. However, it’s a sign of bad luck if a bee dies inside your home. Wearing a charm in the shape of a bee should increase your popularity and provide you with good luck.
101. Bird
A charm in the shape of a bird will increase your energy, happiness, and potential for good luck. Birds have always been considered messengers who convey messages between heaven and earth. Because of this, a bird charm should also improve your communication skills.
102. Blue
Blue has always been considered a lucky color. This is because people in the past believed heaven was up in the sky, and as the sky was blue, that must be God’s favorite color. Consequently, even today, some people wear blue beads because they believe this color is a sign of good luck and will ward off all forms of negativity. An old saying goes: “Touch blue and your wish will come true.”
The tradition of wearing something blue to attract good luck goes back about a century and a half. Brides traditionally wear something blue, but in the late nineteenth-century men wore blue stocking supporters, women wore blue beads, and children wore blue ribbons around their necks. This was all done to attract good luck.2 If you need more luck, you should wear something blue. Think of your desire for good luck every time you happen to notice the blue item of clothing.
103. Buckeye
Buckeyes, or horse chestnuts, are beautiful, brown, silky nuts that are flat on one side and rounded on the other. They are called buckeyes because of a circular mark on the flat side that looks approximately like the eye of a deer.
In many parts of the world, people carry a buckeye with them as a good luck charm. When I was a child, I walked to school and passed a horse chestnut tree every day. I was extremely popular at school whenever the tree shed its nuts, as everyone wanted one because they liked the feel of them in their hand.
This must be one of the reasons the humble buckeye became a good luck charm. People probably picked them up, liked the feel of them, and kept them. Because I’ve had a lifelong connection with buckeyes, it’s probably my favorite good luck charm. Unlike normal chestnuts, buckeyes are inedible.
104. Butterfly
A butterfly charm will increase your sense of fun and joie de vivre, as well as provide good luck. Butterflies also symbolize freedom, good health, and happiness. It’s always been considered a sign of good luck if a white butterfly settles on or near you.
105. Buttons
Buttons are said to be especially lucky if found by chance. They’re also lucky if given as a gift from a friend, as they symbolize lifelong friendship. A shiny button attracts new friends. A single button, especially one that has been given to you, makes a perfect good luck charm. A jar full of buttons also serves the same purpose. The container can be shaken whenever you need good luck. My grandmother had a metal tin full of buttons, and as children my brother, sisters, and I loved shaking it for luck. Some people make good-luck bracelets from buttons they have been given. This not only gives them good luck, but also ensures the wearer’s friendship with the person or people who gave them the buttons will remain intact.
It’s important to put each button into its correct buttonhole when you’re getting dressed. It’s bad luck if you fail to do this, but you can remedy the situation by taking the garment off completely and starting again.
106. Cameo
Cameos are medallions or brooches containing a profile of a head, or a scene, on the face. Cameos are generally made from a hard stone, such as onyx, and are carved in relief against a background of a different color. A cameo needs to be owned and loved for seven years before it becomes a lucky charm. They frequently become family heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation. Cameos provide good luck and happiness for the wearer, and the good luck carries on to each new generation, as long as the cameo remains in the family.
107. Cat
Throughout history, cats have been considered both lucky and unlucky. They were sacred to the ancient Egyptians, and it was a capital offense to kill one. Freya, the Norse goddess of marriage, rode in a carriage pulled by cats. Christians denounced Freya as a witch when they tried to eradicate Pagan practices. The cats that accompanied her were also denounced, so people started believing that cats were agents of Satan. Even today, the popular impression of a witch is an old lady accompanied by a black cat. The image of cats improved when soldiers returning home from the Crusades unintentionally brought black rats with them. This caused the Great Plague that killed millions of people. Suddenly, cats were needed again.
Because they are sensitive, aloof, and enjoy being outdoors at night, people have always thought cats have psychic abilities. A cat charm helps people develop their psychic potential and attract good luck. A multicolored cat charm is believed to be especially lucky.
In Japan, shop owners use a cat charm, known as a maneki neko to attract customers. This is a porcelain cat that sits with one paw raised in the air. It looks as if this cat is waving, but in actuality it is beckoning in wealth. You can see examples of maneki neko in many Asian restaurants and Asian-owned stores around the world.
108. Chestnuts
Chestnuts have been a symbol of good luck for thousands of years. This may be because they’re pleasant to hold, but it’s more likely to be because they’re a winter food. In ancient Chinese astrology, the chestnut corresponded to autumn and the west.
See also BUCKEYE.
109. Coal
In the past, soldiers, sailors, thieves, and anyone else involved in potentially dangerous work carried a small piece of coal with them to attract good luck. The coal is especially lucky if it is given to you by a chimney sweep. You can keep it in your purse or pocket. If you happen to find a piece of coal, instead of carrying it you can spit on it and then toss it over your left shoulder to ensure good luck. Don’t look back to see where it landed.
You can ensure good luck and prosperity for the family in the coming year by bringing in some coal on New Year’s Day. This needs to be the first thing you do when you get up, and the coal must be brought in through the front door for the luck to work.
A charming theatrical tradition says you can toss a lump of coal from the stage up to the gallery to ensure the success of any new theater.
110. Coins
The concept of lucky coins goes back to the ancient Greeks, who tossed coins into wells to ensure they always had water. Even today, it’s considered good luck to toss a coin into a fountain, river, or well. Many people carry a lucky penny around with them to attract good luck. The luckiest coin you can carry is one that was minted in the year of your birth. A coin that was minted in a leap year is said to be twice as lucky as a regular coin. The first coin that comes into your possession at the start of a new year is also said to be lucky. You should not spend this, but keep it as a lucky coin for the next twelve months.
Some people always carry a few coins with them in their pocket or purse because they believe it will attract more money to them.
It’s a sign of a sudden increase in your fortunes if you happen to find three coins, all bearing the same date, in your pocket.
It’s good luck to find a coin, and it’s extremely good luck if the coin happens to be heads up.
It’s good luck to keep a penny that was minted in a leap year in your kitchen. This is said to bring good luck to the entire household.
A bent coin makes an extremely effective good luck charm. However, you cannot bend the coin yourself. To be lucky, you need to find it already bent.
An ancient tradition says that if you have a silver coin in your pocket, you should turn it over and make a wish when seeing either the full moon or the new moon. This wish, so it is said, will be granted. If you happen to notice the moon is in its first quarter (when the crescent moon faces left) when you’re out at night, turn over all the coins in your pocket, and you’ll enjoy financial good luck for the next month. It’s important that you do not remove the coins from your pocket when turning them over.
You can turn your lucky coin into a pendant, or keep it in your pocket or purse. Look after it, though, as your luck will decrease if you lose it.
If you find a coin anywhere you should always pick it up, no matter how small its value. This is because it’s always good luck to find money, as long as you pick it up.
If you’re putting on a new item of clothing for the first time and it has a pocket, place a coin inside. If you do this, you’ll always enjoy good luck while wearing it.
111. Cornucopia
The cornucopia, or horn of plenty, is a horn overflowing with flowers, fruits, and grains. The concept dates back to Greek mythology. Zeus accidentally broke off the horn of the goat that was suckling him. When he gave it to his nurse, the horn began providing unlimited quantities of food and drink. Ever since, the cornucopia has been a symbol of abundance and good luck. If you wear a charm in the shape of a cornucopia, you’ll always have enough of everything you need.
112. Crickets
Crickets have been considered lucky for thousands of years. Their chirping provided company as well as a warning of potential danger. At the first sign of anything untoward, crickets stop chirping. It’s considered bad luck to kill a cricket. In ancient times, charms in the shape of a cricket were used to ward off the evil eye. In China, crickets were kept in cages, as they symbolized summer, bravery, happiness, and good luck. Today charms in the shape of crickets are used to attract happiness and good luck.
113. Daisies and Dandelions
Daisies and dandelions are traditional symbols of love and romance. There can’t be many people who haven’t plucked off the petals of a daisy one at a time while chanting, “S/he loves me, s/he loves me not.” The final petal provides the answer. As children, we used to do this by blowing the cottony top of the dandelion, reciting the phrase with each blow. Another version of this was to make a wish, close your eyes, and then blow vigorously at the dandelion. If the entire top came off in a single blow, the wish would be granted.
Wearing a charm in the shape of a daisy or dandelion is believed to provide good luck and also attract the right partner to you.
114. Daruma Doll
The Daruma doll is the most popular good luck charm in Japan. Daruma was a sixth-century monk who meditated for so long that he lost the ability to use his arms and legs. Consequently, the Daruma doll is egg-shaped. When it’s knocked over, it immediately becomes upright again, symbolizing perseverance, ultimate success, and good luck. When you buy a Daruma doll, both eyes are white. To activate the doll, you paint a pupil in one eye and make a wish. When the wish comes true you paint in the other eye, and then buy a slightly larger doll and start the process over again.
Daruma dolls can be found in gift shops and online. I was introduced to them while in Japan many years ago, and have used several Daruma dolls since then. I like the fact that they force you to think of a specific desire. You are reminded of this goal every time you see the doll, and it’s a highly satisfying moment when the goal has been accomplished and you can paint in the second pupil.
115. Dog
Dogs have been considered our best friends for at least twenty thousand years. Dogs are friendly, loyal, obedient, loving, and forgiving. These qualities, as well as good luck, are said to be bestowed on people who wear a charm in the shape of a dog. Dog charms are often worn for protection.
116. Dolphin
Charms in the shape of dolphins have become extremely popular in recent years. It’s no wonder why—they’re friendly, intelligent, and playful mammals. In Greek and Etruscan mythology, dolphins always helped mankind. They saved people from drowning and carried souls to the Islands of the Blessed. The poet Arion is an example of someone saved from drowning. A statue of him riding a dolphin was erected at the Temple of Poseidon in Cape Sounion, Greece.
The dolphin is considered lucky because sailors in ancient times loved seeing them swimming around their ships, as it meant land was near. A dolphin charm provides protection and good luck.
117. Eggs
Eggs symbolize fertility, purity, spring, perfection, and the Immaculate Conception. Eggs feature frequently in creation myths around the world. It’s considered good luck to give someone a white egg. It’s even better to give a brown egg, as that provides both good luck and happiness.
An egg charm usually shows a baby chicken emerging from the egg. Sometimes, the egg is surrounded by grass and leaves.
118. Elephant
Elephants symbolize wisdom, strength, fidelity, prosperity, and longevity. Ganesh, the Hindu god of wisdom and luck, has the head of an elephant. Elephant charms became popular in Europe and the United States in the early part of the twentieth century. In charms, elephants are normally depicted with their trunks upraised, as these are believed to be luckier than elephants depicted in other positions.
119. Four-Leaf Clover
Four-leaf clovers have been considered lucky for thousands of years. The origins of the lucky four-leaf clover are unknown. An old legend tells how Eve took a four-leaf clover with her when she and Adam were expelled from the Garden of Eden. It was to remind her of the blissful life she had lost forever. An old nursery rhyme relates each of the four leaves to different aspects of life:
One leaf is for fame,
And one leaf is for wealth,
And one is for a faithful lover,
And one to bring you glorious health,
Are all in the four-leaved clover.
It’s a sign of good luck to find a four-leaf clover. You should dry it between two sheets of blotting paper, and then keep it in a cellophane envelope or small plastic bag. It will remain a potent lucky charm as long as you carry it with you.
120. Frog
Frogs were considered so important in ancient Egypt that they were embalmed after death. In the first century CE, Pliny the Elder (23–79) wrote that frog charms attracted friends and everlasting love. The Greeks associated frogs with Aphrodite, because of their noisy love-play. Consequently, they became a symbol of fertility. Frogs are a popular good luck charm in Japan, especially for travelers. This is because the Japanese word for frog is kaeru. The same word also means “to return home.” Many Japanese people carry small frog charms close to their money, to ensure it won’t be lost. In China, the frog symbolizes a happy home and family life.
In America, it’s considered a sign of good luck if a frog happens to enter your home. You should also make a wish when you first see a frog in spring.
Frog charms have been popular for attracting luck for at least two thousand years.
121. Hand
The hand symbolizes power and strength. Charms in the shape of hands have always been considered lucky, as they allow you to receive whatever is rightfully yours. The palm of the hand provides protection by pushing away any negativity. Hand charms almost always depict the right hand, as this is considered the lucky hand, and it’s also the hand of God. The left hand used to be associated with the devil and was considered unlucky.
Some charms show the hand with the first two fingers extended and the thumb, third, and fourth fingers closed. This is a sign of a blessing.
122. Heart
The ancient Egyptians believed the heart was the seat of the soul and intellect, and the body died when the soul left the heart. Many people believe that their hearts will be weighed at the day of judgment, and only people with perfect hearts will be allowed into the afterlife. Today, the heart is considered a token of pure love, and lovers frequently exchange heart-shaped charms to symbolize this perfect love. In addition to this, heart-shaped charms provide protection and good luck to the wearer.
123. Holly
Holly was a symbol of friendship in ancient Rome, and people would send it to each other as a gift. Holly gradually became associated with love and marriage. Consequently, it was a custom for single people to sometimes wear a holly charm to help them attract a suitable partner. Married people can also wear holly charms, as this ensures their relationship will be a happy one. Placing a holly charm under your pillow is said to help resolve marital problems.
The holly tree has always been considered lucky. The ancient Druids believed it had special powers as it remained evergreen throughout winter. It’s considered unlucky to cut down a holly tree.
124. Horse
Charms in the shape of a horse are usually white or black. A white horse attracts good luck, while a black horse symbolizes mystery and sophistication. (However, though they seldom appear as charms, it’s considered lucky to unexpectedly see a gray horse.) All horse charms represent strength and courage. In the East, the horse symbolizes happiness and a successful career. It’s one of the twelve animals in the Chinese horoscope.
125. Horseshoe
Horseshoes are considered lucky for a number of reasons. Horses have always been considered lucky animals. Horseshoes are made from iron, which is also considered lucky. The U-shape of the horseshoe is considered a sign of protection.
Horseshoes should be hung over a doorway. It is better to hang it outdoors, as this enables it to bring luck to the house and everyone living in it. If the horseshoe is hung with the prongs facing upward, it symbolizes a container full of good luck. If the prongs face downward, this good luck will be distributed throughout the house.
You can buy a horseshoe to hang over a door, but it’s considered luckier to either find it or be given one. If there are nails in it when you obtain it, you mustn’t remove them, as each nail represents a full year of good luck. Use the horseshoe’s own nails if possible. Always attach the horseshoe with an odd number of nails to maximize the good luck.
It’s an extremely lucky omen to find a horseshoe. When this occurs you should pick it up and nail it over the entrance to your home. Alternatively, you could pick it up, and spit on it while making a wish. Once you’ve done that, you should throw it over your left shoulder. It’s important that you don’t look back to see where it landed. It’s also important that you pick up a horseshoe when you find one, as you’ll receive no good luck from it if you simply walk past.
126. Kachina Doll
Kachina are the protective ancestral spirits of the Native American Hopi tribe. They emerge from the earth at the start of the winter solstice and provide protection until the summer solstice begins. Kachina dolls represent these ancestral spirits. The dolls are painted in six colors that relate to the six cardinal directions: yellow for north, white for east, red for south, turquoise for west, black for sky, and gray for earth.
Kachina dolls are displayed in the home and are also used as childrens’ toys. This is because the spirit represented by the doll is believed to bring good luck to the household if it becomes an integral part of the family.
127. Ladybird or Ladybug
Ladybug charms are often worn as brooches to attract prosperity and good luck. Seeing a ladybug is a sign of good luck, and it’s even more fortunate if it lands on you. If it does, count the number of spots it has. This indicates the number of lucky months ahead of you. Allow the ladybug to fly away when it’s ready. You’ll lose all the good luck it has provided if you force it to leave by brushing it off. It has always been considered bad luck to kill a ladybug.
The ladybug or ladybird received its current name during the Middle Ages. At that time, it was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and was known as the “beetle of our lady.” 3
When I was a child, I used to place a ladybird on a finger and recite a nursery rhyme before blowing at it. Invariably, it would fly away. The origins of the nursery rhyme are not known, and it first appeared in printed form in 1744.
Ladybird, ladybird,
fly away home.
Your house is on fire
and your children all gone;
all except one
and that’s little Ann
and she has crept under
the warming pan.
The most likely explanation of this old rhyme is the traditional burning of the hop vines after harvest. This was done to clear the fields, and many ladybugs were killed in the process.
128. Leaves
Leaves symbolize vibrant health and an abundance of energy. Because of this, charms showing a number of leaves are often worn to provide protection from colds and other minor ailments, especially in winter.
129. Leprechaun
Good luck charms depicting a tiny elf-like shoemaker wearing a red or green coat and wielding a hammer are especially popular in Ireland but can also be found on charm bracelets in many parts of the world. Leprechauns are tiny people who, according to legend, keep their treasure in pots hidden at the end of rainbows. Traditionally, the leprechauns will give their treasure to anyone who sees them, but this is extremely hard to do as leprechauns are wily, tricky people who love practical jokes.
Despite the many misfortunes the Irish have suffered over the years, they have always been associated with good luck, as the phrase “luck of the Irish” attests.
130. Lizard
Lizard charms are often worn as finger rings, though they are also found as brooches and pendants. They attract good luck and are also often worn to enhance the person’s eyesight. This is because the emerald green color of many lizards symbolizes the gem, which is believed to improve vision.
It’s considered good luck for a pregnant woman to see a lizard, as this indicates her unborn baby will live a long, happy, productive life.
131. Mandrake
The mandrake is the root of the mandragora plant. The turnip-like root is often forked, making the root look like a small person. Because of this, the mandrake has been used as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years. It is even mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 30:14, and Song of Solomon 7:13).4 The mandrake was used as a charm in the Middle Ages to provide fertility, happiness, and abundance. Some people carried entire roots around their necks, but it was more usual for small figures to be carved from the roots and worn as charms.5 If you’d like to experiment with mandrake roots, it’s not necessary to carve your own figure nowadays. Metal and ceramic charms representing them can be found in gift stores and online.
132. Mistletoe
The charming tradition of kissing under the mistletoe began in Scandinavia. Enemies who wished to resolve their differences would meet under the mistletoe and exchange a kiss of peace.6 It didn’t take long for people to realize that any two people could kiss under the mistletoe, and so the happy tradition began. Not surprisingly, a mistletoe charm is worn to attract love and romance. It also ensures the relationship is a long one.
Mistletoe was revered by the ancient druids, and was considered especially sacred if found growing on an oak tree.
It’s good luck to hang mistletoe in the busiest part of your home over the Christmas period. Every time someone is kissed under the mistletoe, the happiness, wealth, and luck of the family is increased. This good luck works only when the mistletoe is hung in your home. However, it’s good luck for the individual to be kissed under mistletoe anywhere.
133. Nail
It’s a sign of good luck to find a nail when you’re out and about. The rustier the nail is, the better, as rust increases the luck. To activate this luck, take the nail home with you.
If you wish, you can carry the nail around with you as a protective amulet. Alternatively, you can hammer the nail into the frame of your back door to provide protection for your home. The nail needs to be hammered in with four strokes of the hammer. With the first stroke, say out loud: “Once for luck.” Say, “Once for health” on the second stroke, “Once for love” on the third, and “Once for money” on the fourth.
134. Owl
The large, slow-blinking eyes that owls possess have always made people think they are wise. Consequently, owls symbolize wisdom, knowledge, and common sense. Owl charms are usually worn to attract these qualities, though some people keep them close to their wallets and purses, as they are also believed to attract prosperity.
If you’re fortunate enough to find an owl’s feather, keep it as a lucky charm that will protect you from envy and other forms of negativity.
135. Parik-Til
A parik-til, or blessing holder, is similar to Native American medicine bags. It is custom for Romani people to keep them as lucky charms, and they can be made for any purpose. All you need is a small drawstring bag. You can put anything inside it you would like as long as the items relate to your goal in some sort of way. If you intend using it to attract good luck, you might place an acorn, a stone you found, a small piece of gold, a note from you requesting good luck, a small lucky charm of a horseshoe, and a coin inside a green drawstring bag. The gold could be a gold coin, but it may be a mere fragment from a broken piece of jewelry. You might like to add a few drops of a favorite perfume to scent the bag.
Place the bag and the objects in direct sunlight for at least two hours. Place everything inside the bag, add perfume if desired, and carry the parik-til with you as a lucky charm. At least once a day, give it some attention—tell it of your need for more good luck in your life. To ensure continued good luck, continue doing this, even after you’ve attained whatever it was you were seeking.
136. Pearl
Pearls have been valued for thousands of years. In ancient Rome, people below a certain rank were not allowed to wear them.7 In India, the pearl is one of the nine stones in the Navratna, the most revered of all Indian charms. Pearls provide respect, kindness, sympathy, and love. A single pearl is believed to revitalize the body and provide peace of mind. People who wear pearls are believed to enjoy happy, harmonious lives.
There are many superstitions about pearls, mainly based on the idea that a pearl is symbolically the tear of an oyster. Consequently, if you’re given a pearl or pearls, you should pay a small sum for them to avoid shedding tears. Even as little as a penny is sufficient. If you don’t, the superstition says you will shed many tears. Some brides refuse to wear pearls on their wedding day, as they believe they cause them to start their married lives with sorrow. However, it is good luck to give a pearl to a baby, as it ensures he or she will enjoy a long life.
137. Pentacle
The pentacle is a five-pointed star enclosed within a circle. It is usually worn with a single point facing upward, as this traditionally invokes good, positive energy. It’s considered a symbol of black magic or evil if two points face upward. The pentacle has a great deal of symbolism attached to it. The five points indicate the five senses. They can also indicate a person, with the points representing a head, two arms, and two legs. Leonardo da Vinci’s famous Vitruvian Man depicts the proportions of a man, and is an example of this. It consists of a circle, enclosing a naked man with his arms and legs outstretched. As the circle is a feminine symbol of protection, this creates a picture of male and female harmony. Because of this, pentacle charms often consist of a circle with the pentacle inside.
The pentacle dates back four thousand years to ancient Mesopotamia and was possibly created to represent the movements of the planet Venus. It’s possible that it was the figure on the Seal of Solomon, though some experts believe that may have been a hexagram. The ancient Pythagoreans adopted it as a symbol of good health and harmony. They felt it symbolized the marriage of heaven and earth, as it combined the number two (earth and female) with three (heaven and male). Early Christians associated the pentacle with the five wounds of Christ.
A pentacle charm attracts friendship, harmony, good luck, and a successful marriage. It is considered one of the most powerful of all good luck charms.
138. Phoenix
The phoenix is a symbol of rebirth. According to ancient Greek legend, the mythical phoenix lives for hundreds of years before making a nest of spices. The bird then sets fire to the nest by flapping its wings. The bird turns to ashes, and then returns to life again.
The phoenix is a useful charm for people who are seeking renewal or a new start. Many years ago, I knew a man who had suffered a business reversal. When he started again, he called his business Phoenix Construction. As well as having a phoenix on his letterhead and business cards, he also wore a small phoenix brooch on the jacket of his suit. He believed implicitly that the phoenix helped him make a success of his second business.
139. Pig
Miniature silver pigs are frequently found on charm bracelets. This is because possession of a pig ensured the family’s success and survival in previous centuries. It also explains why money boxes are often piggy banks. The shape is believed to protect the money inside it and also attract more.
The German word for pig is schwein, and schwein haben means “be lucky.” In Chinese culture, pigs are believed to be brave, honest, and diligent.
Because of the pig’s association with prosperity, a pig charm attracts wealth as well as good luck.
140. Rabbit’s Foot
Rabbits’ feet, especially the left hind foot, are believed to be protective, as well as lucky. The hind legs of a rabbit touch the ground before the front feet. This was considered so extraordinary that the back feet were credited with magical powers. In addition to this, rabbits are extremely fertile, and in past centuries farmers wanted large families to help cultivate the fields. Finally, rabbits are born with their eyes open, and this gives them power over the evil eye. No wonder rabbits’ feet were considered a sign of good luck.
When I was a child, we always said “white rabbits” on the first of every month, as this was supposed to provide a whole month of good luck. These words had to be said before saying anything else. Some people repeat these words three times, and others simply say “rabbits.”
Rabbit’s foot charms are still extremely popular today.
141. Rose
Roses have been considered symbols of perfection for thousands of years. White roses signify purity, innocence, and virginity, while red roses relate to love and passion. Roman emperors wore wreaths made of roses as crowns, and rose petals were scattered on graves during the festival of Rosaria. They also wore rose garlands at their Bacchanalian revels, as they believed the garlands would control drunkenness and loose talk. Hundreds of years later, roses were hung or painted above council tables to show that everything spoken there was private. This is where the expression sub rosa came from. Christians relate the red rose with its thorns to the sufferings of Christ and his love for all mankind.
A red rose charm symbolizes faithfulness and protects the relationship. A white rose charm symbolizes purity in thought, word, and deed.
142. St. Christopher Medal
The figure of St. Christopher is one of the most popular good luck charms of all. St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers, and millions of people carry a St. Christopher medal with them when they are away from home. I know a number of people who keep one in their car. This medal provides protection and good luck.
St. Christopher was a third-century Christian martyr. An old legend says that he lived beside a river and helped travelers make the crossing. One day, he carried a child over the river. The child became increasingly heavy, and Christopher barely made it to the other side. When he mentioned this to the child, the boy told him that he had just borne all the world and its sins on his shoulders. He had crossed the river of Death, and the child was Jesus Christ. The name Christopher comes from the Latin word christophorus, which means “one who carries Christ.” The St. Christopher medal shows the saint carrying the child.
143. Scarab
The ancient Egyptians watched the dung beetle using its rear legs to roll balls of dung to its underground home for food. Because it can’t see where it’s going, the beetle often takes a circuitous route to its home. The action reminded the Egyptians of the sun’s daily journey across the sky. The beetle eggs laid inside the ball of dung eventually hatch, symbolizing creation. Because of all this, it’s not surprising that the scarab is one of the best-known Egyptian charms. In fact, hundreds of thousands of them were made over a period of two thousand years.8
A scarab charm symbolizes birth, regeneration, good health, and virility.
144. Shell
Shells have been used as lucky charms for thousands of years. Because you can hear a sound like waves pounding on a beach when you place a conch shell to your ear, people thought this created a connection between people on land and those at sea. Consequently, shells became lucky charms that ensured sailors and fishermen would return home safely.
145. Ship
The ancient Egyptians believed a ship transported the sun on its nightly journey through the underworld. Early Christians used charms in the shape of ships to provide protection while they were crossing over water. They also believed that ship charms symbolically carried believers across the sea of life to the Promised Land. This belief gradually expanded to protect the wearer from the sins of the flesh, to ensure that he or she was saved.
A ship charm relates to security, no matter what is going on in the wearer’s life.
146. Snake
The snake is a symbol of regeneration as it sheds its skin and appears to become a new snake. In Greek and Roman times, the snake symbolized vitality and good health. This symbology can still be seen today in the Rod of Asclepius, the emblem of medicine, which shows a rod entwined by a serpent or snake. Early Christians disliked snakes, as one offered Eve the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
A snake charm provides protection against enemies and anyone who may be conspiring against you. It also provides intelligence, insight, and longevity.
147. Spider
It’s considered fortunate to see a spider. In England, people used to believe that money would be coming their way if a spider landed on their clothing. It is considered bad luck to kill a spider.
A spider charm is said to provide good luck and protection from unexpected problems. It can help decision making, especially in matters involving money.
An old tradition says you’ll have good luck forever if you find your initials inside a spider’s web.
148. Star
An ancient belief says that we all have a guiding star, one that appeared in the sky when we were born, and which will disappear when we die. Napoleon and Adolf Hitler are just two people who believed they had a “star of destiny.”
Someone who was “born under a lucky star” experiences constant good luck as he or she progresses through life.
Wearing a charm in the shape of a star helps you attract some of the good luck that people who were born under a lucky star are supposed to experience all the time.
149. Tortoise and Turtle
Tortoise-shaped amulets dating back to the Neolithic period have been found in Egypt. This means they date back nine thousand years. This makes them one of the oldest of all magical objects.9
When worn as a charm, the tortoise gives patience, stability, longevity, and good fortune.
150. Lucky Flowers of the Zodiac
Certain flowers are associated with each sign of the zodiac. You can display, and in some cases wear, the flowers that relate to your sign to attract good luck. Many of them can also be bought as brooches or charms. Another possibility is to carry a small picture of your chosen flower in your wallet or purse. Whenever you see it, it will remind you how lucky you are.