Cecily, Mara

image image


Thx for listening to me blabber on about the meme image image image


No prob

Hope I helped u


U did


Don’t stress 4 real image image image image

People forget everything super fast image image

& who cares anyway image image


Yea I guess image


Thanks gnight image image image image

Dear Diary,

So the whole school knows I sleep with a stuffed animal. Gabs made a meme and Pri sent it to Vishal and he sent it to Colin and blah blah. Too annoying to write about. So embarrassing.

Mara just left. It’s official. I have a crush on her. I was so sad when she had to go. And we had so much fun. I didn’t look at my phone even one time! It doesn’t feel like a regular friendship. Like with Pri and Gabs obviously I love them. But this feels different. I just want to be with her all the time. When we hugged at the end, I waited until she pulled away first. Is that so weird? I don’t know how this happened.

